Friday the 13th SSP016 00:00:00 - 00:05:04 This week we are lucky. Enough to have a special guest star appearing on the podcast. John greg son joins us per second time for car. Talk weapons analysis and advice on how to get off the perfect shot also as a side note. Be sure to listen for our simultaneous gas. Before when greg admits he's never seen the sandlot and if you just can't get enough of john give his first guest spot with us episode number nine. The evil dead podcast. Listen enjoy this week's episode of the scary spirits. Podcast friday the thirteenth cheers. Welcome to the scary spirits. Podcasts please be advised that the presenters may use adult language and or discussed adult situations. His podcast is not intended for younger listeners. Or those that may be easily offended. So if you're ready let's go. hi. I'm greg hi i'm karen and welcome to the scary spirits. Podcast the podcast. That combines the two very different but highly compatible worlds of scary films an alcoholic spirits. What could possibly go wrong. Yes how are you karen. Excellent how are you greg. I'm okay okay. Good and once again tonight we have a special guest. My son john. John how are you doing fantastic. As usual. good to hear he actually came back after the first one impressive. All right karen. I believe that today's movie was my choice. Was it was it not. I believe it was and the movie were doing. Today is from one thousand nine hundred eighty friday the thirteenth. Because as you all know. This episode comes out august eleventh which means friday will be august thirteenth friday the thirteenth clever right. I believe we have a cocktail. We do so. Today's cocktail is the camp crystal lake. Would you like to know how to make it and what you'll need care and of course so we're going to need one ounce of campari which is an italian bitter bitter liqueur. Yes it is. We're going to need to outsource of sparkling wine. Which is just you know if you want to get fancy newsreel champagne you can. I guess and then we're going need some honey and some red food coloring so basically we're gonna mix one of campari with two ounces of sparkling wine in a cocktail glass then in another or container. I used a shot glass. We're gonna make honey red food coloring and we're going to pour that over the rim of the glass correct. Oh i put it on a plate now you can do that and spawning world. Yeah and spun spun it around and then tipped in your super fancy. Yes i am. I didn't do that at all. I just took my little just poured it around the rim. Got the same effect minds. Better take care. Give the folks at home a chance to make their own shitty camp crystal lake cocktail. I will say about this one. It's it looks much prettier than it is. And it tastes it is. It's a really cool. Halloween drink. But i would use the honey and red food coloring for something else but yes. Please gather your ingredients. Make a better read beverage to go in it. Yes all right. Hold on all right we're back. Esp are okay so my son. John told me when we started this. Podcast hey if and win you ever do the original friday thirteenth. I wanna be on with the john. Why is that. Wait with you with with with us okay. I think he really wants to be on with me but go ahead. Well one of the things that i really liked about it is Again slowly for the last that was on the campy nature of it takes a little over the top everything a little A little bit extra. 00:05:05 - 00:10:00 It's also missing that polish. That you kind of back from something of this sort of a legendary caliber and and it's also the first movie in third of my favorite series of for them but it's much different than the others see. I don't get that. But i guess these aren't my favorite kind movies because i saw this one and i never saw another one after this see it started at all for john and ended at all for me. Just didn't didn't enjoy these movies back then especially going back to our conversation when we did a nightmare announce street when we were comparing the two because you had said this was the first one you watched and and you asked me if i thought this one was worse than a nightmare elm street you remember that meaning gory. Year not worse as a moves not no. It is much tamer than i remembered. Yeah and this was enough to make me not want to watch any more of them but on a another no. This is the first movie that we've watched that. I've actually seen before so grant. I was in eighth grade. Maybe ninth grade. I didn't till the eighties the late eighties when it was on cable once again. What's i busted out of my parents house. got my own place. Got cable john. When did you see it. How do you think you were a one day. I was probably chair fourteen. I see that about spout. When i that's my age so i was a little traumatized by it passed i was. I was well into my twenties. When i saw and i actually have the opposite reaction that you did. I saw this. And i loved it. I saw i saw nightmare. Elm street granted. I was younger when i saw this nightmare on elm street absolutely terrified awful hated it. This didn't bother me at all not me. Because he by the time he saw this he was probably desensitized to the sort of stuff. Just like may i think it's more so the whole aspect of like if not a psychological as nightmare out