House on Haunted Hill SSP026 00:00:00 - 00:05:01 Everyone knows it. Vincent price is throwing a party. It's gonna be a real banger guns as party favors hangings haunting xxx shootings and as an extra special bonus a big old vat of acid in the basement. All in a house on haunted hill. And lucky you. You're invited to the party. Join us for episode number. Twenty six of the scary spirits podcast to find out who survives. The night were rooting for you cheers. Welcome to the scary spirits podcast. Please be advised that the presenters may use adult language and or discuss adult situations. His podcast is not intended for younger listeners. For those that may be easily offended. So if you're ready let's go home Hi i'm greg. I am karen and welcome to the scary spirits podcast. Podcast the combines. The two very different yet. Highly compatible worlds of scary films and alcoholic spirits. What could possibly go wrong. I don't know we'll see hopefully not too many things. Hopefully are you karen. I'm doing fantastic. How are you. i'm okay. that's good. I don't think there is anything that we need to correct or any omissions from last week's karen do you. I'm not sure but if anybody knows of any they can certainly let us know yes. Email us at info at scary spirits dot com and let us know if we made any errors but what if they wanted. Just talk to me caryn. They can email you at karen at scary spirits dot com. Funny how that works. It is very specific. And what if they wanna yell at you to yell at me. You can send an email to greg at scary spirits dot com. Sounds very professional. Yes that's us professional indeed. I believe this film was my choice. Yes it was your choice. So the film. My of chosen is house on haunted hill from nineteen fifty nine cairns. No i don't remember. Nineteen fifty nine either. Might you have a brief synopsis of this film. I can. I do have a very brief synopsis. Please please share show. I lay it on you. House on haunted hill. A millionaire offers ten thousand dollars to five people who agree to be locked in a large spooky rented house overnight with him and his wife. It is accurate. Yes little sketchy on detail but but accurate this and we do have a cocktail for this found cairn in what would that be. I chose the skeleton key cocktail. You want to tell everyone how to make sure we're gonna need one in a quarter ounces. Bourbon whiskey not one and a half not one one in one quarter. I can't i don't get it next. We're going to need three quarters of ounce elder flower liqueur. We need a half ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice from the plastic lemon or in your house minds. Actually real minor real. Thanks for sharing. Turned my lemons. Yes so it's gonna be a long. We're going to need three to five ounces of ginger beer use the non alcoholic version. Can you tell us the alcoholics. And then we're going to need bidders eight dashes of bidders the instructions say build the bourbon elder flower lacorte in layman juice in a collins glass filled with ice. I guess that means y'all put it together. I tell you build it no one at a time. I'm guessing then you top off the glass with the ginger beer. And then finally you garnish with the eight dashes of bidders and the bidders actually stay on the top products which is pretty nice stirred mine so didn't say stir but i did good. I do get pretty good. 00:05:01 - 00:10:01 Yes with a straw and enjoy. Karen is good. It's the first time i've ever had the elder flower. And i found this on the spruce eats dot com. She we give our listener time to make their own cocktail. Go make it listener this one or any other. I don't care and we're back yes we are. I've no reason for picking this cocktail. Other than skeleton key sounded like it might fit with hothouse movie. Have you ever seen this movie. I have oh you have okay you now. It had fallen into the public domain. So it's one of those that you see all the time around halloween which is probably why it was free on amazon. Did you watch the color or the black and white. I watched the original black and white version. Cairn which did you choose and shows the black. And also although i'm curious to watch a little bit of the color to see how they what they did you know. What color are the dresses and shoes. Yes yes it was important details that i like. Yeah i know. I might watch it tonight later and collar just a little bit to see. Are they pastel. Are they jewel colored what are they. I do see it on often around. Halloween just never ever watched. It never caught it at the beginning. Which is what. I would want to do and i really impressed with. It actually liked it. I ready get into it. Yep let's go actually have the color version playing right now on my other screen east. Well when they get to the clothes. Tell me what there were colors. They're wearing karen. The film opens with smoking alcohol. Use foul language and violence karen. Those are all in their well foul language. I don't remember foul language. You he called the one. The drunk i sought sat fell well. Nc seventeen yes. We start with screams groans and what i called on house nouns. Yeah it's a black screen and it sounds like somebody put in. One of those tapes used to buy that said on the yes. Exactly you're right. I mean we see. I guess the owner of the house just as head just to said floating f- talking about how the house and his brother and his wife were killed there. His brother and his brother's wife were killed. There now taunted and yes seven people were murdered there and he's only spent one night there in in the morning. he was almost dead. And then vincent price's head pops in same kind of way. yeah flottant. He describes the party. That is going to happen. He and his wife or giving a haunted house party his party. Apparently you keep. He said he does say that often. But it has a very interesting prize. If you spend the night there you will get ten thousand dollars. Karen ten thousand dollars. Which in one thousand nine hundred fifty nine was just about the ask. Do you know how much that was. Fifty nine money. I do ninety nine two thousand dollars right so almost almost a plan. Yeah to spend the night. I'd be up for trying that while the guest all