Tag: spooky

  • Leprechaun

    Leprechaun – SSP047

    In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, Karen has chosen the 1993 film “Leprechaun” for our viewing enjoyment. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while they enjoy a “Pot of Gold Cocktail”.

  • Creature from the Black Lagoon

    Creature from the Black Lagoon – SSP046

    Celebrating the anniversary of it's release on March 5th, 1954, Greg has chosen the Universal classic film, "The Creature from the Black Lagoon". Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while enjoying a "Creature from the Black Lagoon Cocktail".

  • The Black Cat

    The Black Cat – SSP044

    Greg has finally bought into Karen's belief that February is the "month of love". Continuing on that theme, Greg has chosen the 1935 film "The Black Cat" for our viewing pleasure. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while they enjoy a "Black Cat Cocktail".

  • The Bride of Frankenstein

    The Bride of Frankenstein – SSP043

    Continuing in her belief that February is the "month of love", Karen has chosen the 1935 Universal film “The Bride of Frankenstein” for this episode, Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while enjoying a "Hair Raiser" cocktail.

  • The Ape

    The Ape – SSP042

    "The Ape" from 1940 starring Boris Karloff is the film Greg picked for us to enjoy on this episode. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss and critique the film while drinking "Spinal Tap Shooters". Hilarity is sure to ensue.

  • Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man

    Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man – SSP039

    Continuing on our month long salute to wolf movies, Karen has chosen to subject us to the 1943 Universal film “Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man”, starring Lon Chaney Jr. and Bela Lugosi. The cocktail for this week is the Gin and Tonic.

  • Werewolf of London

    Werewolf of London – SSP038

    January is "wolf month" on the Scary Spirits Podcast. Continuing on this theme, this week Greg has chosen the 1935 Universal film “Werewolf of London”. Join our hosts as they discuss the film while enjoying a “Full Moon Cocktail.

  • The Wolf Man

    The Wolf Man – SSP037

    This month Greg and Karen are featuring movies involving wolves. For our first entry, Karen has selected the Universal film “The Wolf Man”, from 1941. Greg and Karen discuss the film while drinking a Tequila Moonrise which Karen found in her True Blood Cookbook. We hope that you enjoy it.

  • Scrooge

    Scrooge (1951) – SSP035

    Karen has selected the holiday classic "Scrooge", from 1951 starring Alastair Sim for this very special Christmas episode. Greg and Karen discuss the film while drinking a Ghost Cocktail which Karen found on Food.com. We hope that you enjoy it. Merry Christmas from our families to yours!

  • Frankenstein

    Frankenstein – SSP031

    Join Greg & Karen as they discuss the 1931 Universal film "Frankenstein" while enjoying a "Lightning Bolt". This delicious cocktail was found on Fandom.