street is that's true because this is more straight up. We're gonna kill everybody john. Did you see the movie john. Carpenter's halloween i haven't eaten. Okay what did you see before after this if you remember before i think so. You were like twelve when you saw halloween which is much better film than this. I respectfully disagree. But i i. I never really liked the character of wires. If at this movie is basically a total rip off of halloween. Halloween was before this. I see. that's where they came up with the name voorhees. It was a scene. I guess in the movie. Halloween where there's a like a street sign that says hayden. What is hanes berg. That were halloween. Took place and underneath that it says voorhees. It was a name of a town in the same area as halloween took place in which one made more money. I think halloween probably overall. I'd say probably definitely all right. Let's see box office for halloween. Sixty to seventy million box office the thirteenth fifty nine million. So just a little less. Yeah but halloween had a much larger budget. And it shows so there. Are we ready to get into the film. What do you want your synopsis and again. Yes lower budget. life can't be be nature do you. Do you have a synopsis. Karen yes. I do awesome because i do not. That's my job isn't it. it is sorry. Look at me. step on your toes. Look at your outlined greg. Study the outline crystal lake's history of murder doesn't deter counselors from setting up summer camp in the woodsy area superstitious locals warn against it but the fresh faced young people. Jack alice bill. Marcy and ned pay little heed to the old timers then they find themselves stalked by a brutal killer as their s- latch shot and stabbed the counselor struggle to stay alive against a merciless opponent with someone actually shot no note. No one was shot and just for the record. I never used the word jack in the whole evening. So is that kevin. Bacon fed is kevin bacon. I don't say jackie. 00:10:02 - 00:15:03 So when i say kevin bacon does this and cave bacon. Does that and kevin bacon marseille or doing this. I mean jack. I thought that might come up. Yes okay where did you watch it greg. I watched it on amazon. Prime high paid four dollars and sixteen or twenty six cents for this in john. Where did you watch it. I also watched it on amazon. Because i watched it on a site called popcorn flicks dot com and it was free and i was all excited until about fifteen minutes in and the ads popped up so i kept going because i didn't know how often the ads we're gonna pop up while they pop up pretty often but it's interesting. It's a terrible way to watch a movie like this because it breaks the suspense. You know you hear the music boom. It's a petsmart so it was a little easier to watch it that way and it would be great for a free and you can skip the ads after the first one. But i thought it was a great thing i discovered until it's not what you would use for a movie like this but if you were watching like a rom com or something it'd be fine. Who was again. What site was it. Popcorn flicks dot com so popcorn flicks dot com if you wanna sponsors. We'll still take your money. I mean. I don't think there was anything different. We'll find out but it just would there'd be these real tense situations and boom an ad pop up so was a different way to watch it. But hey i saved four dollars and fifteen cents. You go girl okay. Are we ready to get into it. I'm in john ready. I happen all right. Movie opens and it says that it is camp crystal lake nineteen fifty eight. There's a bunch of teenage. I don't know maybe twentysomethings sitting around a fireplace playing the guitar and singing down in the valley. Remember that song karen no. I don't either. But i recognized it. Have you ever sung around. The camp player have i. Yeah jayme really yes. Okay john you. I have actually around interesting and i made a note that clearly. The person playing the goat tour is totally. Faking it. well. I wouldn't know that but okay. We always see the back of guitar as they're playing. We see the back of the neck of the guitar in her hand. Moving up and you don't really see what they're doing on the strings but they ain't playing what's being played. I can tell you that. John i did not but at least they gave you the out of a. We just showed it from behind you. Don't gotta stare at angers to okay. Then we cut to a shot of the full moon correct so we see if they do the hallelujah and they finished do that christian style but two of the counselors sneak off toting hands and we got one of the guys and one of the girls. They sneak off and they start making out they go upstairs and some like born her loft or some shit. I really know where they were but they were an ability up. They went to a cabin. I think that's what i think before that the door open to the cabin. So good yeah. We're shoulder the beds. Yeah music was playing like were in their sleeping. While the counselors were sitting around the fires playing their kun-bae shit right in the friday. The i i love that sound the friday thirteen. Yeah i mean. That's some good composing. It's like jaws music. You know something bad's going to happen when you hear that yes throughout the whole rest of the movie when you hear that you know. Yeah so it kind of ruins. What's going to happen. I think but anyway it ups your stress level. You know you hear it right so they go upstairs in this building and they start making out now made a note. It really doesn't look like nineteen fifty eight judging by their clothes or shoes. Did you notice their shoes. Karen i did that. Look like nineteen fifty eight footwear. to you. Know ninety savvy footwear. Maybe they run to the cabin. Here's my my favorite line. The girl says marianne kisses. Good as i do and he says how would i know and i was like ooh smooth good answer good answer but then apparently they are startled by someone. Someone catches them. Yeah they put a blanket on the floor and their kissy facing at least put a blanket. 