arrive in a but then calls a funeral procession. Yeah he called him funeral cars. Do you know what that is. Well the first car was a hearse right and after that they all arrived in what they call funeral cars which i didn't know what that meant. Black cars must be something. I don't know and then we're kind of introduced. Each is a guest in their cars their name and what they do and basically they all need the money right. Do you know who they are. Why no one's a psychiatrist as well. Now i we see lance. He's the he's a jet pilot yet. Lance is the test pilot and he needs cash really. The newspaper calls right. Who says she wants to write an article but she's desperate for money because she gambles watson owns the house. Watson pritchard he but he needs money and dr david psychiatrist yes. The ghost will help him work on hysteria his his field but he has a touch of greed. Is what vincent price says. Nora works for vincent price and needs the cash because she supports her family though. So those are the guests. Plus vincent price in his wife. Annabelle so are introduced all of them. And then we have credits. 00:10:01 - 00:15:08 We see them pulling in to the house. Which is a frank. Lloyd wright houses in my hollywood hills or something. Yeah i was gonna say. I didn't know that's what it was but it looked very modern. They could've used a picture of any house because no none of the action takes place out there and they chose a very modern one. I thought it was strange. That's all i would have picked castle. Look in one or something so they all entered a house and they introduce themselves to each other because none of them know each other. And none of them know vincent price's character fredrik laurin even nor works for him. She works at one of his companies and has never met him. All they do know is that he's very wealthy and he's on his fourth wife. Yes that's what they do know about him. And as introducing themselves a chandelier almost falls on the young girl. Who is nora right and but lance springs into action and pulls her out of the way. And we see vincent price. I calling benson price the whole time. So so do i surprise. Watches from the upstairs landing then goes into his wife's room and they have a little bit of spat. Yeah they're prickly with each other. They're not happy. Happy like each other now and he tells her the guests have arrived. Apparently she's tried to kill him in the past with ours nickerson and she doesn't like how jealous he is all the time. So that's why they don't have any friends and and she keeps saying she's not going to the party and he keeps telling her it's all it's her party and basically he accuses her of wanting all his money and she does shady mind tonight. So then vincent goes down and to meet the party. Guest explains the rules of the evening. When does pull out the knife set right before he he pulls out a knife and says this is what she used to kill. Everyone hack them to pieces and left them all over the house because he makes the point that the heads had never been found found fans and other yes all over the place but the heads and never been found. He's talking to the other guests. And then vincent price arrives to tell him what the rules are in the house. Well the caretakers are leaving at midnight. Yes they are locking the doors and there's no way to get out until eight. Am when they return if they make it the whole night they get ten thousand dollars karen they do. There's no electricity no phone so they can't call for help and they do have a choice if they decide by midnight. They don't wanna stay. They can leave. Yes and if one of them doesn't make it one of them dies or whatever they each split evenly fifty thousand dollars okay. So there's they're splitting fifty thousand dollars if one or two or three or whatever. It doesn't make make it in vincent price. If he's it is a state will pay them. That's basically rooting for other people to die so you can get more money. Maybe nice okay. I guess you could look at that way here. Cynical way to do that if he were greedy. So next pritchard takes them on a tour of the house because it's his house right. He owns it. yeah. I don't think he's been there very much he's like i said he's only have spent one night there and they don't really explain why he owns it that i recall anyway. Do you remember where the knife was karen. Now it was in the arm. Rest of chair get opened up and four a knife. Well yeah. isn't that where you keep yours. Okay yeah interesting. I didn't catch that. Maybe you do catch a lot more when it's in color i don't know because he put it from a green the armrest of green chair. Oh is that in the x ray. No no it's on my screen over here. Oh you're watching it now. Okay here's colorized versions. I'm already surprised at the at the colors of the close. Not what i pictured. Ain't round the what i pictured but not that next blood starts dropping on the columnist hand. What's her name. So the the first stop in the tour is a bloodstain on ceiling. Yes these are the high points of the house at bloodstain on the ceiling. So her name is ruth and it does. It drips on her hand. And richard says. The ghost has marked her near marked. Ruth likes her spirits. Vincent ask them all before they go on. Tori them awfully want drinks. He's asked him several times if they want drinks and she always says she say sky dan. That's all she says. Yes scotch and what those at me. I'm guessing soda. I don't know mick scotch with another decanters with like a push-button asia's like pushes it in like dispenser. 