Recent Posts

  • The Pit and the Pendulum

    The Pit and the Pendulum (1961) – SSP091

    Celebrating what would have been Edgar Allen Poe's 214th birthday on January 19th, Karen has chosen the 1961 film “The Pit and the Pendulum” starring Vincent Price, for our viewing pleasure this week. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while enjoying an “Absolut Fear Cocktail“.

  • Superstitious Talk

    The Scary Spirits Podcast Presents: Wicked Ramblings – Superstitious Talk

    Welcome to the ninth episode of The Scary Spirits Podcast Presents: Wicked Ramblings, an entertainment podcast that strives to answer the twisted questions currently burning a bright hole in your dark soul. This episode out hosts are without a special guest, but they have some good discussions about various superstitions. Which of our hosts do you think is the most superstitious?

  • Dracula Prince of Darkness 1966

    Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966) – SSP090

    Celebrating the 57th anniversary of it's release in The United States on January 12, Greg has chosen the 1966 Hammer film, “Dracula: Prince of Darkness” for our viewing pleasure this week. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while they enjoy a “Vampire's Dream Cocktail“.

  • New Year's Evil

    New Year’s Evil – SSP089

    Wanting to ring in the new year with a bang, Karen has selected the 1980 slasher film "New Year's Evil" for our viewing pleasure this week. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss and critique the film while drinking a "Stroke of Midnight Cocktail".

  • Slay Belles

    Slay Belles – SSP088

    Piggybacking on Karen's Christmas theme this month, Greg has chosen the 2018 film “Slay Belles” for our viewing pleasure this week. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while they enjoy a “Cranberry Kringle” cocktail.

  • Christmas Evil 1980

    Christmas Evil – SSP087

    Continuing on her Christmas theme, Karen has chosen the 1980 cult classic “Christmas Evil” for our viewing pleasure this week. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while they enjoy a "Santa" cocktail.

  • Discovering Tarot

    The Scary Spirits Podcast Presents: Wicked Ramblings – Discovering Tarot, with Rev. Francine Haydon

    Welcome to the eighth episode of The Scary Spirits Podcast Presents: Wicked Ramblings, an entertainment podcast that strives to answer the twisted questions currently burning a bright hole in your dark soul. Rev. Francine Haydon joins us this week to teach us all about Tarot cards and doing readings.

  • The Howling

    The Howling – SSP086

    Celebrating the 74th birthday today of Dee Wallace Stone, Greg has chosen the 1981 werewolf classic, "The Howling" for our viewing pleasure this week. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while they enjoy a "Howling Wolf Cocktail".

  • The Devil Doll 1936

    The Devil Doll (1936) – SSP085

    Wanting to make all of her December film selections Christmas themed, Karen has chosen the classic 1936 film starring Lionel Barrymore, “The Devil Doll” for our viewing pleasure this week. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while they enjoy a "Mad Scientist Cocktail".

  • Countess Dracula

    Countess Dracula – SSP084

    Celebrating what would have been Ingrid Pitt's 85th birthday on November 21st, Greg has chosen the 1971 Hammer film “Countess Dracula” for our viewing pleasure this week. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while they enjoy a "Vampire" cocktail.