00:15:03 - 00:20:08 Yeah they're classy so someone catches them apparently stabs the guy and the girl after he says we weren't doing anything yes and then the girl is like screaming and they freeze frame on the girl screaming and then we go to the title screen and we see the credits so to dead before it even starts greg no happy i was glad i had something to watch before the credit started but i could've used something to watch wild. The credits were rolling but didn't make a note that special effects makeup was by tom. Savini should. I know that. I don't famous okay. Makeup guy off the maiden. I also made a know about the makeup and i talked about how we've got a lot of bad acting going on but a lot of good special effects makeup wasn't bad i'll give it that so then after the credits the movie starts and his says across the screen friday the thirteenth the present the in this case is one thousand nine hundred eighty right i think so. Yeah do do you remember nineteen hundred karen i do. I do too. Not quite the glory was was not. It wasn't a good year. i don't think it was not not as good as the mid to late eighties. Those were better. And i know john donne remember so. I'm going to ask her out. Be a little creek if he did. But okay next. We see backpacker walking through the town. We learned her. Name is annie. Yes she stops to talk to. A dog asked the dog how far it is the camp crystal lake. Then she continues walking through town and we see the payphone egg hanging on the wall. Did you notice that current. The antique not as antique as a booze true. It's one of those super modern egg-shaped payphones the town's pretty dead to nothing's going on until she gets to the diner it is well. That's why said actually goes into a store. I don't know it was a diner a deli or whatever and she asked where camp crystal lake is and everyone stares at her. Yeah she gets the side. I i did make a note. There are lots of cartons of marlboros. Marlborough lights though under the owner this show that and so she asked if there's a bus or something night and eventually this guy named genus offers taker there. Yeah she asked how far it is to crystal lake and it's twenty miles. Oh i didn't even catch. That's that's quite ways to backpack but we don't know how far she's come. I like any. I have to say. yeah. I did too so far. She's my favorite character hopeful. She's got the spirit she's perky. She is perky so innis and anti or walk into his truck and a man jumps in front of them as they're walking down the street and he says you're going to camp blood aren't you. Yeah russian of round out his ralph. Yeah yeah so. How much time do you think is passed since the original murders at this point because it just says present so we don't know fifty eight eighty. Oh so we're assuming it's eighty yeah. Okay i'm assuming it's eighty twenty one years later camp counselor. Amy is driven halfway okay. So it's twenty one years later according to wikipedia. Yes so it's twenty miles from where they are now and he's gonna drop. We're at the crossroads. Which is halfway. so she's still have to hook ten miles right. Which which i did make a note that in is kinda grabs or asked me to into the truck so i helped her into the truck by grabbing her ass. Like oh my god you go do. Get it where you can back in the eighties. Nazar driving Tells any about all the bad things happen to the camp and may not the audio is terrible. Well yeah ralph leaves on his bike and the truck driver. What's his name eunice. Ns s anne if her bosses told her anything about it right and she says basically no. She's going to be the cook. Yes she's gonna cook for. Fifty kids and ten same. Christie is a boss and she asked what happened he tells her and he also tells her she should quit. Yes he does so he drops her off at crossroads which is right at the cemetery in the sign on the cemetery says new hope or hope new jersey now. I didn't notice that sites where this is filled next. We see kevin bacon and two other kids in a red nineteen seventy seven ford f series pickup truck. 