00:15:09 - 00:20:07 That's why i'm guessing it's soda. Then they all go to the seller They do or the original owner was trying to make wine and end up putting in a pit filled with acid. Did he kill his wife or something. The original owner yeah. He pushed his wife in the that of acid. He just put it there so he could push her in there and pritchard finds just conveniently finds a rat in a trap underneath one of the tables and drops it into demonstrate how the acetates flesh and muscle and everything but the bone so the rat skeleton floats up to the top. Yeah they make a point of saying that which if you really through something in a vat of acid it would dissolve all the tendons ligaments and not this. Acid karen is a special acid so all the bones would float part yes said eventually would degrade the bones to i. Read a little bit about Gangsters and stuff that dissolved people with acid. Which i'm sure tang. Yes made the government's ears perk up but most people use lie which is a base not an acid remind. The money went to go into ask there. Are all you would do that. How would you dispose them. A body dr karen. Well i'm not gonna say that but they do dispose of bodies at universities and stuff that have been used for as cadavers and things so there are ways to do it but it's very difficult to get rid of everything you're going to have pieces left so eventually everyone leaves to go back upstairs except for lance and nora yeah they linger lance wants to check the place out he starts opening all the doors saw the closet doors in the room and he asks her why or how she got invited. Ner flirting basically a little bit. If any now yeah i do. The last story opens he goes in and it shuts on him it. Doria closes and slams iraq's slams and locks on the can't get in and she turns and sees an old hag from across the room come towards her on roller skates all the candles go out candles their gas lights but are they okay. This electric i was wondering how they do that. So they turn it off. And they all go out. Gotcha that makes much more sense to me now. Looks like how is it just happen. It that all the candles go out to save time. All right off me although it does look like a ghost white frizzy hair crazy is like White is almost and all in black and she is moving like she's on roller skates like she's floating so nor runs upstairs to tell the others the all run back downstairs to go look and of course now. The door is open. It's unlocked nora. Starts opening says we're gonna need to break it down. And then she has pulled up and yeah and the lights are all back on. Yes and they go in and they find lance on the floor with a bump on the head bleeding from a bump on his head. He's got a pretty nasty little mark there. It's gonna leave a mark. Then the psychiatrists fixes lance. This head wound bandages. Up and says nora is experiencing hysteria which always makes me think a deaf leopard. And then lance tells nora. Meet me in the hallway and ruth has another drink. Another scotch and gotcha and whatever that is lance and nora go back to the seller. Yeah which i wouldn't do but whatever lance he's he's a he's a jet test pilot he has no fear but nor is the one who saw the ghost true but they go into the closet where lands hit his head. They start banging on the walls and things and has strange down in one section of the wall and i go to the closet next to it lance steps off whatever and they discovered. There's three feet gap in between the two closets inside the wall or some shit right. It looks like there are secret. Passageways down there. That's what's implied anyway. Nora seized the ghost again. What she thinks is the ghost and lance research time. Yeah but lance it rolls out on rollerskates again lands she screams and lance comes running in and he does not see it man and he doesn't believe her he pooh-poohed who's hair and he didn't see it. 00:20:07 - 00:25:04 It's not real. So she gets mad and stomps away goes upstairs and she runs into annabel. Vincent price's wife annabel asks why she came and nor basically says cash dollars. So what would you call that. Annabel's wearing karen gold lemay probably gold or whatever. Yeah it looks like it is go lemay according to the colorized version. She's fancy the rest of her clothes that she's wearing over that gholam. Ar if you had to guess no look light in the red purple well. That's close reds clues to purple probably purple velvet. Yeah that's what it looks like. Yeah so. Vincent's wife annabelle right. Yeah no runs into annabel and it's just kind of funny because annabel says don't be loaned again and she must tell her two or three times to go fix her face and she looks fine to me. No but she says fix your face. She looks good. Nothing is out of place or anything. But she does show her to her room and tells her to know fix your face freshen up and do not go anywhere in the house by herself right then in abell meets lance and she shows him to his room and she sits on his bed. She's a little bit of a flirt there and she asked lance if she's endanger. Can she count on him so she wants to be the damsel in distress. She's playing on lance's heavenly. Yeah you're my only hope it well. She's worried her husband's going to kill her. Because she's his fourth wife and the first one disappeared and the second to died of heart attacks in their twenties twenties. Yeah yeah so. I'd be a little nervous to myself to know she leaves. Lances room goes into the hallway. And here's a vincent coming. So she runs back to. Her room starts brushing her long blonde. Hair vincent enters and they have another little spat. Can't they just don't seem to like each other very much now. The eventually pose her hair pretty much tells her you're going to the party right right. He's a little bit physically abusive and make sure agree to go to the party. This is where he points the champagne at her. He shook a bottle of champagne. That was earlier. Okay that might have been there first their first meeting. Because i did the whole thing. No poison it. And then she he makes her l. He makes her dream. Yes so they don't trust each other. Basically then vincent price goes in knocks on lance and nora's doors in tells them it's it's almost me right karen. Yeah so yeah. It's close to midnight. That's what he says. Yeah that's close to me. The michael jackson song. He wants everybody to gather in the living room. The for some reason nora goes tour suitcase before she leaves a room opens it nurse head in it. Sounds like she's found overnight bag. it's a little. It looks like a cosmetics case but maybe she was going to fix her face. Don't know freshen up. So they all gather downstairs. Well wait before she that happens. She comes out of her room. And there's curtains at the end of the hallway and they're kind of moving. i'm guessing they're purple. She goes in there and somebody grabs her covers