Ready or Not – SSP041

Ready or Not from 2019

Since February is “the month of love”, Karen has selected the 2019 romantic comedy horror film “Ready or Not” for our hosts to review. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while enjoying a “Broken Heart Cocktail”. The recipe that Karen found on is below.

Broken Heart Cocktail

• 2 parts vodka
• 1 part pomegranate and/or cranberry juice
• 1/2 to 1 part Triple Sec or Cointreau


  1. Mix ingredients in a shaker with ice and shake well.
  2. Strain into a chilled martini glass.
  3. Add pomegranate seeds and/or cranberries for decoration.

A Brief Synopsis: Grace couldn’t be happier after she marries the man of her dreams at his family’s luxurious estate. There’s just one catch — she must now hide from midnight until dawn while her new in-laws hunt her down with guns, crossbows and other weapons. As Grace desperately tries to survive the night, she soon finds a way to turn the tables on her not-so-lovable relatives.

Some of the topics discussed and highlights of this episode include:

  • The most popular Russian composer – Who could it be?
  • Le Bail = Anagram for Belial, which = ?????
  • West Side Story – Greg does his rendition of “Jet Song”.
  • Greg has a startling, embarrassing admission – What could it be?
  • 2019 – Who would have thought that those would be the good old days?
  • Greg Googles “Pacts with the Devil” – What pages come up first?
  • Latin – Greg shows that he knows a couple words in Latin even though he never studied the language like Karen.
  • The Bee Gees – The song, “How Do You Mend A Broken Heart” comes up in the discussion.
  • The 1812 Overture – What’s that all about?

Our rating of the film:
2 Cocktail Rating
This movie was pretty good. It only look us 2 cocktails to get through it.

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All music on the Scary Spirits Podcast is provided by the band “Verse 13”. Please check them out. You can listen to all their music on their Bandcamp page.

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