00:20:11 - 00:25:01 John do you know how much that trump is worth today. Nowadays what you say that makes nineteen seventy seven ford f-series pickup truck. Are we assuming excellent condition. Yeah thirty thirty. Five thousand karen. I hate this. He only does this john to take away points. Because i get everything else right. He knows all screw this up. Nineteen seventy seven ford f series pickup truck. How much would one of those be worth in good condition day. Okay this is like prices right. What did you say john birdie. Okay do i have to be closer without going over all say fifty to five going. You're going the wrong way. Eighteen three. that's closer guess average value. Today's thirteen thousand five hundred really in excellent condition in good condition. Yeah well you know how much they were brand new off the lot base price thirty five hundred thirty five hundred dollars brand new off the lot. Nineteen seventy seven thirteen thousand today. You could sounds like you get your hands on one crazy. I've seen on one way or another vehicle coming soon. Did they all fall apart. Is that why they're not around anymore. I don't know. I found this information on a blog. Page i guess on ford's website and it's about how to escape mass murderers what. Yeah they mentioned like friday the thirteenth and other movies like world. That abused it. Yeah psycho maniac. Killers are getting away in ford vehicles. It's pretty cool. And i made a note that as the driving along. I noticed that the godfather paperback sitting on the front dash. I saw that too. And i wondered if there was some sort of symbolism there but john anything not that i know of okay. I think you must have been just a popular book or something and i did notice. Also they were doing country driving. That's right down the middle of the road or when you're the only car there why do i matter i don't know but i still. I still don't drive down the middle of the road unless i'm going to my parents house because that's country driving. You know our we don't even have lot though so they eventually arrive at the camp in their nine hundred. Seventy seven four f-series pickup truck and we see guy chopping wood a shirtless dude with gene cutoff. Shorts and hiking boots shorts greg. I'm bet new wore that outfit at some absolutely in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine thousand nine hundred. That is exactly what. I was wearing bandannas and all so anyway. They all jump out of the truck and they help him river remove a tree stump. We found out his name is steve. And then there's another girl. There named alice who has a very eight haircut. I made i know she's got the dorothy hamill. Yes the dorothy hamill exactly what it was so stephen alice start hanging a gutter. And steve starts looking through alice's sketchbook apparently she's an artist inherit clear she never thought gutters. Before i agree one hundred percent she liked. Move the ladder a millimeter and put another. What are you doing girl. She didn't have the nails in her mouth though. That's that's a pro move. But steve says that she's very talented and very pretty. Yeah but alice wants to leave she. That she's not sure she likes us. Roughing it put hanging up gutters and whatnot clearing trees. But steve convinces her to stay for another week and to see how it goes and he says if she still wants to leave you will put her on fuss himself. Yep she's not. I don't know maybe maybe anne knows what's up. She should just leave you alice. Oh sorry alice sorry any. Isn't there yet any doesn't know what's up my bad completely. Steve decides he needs to go into town for something. He's gonna leave everyone else there to keep working. 00:25:01 - 00:30:08 Steve gets in his nineteen seventy two jeep. Cj five karen dino how much a nineteen seventy two jeep cj five is worth today in good condition. His wasn't in good condition even then Eighteen thousand three hundred. That's pretty close. John do you have a guess. We're going to go with chain off. You need to split the difference. I think it's seventeen seven about seventeen thousand seven hundred dollars. I eighteen three. I'm way you're closer you are. I get the ballot. Okay socket john but do you know how much a nineteen seventy two jeep. Cj five what is base price was in nineteen seventy two john. Ugo i what are gonna go. Where three thousand e karen. I'm gonna go forty two hundred. John wins he's only off by forty five dollars. Wow twenty nine. Fifty five for my research was based price while night. victory bell. john that just blows me away. It was like three grand in seventy two and now at seventeen grand most landed no. They don't well everything that we've done on here is gonna i guess we've done a lot of older older cars. Because the classic yeah but anyway so he gets in his jeep and he goes to town. He tells the others that if any arrives to put her ass to work in the kitchen and we cut to an archery area. Yes there an extra girl. Here that's brenda. Where did she come from. She was already here yes. She wasn't in the car with the three of them. All the sudden. There's another girl. Yeah she was yes. She was already there because we alice was already there. Bill was already there. No bills driving the truck. Or maybe that was ned driving a truck drives the yes so kevin bacon and marcy and ned arrive in the truck. Alice bill brenda. And steve are already already there. Okay i get. It just seemed like she showed up out of nowhere. Brenda and ed almost kills brand with an arrow. I'd have been so pissed and then is that you'd be pissed. No is that netted wildly irresponsible with project. Projectile he's wild the irresponsible with everything. He's the comic relief i think. Yeah for the most part. Does he do an impression of bogart. Who s he does. He's