her mouth and says come with us before he kills you and then she screams runs away and goes down to living room and that's when she says she wants to leave she doesn't want to stay. They are a very deep purple very deep like velvet to as well then we see the caretakers right. Yeah they come into the room and the caretakers are. The woman is who nora saw earlier in the cellar. Apparently she's blind old and riser light and then the guy her husband is the guy who grabbed nora behind the curtains and told her to get out before he kills her right yeah so then. Annabel enters introduces herself. And vincent again goes over the rules of the party and i keep saying she wants to leave. He does repeatedly. I don't want to stay here. I don't want to stay here. But then they hear a door slam and they're locked in early. Yes so fencing. Explains they're stuck there until eight am. There's no way out which. I didn't figure out until maybe later why they were locked in early. 00:25:05 - 00:30:01 But we'll revisit it a little bit. But did you see the cool party favors. I noticed the coffins on the table earlier. I did too yeah. Seven miniature coffins been since wife. Annabelle says we do have party favors. And basically pulls a what appears to me to be like the colt. Nineteen eleven forty five caliber handgun cairn from each coffin. Yeah that's what. I thought stays. It's basically an oprah you get a gun and you get a gun angie. Everybody gets a gun now really not locked in early. It's only like five till midnight. I know but nora saying she wants to leave the door slam and she still should have had time to leave. And of course. Vincent shoots vase on the fireplace in uses one round to prove that were pritchard. So he's got one less round than the rest of them at the time. You a know that at the time thinking that might be important later but maybe not and duck says very logically. Guns are a bad idea. And you know. Vincent price's like were would he want pritchard avenue gun the way he's drinking. Well doc says what if had a gun. When the caretaker was downstairs she would a shorter. So i agree with doc that guns as party favors not such a good idea. I'm gonna stick with that and say he's doing a good thing here drinking and guns or at a small party with when you're scared. Yeah not a good thing and the way they just like pointing me each other. Just willy nilly as they know nothing of gun safety any of them when we don't know each other. So why would you trust any of them. So then nora takes them all upstairs to show them the head that is in her luggage. It thinks she would might have brought that up when she first got down there but which she waits until the all get a gun and they all go up stairs but of course heads gone when they get up there then. She just screams for everyone to get out gal room. She's very stressed. They're picking on her and that's with a doctor thinks is well. The doctor thinks that vincent is doing all this tour so he tells him to stop scaring her so next. We find that nor and lands have adjoining rooms after she yells at them to. Just get out. Get out right. Lance doesn't listen no he knocks on nora's rooms but nor does not answer so he just goes in anyway. Because you know what's what you do she wouldn't be in their change. Nothing or fix or maybe. She doesn't want to see him. Maybe she just doesn't want to see anyone. Amy so he enders but nor is gone and her door wide open. Well the closet door opens the door opens on its own. All these doors are opening on their own and closing on their own and no one seems fazed by this just like oh a door open. I'm should go over there and see what's what's in the closet. Yes what is in the closet. Well the head the head hanging from a hook on the niklas it he is it out. I don't think it's a real hit. It looks kind of fake. Well greg this movie magic but then he runs downstairs and confronts pritchard with it in the way he does it like he accuses him of doing it because the heads obviously fake or something the feeling i got. I don't know it didn't look obviously fake or obviously real. Do you know what i mean. I couldn't tell what they were going for. But while they're down there they hear a scream and pritchard says the ghosts have nora than lance runs up the stairs and we see what appears to be a woman hanging you. See a pair feet off the ground negligee or sleep in thing. I dunno nightgown nightgowns but not agreeing else now. And they're standing there looking adder. I'm like sex hoti cutter down. They do they cut it out eventually. Comes out and springs in action and tells lance cutter down the carrier into the bedroom. And that's when they both look down expecting it's nora but it isn't carrying no it's annabel poor annabel. He's a terrible doctor. He doesn't even take her pulse or anything you just like she's dead. Yeah vincent comes running in. And she's dead. 00:30:01 - 00:35:01 Whatever your name. Is vincent price mr lauren. So then as lance leaves the room. He sees those deep purple curtains at the hall. Move he heads towards them and then he finds nora around the corner and nora grabs him and tells them that. Vincent price tried to kill her to strangler left her for dead. Right that's what she thinks. So she says yeah lance just as well if he thinks you're dead you need to stay in your room. Lock your door. He won't come looking for you. Fee assumes you're dead he he can't see you anymore he has to assume you're dead right right one down to two now. I guess yes so. The cash dollars prize is going up. Psychiatrists tells everyone he wants to have a meeting in the living room. Yeah lance tells nora lock yourself in the room because everyone thinks she's dead very casually. Nobody seems to mind that. Nor is dead or annabel's dead. Whatever will no one thinks. She's no one no she's supposed to be dead except for lands and whoever tried to kill her and whoever tried to kill her. But it's price is not upset at all that annabelle is gone. No should a tier. i noticed. now he's very calm. Cool as and some price is true but he does go to visit his wife's body in the fines pritchard in there and he chokes him and tells him never to come in there again right. I guess he does. Oh