The Bride of Frankenstein – SSP043

The Bride of Frankenstein starring Karloff from 1935

Continuing in her belief that February is the “month of love”, Karen has chosen the 1935 Universal film “The Bride of Frankenstein” for this episode, Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while enjoying a “Hair Raiser” cocktail. The recipe that Karen found on is below.

Hair Raiser Recipe

• 1 oz vodka
• 1 oz sweet vermouth
• tonic water – to top
• lemon and lime for garnish


  1. Fill a highball glass with ice.
  2. Add vodka and sweet vermouth, then top with tonic water.
  3. Garnish with a lemon twist and a lime twist.

A Brief Synopsis: After recovering from injuries sustained in the mob attack upon himself and his creation, Dr. Frankenstein falls under the control of his former mentor, Dr. Pretorius, who insists the now-chastened doctor resume his experiments in creating new life. Meanwhile, the Monster remains on the run from those who wish to destroy him without understanding that his intentions are generally good despite his lack of socialization and self-control.

Some of the topics discussed and highlights of the episode include:

  • The human heart – How many times does the heart typically beat per day? In a year? In a lifetime?
  • Religious Symbolism – Greg and Karen spend a little time discussing the religious symbolism in the film.
  • Homunculus (plural homunculi) – What the heck are they?
  • Burgermeister – Once again the Burgermeister makes an appearance.
  • We learn that Greg can be lured away by a drink.
  • Cigars and wine – The monster “hotboxes” a cigar and enjoys wine.
  • Dokken – Greg makes a reference to their debut album.
  • The Empire Strikes Back – Is it the best sequel every made (the answer is: “yes”)?

Our rating of the film:

3 Cocktail Rating

This movie was OK. It took us 3 cocktails to get through it.

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All music on the Scary Spirits Podcast is provided by the band “Verse 13”. Please check them out. You can listen to all their music on their Bandcamp page.

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