like a lovable nerd now. He's not a douche or anything well kind is because he almost killed her but he supposed to be this lovable guy. Yeah just a fun guy. Next scene we see a nineteen seventy-two jeep. Cj five crab very similar to steve's stops and pick up any along the road as she has hitchhiking it this achieves top is up. i made a note. Steve left with his top down. So not sure what what's going on there. What do you mean. It's a different jeep. It's much nicer no. It's actually in reality. It is the same jeep. They use the same jeep. Winfield really seems they did. It just looked a lot nicer in this. They're both green. Cj fives we've seen worse so you know right off the at off they write it off in the story as these were like can't vehicles whether the same vehicle so he gets the jeep in her driving down the road and the cheap passes. The road says camp crystal lake this way in anti says. Hey i think we missed the turn. Hey i think we need to stop. would you please stop and we never see the driver. But the jeep doesn't stop. What's those accelerates now. Yes it does so any ends up jumping out of the jeep as it's rolling along. It's going pretty fast. And she jumps out and i swear to god. It looks like she should have broken her neck. The way she fell out. I she did something because she lived her way through the woods to try to get away from the road yes. She's dragging her leg for sure. No one in the woods and we hear terrible music in any is being chased by an unseen person. I guess and then she eventually falls at the feet of someone she stands out and her throat is slit with a knife. 00:30:08 - 00:35:01 What kind of knife was that. John locke or make the case. It's the same kind of style is the uh buck one. Ten from evil debt. So it's like it's like a bowie knife. yeah boeing. I we knife. Everyone say it's kind of sad that they killed her. I kinda liked her. I did too. I really liked her. I really wanna see more of her again. Like i said this is the first movie that i've watched that i've seen before so i already know the ending so the interesting thing about watching it is seeing. I didn't really pay attention. But every once in a while. I would notice something that kind of made you think it was someone else. You know like another counselor or someone they were trying to throw you off because this is a big surprise ending but i was surprised. They killed her so early. Little psycho like you know killing off somebody so quickly we cut to the scene. Where the other counselors or swimming in the pond. I think it's crystal lake like yeah. I like them crystal lake and kevin bacon in a speedo. I did make another that. Did you make note that. John did indeed when we're different but someone we see is watching them from the woods. Another unseen person. So they're all in the well they they're watching and then whoever's in the woods there ring reflects sunlight and one of the counselor sees it right. I think it's marcy might be brenda though. I believe it's marcy. And then they just poo poo it move on they. They do see it so eventually. Ned starts screaming for help as the others. Come out of the lake bay dive into save him except kevin bacon. You never diva's in. He just i don't know if he does. He get in the canoe or something. Yeah because his hair states perfect the whole time. Throw out a ring. That doesn't do anything and it was. It was a cluster if that's how they're going to save someone and it's brenda. The saves umbrella goes down. And posing up and drags him to the dock and starts giving him mouth-to-mouth and that's when ned puts his arms around her and embraces her and It was all a trick. Ned whatever you yeah. It called the orban right but then that kid was legend. This guy does not. Are you talking about the sandlot. Never seen it all right next scene. That's just have no response to that that it can be spoken. We see alice in her cabin in a pink bathrobe and a black rats. What appears to me to be black rat. Snake startles her yet this part. I didn't like the others. Come in to help her. Get the snake and ned ends up killing it with a machete up there. Everybody destroy the cabin trying to get the yes and they cannot say no. Snakes were harmed in the filming of this movie. Now that's that was a real snake and they killed. It was terrible. They didn't need to do that but they did next. A motorcycle cop arrives neds acting full. He's got is shirt. Tight around is but like a diaper. And he's doing an indian dance. I think we've all done at some point when we were like eight. Maybe well i don't know maybe you did it later. John what were you saying that he was definitely appropriating thing. Yes and the motorcycle cop says he's looking for someone named ralph and the cup they don't put him in the most flattering light again. I think he's comic relief very five. Yes go what are you been smoking boy. Just land from outer space. We that grass ans- my impression of the cop so anyway the cop gets a call to go somewhere and do something else right and he says are accident with or something. I think that's later. But yeah he he gets a call to go somewhere else and he tells them. We're not going to stand for any shenanigans out here in these woods so next. We see alice working in a kitchen. 