yeah because he's protecting her from the ghosts he's trying to protect. Sorry vincent kicks him out. They all go down to the living room and have a family meeting. Try to figure a way out. Yeah they can't get out of the house and they're six hours left so it's basically two. Am who i am. And vincent wants to know how his wife got up so high to hang herself correct because john bov no bladder no nothing right so you could have climbed up on. The there was a rail right there. Yeah that when he said that but but basically he's implying she was murdered. It wasn't a suicide. Yes by one at the guests or himself. Of course if it's a suicide he does he. Get any insurance probably. I don't know. I know you research that you've got ting to jeff just from all the crime shows. I watched always the husband way. It's always a spouse so then they tried to do is who killed annabel. I think the doctor says it might be best. Each one of us stayed in our rooms the rest of the night alone right to protect themselves from each other too good ideal gone right and one or two of them say anyone comes to the door. I'm shooting so it's a good idea. Good idea shoot. I next questions later. We'll have more to be alone and not let anyone in your room. Mean ghosts can go through walls. people certainly can't so well made their secret passageways. But you know what i mean. Isn't they're all in their rooms locked in their rooms and someone tries to open the psychiatrist door the knob turns and he goes to open it and of course. There's no one there. yeah. I wouldn't t that. Oh and neither doors dead boated. What do i care for new ones trying to open it. They could shoot through the door. So i would wouldn't be where the door was but there's a keyhole i might put my i down there no way but shoot your eyeball our just be on the floor looking under manuel looking for shadows or but staying low so that i'm not shot. Learn that in baltimore get down on the ground and then once again. Blood drips on the newspaper columnists hand. Apparently she's in the room with the blood on the ceiling. Do drips on her hand again. Yeah it's weird then. Lance goes dinars. Room again lance breaks the. Rules go sonora. He's going to try to find a way out. Rules don't apply to him. He's gonna go try to find a way out correct and the nor should stay there and keep the door locked and he will come back for her if he finds a way up and he does he finds a secret door. He does but it closes right behind him. We don't see lands for a while after that. Yeah but we do see nora. 00:35:02 - 00:40:01 And there's a thunderstorm and the lights go out in her room yet. Lights go outdoors room. A rope comes through the window and begins to wrap itself around her feet. She just stands there with her feet standing at attention. Here's your move. Here's roy made a note shoes question-mark karen which is you know shoes. Just normal black. Nothing special then. We say normal secretary shoes. We see. that's bad. It's just that's what they are. Yeah annabel's floating outside her window outside the window somehow so the rope is coming in. It's a big thick rope. The rope looks like the one you had to climb in gym class. You know it's it's a big thick rope and somehow it snaking in through because all the windows have bars on them so they can't leave and snaking through the bars straight towards her towards nora and then makes a circle around her ankles while she stands there. I guess frozen in terror. I guess yeah and then just as quickly as it wrapped around her. It unwraps then goes back out the window. I think very snake like but that's how they did that. They filmed it with wrapped around her in the airport. Back in and they just reverse the footage for coming that makes sense. Yeah yeah i don't know how she's floating outside though. Yeah i don't either. Well she's supposed to be a ghost. Yeah so nora. Grabs her gun and runs out and she runs out to sea annabel hanging above the stairs again and then a hand comes out from behind and starts to grab nor and she runs down the stairs really going after nora. She is looking for lance yeah. She's yelling for lance. Yeah she goes downstairs and back into the living room. It looks like in oregon in there and it starts playing all by itself. And then vincent price opens his door and sees the duck walking around with his gun so basically no one is staying in their room. But the columnists columnist yeah. She's the only wiping the blood off. Right she's the only one that has a reason to leave her room. There's blood dripping on her. I would leave the room find another lunch. Everyone else just leaves their room. But then and the doctor have a heart to heart a point. Yes yes doctor. Convinces vincent that. Maybe they should divide and search the house because doctor says either either. There's someone else in this house or no. One of the people have left the rooms because he's hearing footsteps and they both here the oregon and all that stuff going on right right right so they do split. Split up to see what's going on. The doctor tells vincent you take the upstairs. I'll take the downstairs any weights for vincent to leave within. What does a psychiatrist do karen he sneaks into. Vincent's room as he doubles back. Go since the current events room. He goes bills. Vincent there in separate rooms are they in separate homes. I couldn't tell they are but she's on a bed. That has curtains around the bed. A canopy bed. I guess they call april kurds and he opens the curtains and santa sannebel. Annabel sheets looks so peaceful like she's sleeping she does and he says it's almost over darling every detail was perfect and i'm gonna say and she her chest heaves right. She takes breath. they're in cahoots. That's exactly what i said. She and this psychiatrist are in cahoots. As what i wrote me to me. I mean i didn't know if she was dead or not. But i didn't. I didn't peg that. She and the doctor were you surprised. Oh you saw it before. I've seen it before. But you know not enough that i remember exactly what happens. You know it was a good twist. I was not expecting it basically. They're trying to get nora to kill vincent. They're terrorizing her so much scaring her. So much that. When vincent walks in she's gonna shoot him. She's going to be so scared right right. That's their plan and it appears to be working and this is why. I wonder if you go back to the door. Being slammed five minutes early because nor wants to leave like she says i'm out and this is their whole plan is to break her so she she commits the crime. She consumers vincent price. 00:40:02 - 00:45:01 So i think with her wanting to leave. They make the doors close early so she can't because if she leaves the whole plan is off though note Annabel's very concerned web whether the plan's gonna work or not confident. Yeah today. I feel like she says something about the caretakers but he says they don't know what's going on but apparently they do you think they told him to leave early. They might have you know. Change of plans go now or something so annabel and the doctor hug and kiss. Yes they do. Then we see two or poor nor in the cellar. Why would she go back to the seller. A lot more to say about poor nora busy. No later okay. Yes she goes back down to the cellar handgun in hand and the canned or the candles. I called him again. The lights go out the gas lights. Go out and vincent comes in to the room. And she shoots him cheetahs. She shoots him just like they planned then. The chitral comes in and opens the acid that wins the acid pit in the floor. Yeah so it's got it. There's a pit the psychiatrist does tell. Nfl when you hear the gunshot come to the seller. Right what what gunshot. The gunshot wounds Nora shoots vincent. Oh she yes. He tells annabel to do that. Yes but so just to kind of explain for the listeners. There's a vat of acid but it is covered with. What do you think lawrence leo. Something whatever it looks wooden but would dissolve this acid. Only dissolves flesh. caring okay. Gotcha but there's a kind of a. There's a wheel that you turn so that it will lift up. Obviously it's heavy. You can't just walk over and lifted. It has to be attached to it with a pool of block and tackle correct so the doc opens it nor runs out of the room as soon as she runs back upstairs as soon as she shoots vincent once she's committed murder she runs back upstairs. Yes dot comes in and opens the acid. Matt drags vincent to the edge and then a like surround goes. Here's someone bubbling in acid. Yeah we don't know who caring. We don't know what happened. But we think it's vincent well we know it's not nora. How we knows annabel because she comes down in her sheer baby. Blue nightgown yeah. I thought you'd like that part that great. She looked like a hitchcock blonde. So yeah all right so she comes down just in time. Well she's calling for david. Yes that's the doctor's name. The door closes behind her on. Its own all the other doors in the room close on their own and then she sees a skeleton starts to come out of the acid pit yep skeleton from the anatomical chart company or whatever it is because it's real it's a real real hole drilled in the top of it does have a hole drilling has cut yep and it's got little strings of things keeping it together. Well yeah so whatever skillet eight comes out and starts walking towards her. Very puppet like nasim. We hear vincent's voice to make vincent said something about. He played the game two or something. That never played your game a murderer. You didn't know. I was playing two or something so he knew about the plan all along. Yes apparently but i'm i'm thinking why he was shot. How is he standing there. So he's not standing there yet. This skeleton l. That's true in the skeleton comes towards earn walks towards or. Oh yeah i like. It has muscles and everything and ligaments and can move puts his hand on her shoulder and kind of like backs up to the pit of. She's backing up. Because she's afraid and then it kind of it like a cartoon it kinda like you how you go blink with your finger because she's right on the edge of puts its hand on her shoulder and that's all she wrote into the vet she tumbles so she screams and goes into the acid she go. And then vincent comes out and we see he. Has this elaborate. That master mannequins strings thing. He's the puppet master. He was making the skeleton walk. He was making it move and everything and he knew all all the plans right. 00:45:01 - 00:50:08 Then we see nora next. And she finds the others. And they're the others are trying to find lance in that secret passage all at the door but they get him out right and then they all go back down to the cellar. Nora tells them the she shot vincent and they all go down to find him. Standing there live which is good for her good for her. And vincent tells him that he put blanks in nora's gun so that's why he ain't shot care and i know that now at the time i was thinking how was he walking around. He got shot. You tells them that the doctor tried to put him in the acid and he fell in and so did his wife annabelle. Yeah they try. He explains they were trying to kill him. They failed yes. And he says he's he's he's ready to be judged by a jury of his peers. If so for comes to that and pritchard looks in the vet. Nobody seems all that concerned that two people got thrown in nevada acid. You know they're like okay. We believe you and score of them now so they split fifty thousand dollars right and work for them. Pritchard looks in the vat and says now there are nine yes so he's added to more than he says they're coming for me. Now come comfort you and we hear laughter and we see the door. Close the end credits. Dont i liked it. I thought it was really good. I do too. I like vincent price is especially when he has a role like that. It's made for him you know. He plays that character a lot. But i really enjoyed it. I knew nothing about it. Really before watching it. And i will put that in my rotation. I liked it. There's lots of plot holes in it. Let you know they spent two hundred thousand dollars made millions so but i didn't see usually you can see in those low budget movies what's going to happen. I totally didn't see the dock. And the wife of i mean you knew. She was kind of a flirt. Or whatever but i thought lansing nora. We're gonna. I don't know i couldn't. I did not have that as the outcome. I mean you knew someone was going to end