00:35:01 - 00:40:10 Because any ain't there. No one knows rainy is anti didn't show up note and she opens the closet or the pantry or whatever. And there's ralph who we learn as ralph. Who was the crazy dude from the town. He says he is a messenger. From god and that they are all doomed. Yeah i say. He spouts his gospel. This place has a death curse. And that god sent him and you're doomed and he tells them to go yes he does and you know how on again. I'm going to bring up the x ray stuff on amazon amazon prime video so apparently ned is eating a hamburger on the scene. But they aren't made until the next scene so he's made one himself but anyway so then they're all in the kitchen and alice. No this. is that the light. Bulb is not lighting up. It won't turn on so kevin. Bacon goes to start the generator and he correct. Yeah i think he does. You starts to generator. no lights. come up next. We see kevin bacon and marcy walking by the lake. Say they dance on a log they do okay and they kissy face and ned is watching them. Kinda jealously jealous jealous alone jealously with a jealousy with jealousy then. Ned sees someone moving a cabin and goes to investigate and that's pretty much. We lasted for awhile. Yeah he says. Can i help you. That's the that's the end so a storm is coming. Lightning starts flashing kind of like flashlights. On actress faces but marcienne kevin bacon. Talk about a dream. Marcy has where rain turns to blood. Yeah and washes away and rivers and and she over accent dark and she over acts to in this thing i think just in this one okay. Just want to just make a note here this scene. Okay well she hasn't done a whole lot yet. it's true. She's a little melodramatic. Marcy and kevin bacon go to a cabin to get away from the rain. Then marzi just begins to disrobe well. That's the effect kevin. Bacon has on people. i guess. Guess you get alone with kevin bacon you take your shot you take your pants off. Apparently is that's what's the first thing that's the first thing she does. Then they start making out a cot on the bottom bunk of a cod. I really get that. They were bunks. They were bunks. I kind of figured out later but didn't really look like a bunk. That's because you're an only didn't sleep in a bunk. Okay those of us with bunks know. What a bunk looks like. Okay then we cut to alice. Brenda and bill sitting by the fireplace. Kind of a throwback to where we started right except they're not singing christian songs. Bill is pretending to play the guitar playing. I make note. is he playing anything. It playing cord. Just you know math around. Just stroman then. Brenda invites them all to play strip monopoly. I i never heard a strip. Not before you care. Nope john nope okay. Just checking different. Then we cut back. -opoly would make it go faster. I imagined then. We cut back to kevin bacon. Marcy getting busy on the cot. This time we pan up and we see ned above them with his throat slit. And here's roy made a note. Bunk bed question mark. I can tell it's definitely a bunk bed. I just wrote dead is dead on the top bunk. Maybe it was the camera angles. Or whatever but i didn't get to see the bunk bed a metal pole can i. I knew it was a bunk bed. Even when i watched it the first time You know that my freshman year in college. We had bunk beds. So i know like you remember your freshman year. I've tried to forget it. So we cut back to the others playing strip monopoly and smoking. What appears to be a hand-rolled cigarette and what you will notice or lifton prior when they're getting ready to play strip monopoly. Believe brandon says if marcie left any of that graph over there she did. That's right she. I missed that part. So apparently it's not a hand-rolled cigarette it is not. I guess it's what they call a joint. Then we cut back to kevin bacon marcy and we see one bare breast right one natural barebreast see. 00:40:10 - 00:45:05 I didn't see this. Because kevin has his hand over the other i think it's because i like spooning. And he has his hand over. No i'm saying that no. I didn't see that. So so kevin has one of his hands over the other bear natural rest and then marcy says i have to go p c. I didn't see that that's what happened. Yeah and then we cut back to the monopoly game. John my right war correct. yes see. i'm karen. I'm not just making it up. No i am not just making up. Bear natural breasts now. I know you do accounts. You wouldn't make it up cut back to the monopoly game and they are drinking budweiser in those little bottles. I made a note they still do. Make those little bottles of budweiser john. I don't think they make fellow bottle. They where i've ever seen those. But i've seen like red stripe which is like attention theft. Yes at the same kind of bottle bottle. I don't know if they make those anymore. They're still like twelve ounce bottles but they're like little tiny things anyone knows let us know yes any mail email us at scary spirits podcast g mail dot com and let us know if they still make budweiser in those little tiny bottles. So then kevin bacon lies there on the cot and he lights himself up his own hand-rolled cigarette while marcy is out peeing. See that park hair. I did see that. So kevin bacon is lining their smoking a joint and blood start dripping on them right. Well you have seen this because it's it's a kill right. It is a hand reaches up from under the cut grabs kevin bacon forehead and an arrow pierces his throat correct from from underneath caught. Yep he go. That's the only what haven't some medical knowledge is. Dr karen the rest of us do not I'm not sure of the Ability of a human stabbing arrow with their hand rua mattress and brew person. And you would think it would have to come up through their spinal cord if you missed the spinal cord possibly and the mattresses are probably crap mattresses. Right they're probably the cheapest mattress you could find. So could you do it again. I'm not a medical doctor so take anything. I say with a grain of salt. But i think you may be could. I don't think whoever did this would have the angle because the bed would have to be awfully high off the ground rate to get the arrow straight up through in less arrows bend. Do they bend hood. but i'd also like to point out. I don't think i've ever experienced where it was not pushed up against the wall especially in summer camp. So how are you behind about that. It has what threw me when they panned up the panned up from where the wall would be. If i were picturing bunk bed in that cabin true but i don't think i think the angle you'd need so much forced to get it up through everything like you said john that i don't think there's enough room without the bunk bed being pretty darn high off the ground. The other thing. I thought you were going to mention was the fountain of blood that came out of his throat was a little off. I don't know it like looked like a bird fountain or something. They don't think it would have done that. Beauregard and left aerial spray. Well it just came up in like one like a hose. You know like a fountain thing of x. ray. They noted that tom savini go in there and he blew into make blue in it to me So that makes sense from. It wouldn't have shot up like that. It would have just kind of spread down. I think but it's still an impressive kill. Did you notice that. Kevin bacon armpits were shaved. Karen i did not i either but i just found that little piece of trivia here on. Imdb he's in touch with his feminine side. But i remember this is the only kill. I actually remembered and then so after this i went to. This really wasn't much to it but no but it's talk about psychological someone under your bed. That's kind of creepy right and a dead person above you in a bunk bed. I thought it was an impressive kill. I thought it had some. It wasn't just a knife it wasn't you know it was creative. 00:45:06 - 00:50:00 Yeah and i think it played into that psychology of something being under your bed anyway next week. Cut to marcy in the outhouse cabin. I'm calling it the bathroom cabin. Yeah whatever 'cause well she makes she says something that a camper wrote on the wall in the past or something about an outhouse. So i just call it. The out has cabin and someone enters that we don't see marcy goes looking for whoever came into the outhouse cabinet and what happens the marcy. Well she thinks it's kevin bacon right. Yeah i guess and then she does. I think katherine hepburn impression in the window not in the window in the mirror ear. Yeah yeah she does. while she's washing. Your hands yes. But she gets an axe to the head while she looks behind the curtains and bam access the head to her face. Whatever same diff- well that's a little more descriptive and the lights swings like psycho. Did you notice that went back and forth cinema cutback to the monopoly game and bread to leaves to go back to her cabinet her underwear because she thinks she left her windows. Open a cabinet and it's raining and storming. She doesn't pick up her clothes though she is puts on. Her raincoat starts walking back. I noticed that too. I wrote in her underwear and i said she's next they're picking them off like flies. Usually they get killed effort. Do something like have sex or smoked dope. And i guess you smoked dope right gotten almost naked. Guess that qualifies for her to be punished. Then we cut the steve who's been at the fucking diner this whole time. I guess eating drinking coffee and eating doughnuts. I don't know he's a real shit bird. Why did he go to town in the first place. I ain't making note to get supplies and now the jeep has a trailer. Supplies does okay okay. Yeah but he stops. I mean could shit on steve all yuan. He just didn't want to drive back in the rain in the mud with the trailer. He said the jeep would make it with the trailer because of the rain but he tries apparently more. Yeah so he pays bill and leaves in the rain and we cut back to brenda. And she's going the outhouse cabin and brushes her teeth with peps ident saw that they still make cups it. Now it's not like you know it's no but it's a lot less popular than it used to be. I guess it would cut back steve. And his nineteen seventy two jeep. Cj five in it has stalled in the rain police car pulls up the cop agrees takes steve back to the camp that was pretty convenient that the cop was right there and i made a note. That steve's headlights turn off by themselves in between shots so i didn't see that his headlights wrong. When the cop arrives he walks to the cop. Car gets in it and the next shot. We have the headlights her off. And they're