up in the vat for sure like that was a given but their connection the doctor and the wife. I didn't see it either. I mean i kind of remembered as i was watching them like okay. I remember this skeleton comes out at the pit of at the end and pushes someone in. But i didn't have it all together in my head. Exactly who and why. You know what i mean. Yeah it's good. It's no our fifteen minutes. While spent i would say yeah. I think it's a great movie too. Great well no for halloween. Like for a halloween night. That's haunted house movie it is. I mean it's if people haven't seen it it's a good sit down. Have a drink some popcorn. Yeah just sit down and watch it and appreciate it. Yeah appreciate it for what. It's what it is. You know anything. You were pleasantly surprised. Well they got me you know. I really thought the bill was dead when she hung herself. Well not exactly. But i thought maybe she was in cahoots with lance or something. I didn't put it in together with the doctor at all and i didn't. I couldn't really figure out how they invited. All these different people. I mean there was a lot of unknowns but i thought it came together really well i mean. There was some silliness like the skeleton. Whatever but i didn't see it coming. And i like to that about it remained. Well they did remake it nothing in nineteen ninety nine that remade it now that would be. Cgi i don't know i never seen it well. Yes well cherno vincent price. I'm not interested. Just i do like him. I think laura he adds a a creepy factor to every movie caroline. Craig not to plate. Nora she did a good wide eyed innocent. This was her final film karen. Why is that she did. Tv shows after this. In the nineteen seventy. She died from a self inflicted gunshot wound. Terrible apparently got divorced and went to a deep depression and in december nineteen seventy committed. Suicide melda adds to the creepy nece. Yes and also the guy who played the doctor the psychiatrist He died on stage so he was a theater actor. 00:50:08 - 00:55:03 Yeah while playing. One of mae west's husbands opinion. She had multiple husbands in. This play called sex tet. He died onstage during the play. Weird bound to happen. I guess once in a while sometimes going to happen anything else you sir anything. You're disappointed in. You know not really but i do kind of wonder what what was the purpose of the columnist. She really played no role whatsoever. I mean she got blood dripped on her a couple times but there was nothing for her to do and i felt a little discipline adds to the cast. You know just. Like i guess but lance had a role yet but the men had all you know lance and the doctor and pritchard and vinci's priceless should karen nineteen fifty nine. It almost seemed like i. Oh this person a favor. I'm gonna put them in this movie you know. Get them with some money or something. I don't know. And i don't know how annabelle was floating outside the window. And the rope thing was weird seemed impossible to do and see little things like dot haning but her david copperfield but overall i. I wasn't disappointed too much. I mean there were obvious. Plot holes like i said. And what about you. What did you really like. Did like the twist enjoyed that. I almost felt it was too soon. But i guess not. Because it's only an hour and fourteen minute long. Yeah the caretakers wife looked good to you. Know she was scary looking. The house itself was pretty well. The interiors were good. I thought yeah now. Use the same house because there's lots of the same motifs on the inside the roar on the outside. You know what i mean. I guess but most of those houses are very modern and the inside of the house was very old fashioned and heavy and european. You know very heavy furniture and lots of wallpaper and the outside was very clean and modern so usually was with every now and then you would see like a column or something with those that same. Yeah design that was on the outside. It was a disconnect for me but the house shots were shot in the historic gina's house which was a flink. Lloyd wright house. The bulk of the film interior were shot on sound stages depicting the interior of the house in a combination of styles. So that was. I guess that was smarter than to include those little things that i saw that look like things on the outside. You know what i mean. Just was an odd exterior house. I think for a haunted house teaches own. It doesn't matter. You know you can be murdered anywhere so you know. It doesn't have to be a creepy looking house for you to be murdered. Nobody thought it was well decorated. It was extensively decorated blood. Were you disappointed in the skeleton. I saw the hornets said before it even was popping up. I know it was bad a in the end. That's part of the story that he's like a puppet right. Well yeah except there would be two skeletons in there. But you're right he would be prepared with the third skeleton but strings would not survive acids. So i don't know what he was Yeah i don't know how he didn't actually come out of the vet. I don't think i saw that. By the time she got down. There was already out or climb saw it came out through the surf. It's right 'cause that's we saw the whole. I own the head. I saw like okay. That's hornets head came out. Okay the creams zeman cut. Yep number plot holes but you know the secret passions that goes nowhere. They didn't explore that. Is there three feet gap in between the two Knows that port really. I guess i guess we're just supposed to imply. That's how the servant got there the caretaker but yeah lance disappears behind the wall and then just comes back and nobody says anything about where he was. Nobody talks about annabel's death. Nobody really worries that nora shot someone. It's just i guess you know you're gnome into it when you're scared. Maybe i don't know i still liked it though. 00:55:03 - 01:00:05 Yeah i can fifty nine. Actually they say that hitchcock saw this figured he could make his own low budget. Horror film called psycho. Oh really that's interesting. Make money this made money. It was low budget some pointed the owner did fail to renew its copyright or whatever so did fall into the public domain. That's why it's free. That's why it's free well. That was a mistake. Well hitchcock if he was inspired by this he up the game. So what would you think about this skeleton key drinkers. We'll let's say it's better than i thought it was gonna be. I've never had ginger beer. So i was expecting it to taste more like beer less like ginger so like at the whisky immediately but then the ginger lemon come in well the with the alcoholic. Ginger beer i think it elder flowers in her somewhere maybe metals it. I don't know because i don't taste that as much. The ginger might be a little harsh in the elder flower. Sweetens it a little. Maybe i don't know it's it's good though i enjoy it. I would to try it without the alcoholic. Ginger beer just to see what i did. I don't alcohol. Surprisingly did not have a choice. I didn't even know it was non-alcoholic until already made to drink. So did you make it on youtube already. I did you know if you wanna learn how to make all the drinks on scary spirits. Podcast you can go to the youtube channel and greg demonstrates every drink every week i do the please remember. I'm not a bartender. I just play went on the internet. You must be getting better. Maybe maybe not. You'll get the general idea and here. It's scary spirits. We encourage you to edge road flare. You want a little more. I had a little more limited s you one and a half houses of whiskey instead of one and one quarter you. Do you fly that freak flag we support. You can't anything we learned today. We learned that ten thousand dollars in nineteen fifty. Nine is ninety two thousand dollars today. Yes we learned way too much about acid dissolving body mitchell acid special specialist bullied dissolves soft tissue cairns like flesh muscles lamb and whatnot quickly to does it quickly. Oh it's magical. We learned the fate of poor and poor psychiatrist. Not nora annabel nora. Nora is fine nor shot. She killed the actress kills herself as one of saw. I'm sorry. I thought you meant the character in the movie i apologize. Yes you're right. The doctor died on stage nor shot herself. Yes correct. I thought you were talking about in the movie now did make reference to its glimpse to me which does have been price in it. Right says that several times to people during the film. And that's the first line of michael jackson's thriller a phenomenon back in the day. Did you ever learn the dance. What a lot of people did. I'm not coordinated enough to know interesting. I didn't even watch the. I watch the damn video premiering. That was enough. I didn't really care to see it again. What was on all the time if you watched. I know but you know like on. Mtv was like the big video premiere was like almost like a feature ling bang right. There's a whole prequel to the video and yeah back in the day kids. Mtv used to be known as music television and they actually played music videos. I wish they can half hour long as full version or some shit. Oh is it yeah. I don't know. I don't remember. I mean it was groundbreaking for the time. You know there are lots of special thing. George has evolved makeup and special effects and it was a big deal. Yup was very expensive to make and it was a phenomenon. Yes directed by horror director. George landis who did an american in london and michael. Jackson contacted him after seeing that film to do that. I can see that the thirteen minutes short fail. I guess is what it really is. A huge budget compared the video prior debuted december second nineteen ninety-three on t. 01:00:05 - 01:03:44 v. So yeah george. Landis directed it there you go kids look it up. All right karen. How many cocktails. We given this movie three three standard. Three yeah i mean it's it's good for its genre. It's not a great movie but tainting. Yeah i think it's a solid. Three sold three should free amazon prime. That's not really free stuff to have amazon prime but but it's out in public domain. I bet you can watch it on youtube. And probably there's probably you can probably watch it on google. It's probably somewhere. But i don't know where to watch it on google. You can wash on wikipedia pages linked to watch it right the full film right karen our upcoming movie and cocktail. I believe it is your choice. It is let have you chosen for us to watch the week before. Halloween or the week of halloween have chosen the nineteen seventy eight classic film halloween halloween halloween the week of halloween so original. Okay any other particular reason other than it's halloween. I don't need another reason. Besides that do we have a cocktail we do. We're gonna go a little rogue and we're gonna do the jack-o-lanterns cocktail. What am i going to need to make a fucking jack leonard cocktail. That's nice a need one ounce of light room one ounce of dark rum one ounce of one fifty one which they don't make anymore so i guess you add more lines. Yeah whatever you want when ounce control orange orange liqueur three ounces of orange juice one and a half ounce of lemonade a quarter ounce of grenadine. All right can anyone. You need to thank this week. I think all thank melissa for leaving us a nice review on apple. Podcasts can't really helps us out when we get a good review melissa. Thank you for my of my darkened soul. Cold dead heart us. We always love review anyone else. Well all the people who are gonna rush to their computers to write a review. Homeless people are gonna email us. Yeah tell us how wonderful we are. Tell you how delightful you are and yell at me. That's how i see it in my head but that doesn't mean that's how it's going to play out. Well we do need once again thing i thirteenth. Letting us use their music in the podcast. Once again there evo- will be linked in the show notes. Anything else karen please drink responsibly. Oh and happy halloween. He thanks so much for listening. Wanna keep in touch check out our website. Scary spirits dot com. Follow us on facebook and instagram. That's scary spirits. Podcast find us on youtube. That scary spirits podcast. If you have questions or comments you can email us at info at scary spirits dot com to help us grow the podcast. You can leave us a review on apple podcasts. You know we really do appreciate your support and as please drink responsibly.