driving away so so thing as i'd like to point out that he could have left the trailer and not a trailer and the jeep and the jeep would have done better. Get him up there arguably than copper anyway but wouldn't start but they didn't try to jump it or anything they didn't know but i guess it was. It's still pouring rain. Yeah but it was starting to light. Lighten up as we find out in a minute so next. We see brenda in her cabin in a pink bathrobe much like alice had earlier friend. It goes to bed in her granny nightgown and start facebook. I called it the her little house on the prairie nightgown long sleeves. It's got long sleeves. It's a grainy gown it is. This is the girl who was playing monopoly. Right left or close and the other cabinet and just put a raincoat over her underwear. And she's gonna put on like a cotton plunk sleeve greenie gown go to sleep in the summer with no air conditioning. That's hot and she's reading by candlelight. Yes and then. She hears someone crying for help. It sounds like a woman's voice and she goes to investigate a woman or a child. I thought it sounded like a child. Yeah same dip. I guess she enters the archery range and someone turns on the outside lights so the archery range lights up and then we cut away as we hear her scream. Once again we see nothing. I agree but i still think. That's kinda shitty that she got killed because she was going to help this child. You know she heard the voice she was going to help. She wasn't having sex. She wasn't doing the drugs she was. She already did or charity. 00:50:00 - 00:55:00 Smoke that joint. We didn't see that. Gosh i think she fired it up. Maybe that was the one like underwear playing strip monopoly. She was losing. I'm just gonna say fire yeah al. It wasn't couldn't have been alison her. Dorothy hamill cuts now. It was alison. The dorothy hamill haircut. She walked right over with her mouth. You're probably i think you're right. I just think if she was trying to help that was a crappy way to make her get killed. Whatever they're all guilty next. We see alice sitting by the fire with guitar. And i made a note that she sounds like. She's playing a song by rush. That would be highly unusual. So i think she was almost playing a spot on version of discovery from russia's twenty-one twelve was out then well let's listen to what you think john. Are you listening john. You need to listen. You tell me if this doesn't sound like what alice was playing on the guitar wasn't that it exactly. I thought of that. Exact thing when i heard her flying care just sounds like someone's strumming like someone who picked up a guitar for the first time. Yeah that yes she killed. She killed that rush song right there from twenty one twelve discovery. So it's called. He may have even had in her head while play. What could they stay in may be what could this strange divisive be. When i touch it gives fourth sound. It's got wires. The vibrate to give music with canvas strange thing that i found something like that was that out when she when this same okay so yes. It was all right now. We know her inner dialogue. She's a rush fan obviously like alice. Don't get too attached. So bill enters the cabin while alice's playing discovery from russia's twenty-one twelve and alice tells bill that she heard a scream and lights on the archery range came on bill. Take a look at the window but they are now off bill analysis. Go looking for brenda. They find a bloody axe in the kat. But i don't know it was brenda's kat was just a cot was brenda scott. I think they will. They went to her cabin and she's not in her cabin but there's an accident her bed. I assumed it was her then. They check all the different buildings looking for the other counselors will. They're still looking for brenda. But then they start looking for everybody else right thing. It's alice says we need to call someone so bail analysis break into the office and try to use the phone to call someone for help. The rotary phone is dead. As is the payphone. Apparently there's a payphone in there too. I think says do you have a dime diamond quarter. John did you ever use a payphone. I have a couple of back in the day. Golden corral back in the very early to you went to golden corral. Oh yes absolutely all the time interesting. Hey pan became pans to the outside and we see a phone line on the wall. The cabin little dark some of these things. We're a little dark this The quality of this film was not very good even on amazon prime video. So bill analyst try to maybe get away in the nineteen seventy seven ford f series truck but alas it will not start surprise. Surprise and bill says. Maybe it's wet. I don't know go no. There's a car not start if it's wet no built not a car. I ideally talk about okay. So then alice says. Let's just hike out of here. But bill says steve will be back soon and not to worry. Everything will be okay in the morning. Alice was spot on well. Yeah so then. Stephen the cop Are driving to the camp niqab talks about things being crazy during a full moon like is this evening. This movie takes place basically one day right well. Two days the cop then gets a call about an accident which require the jaw of life. Which i think will referring to earlier john out talking about so. He dropped steve off and proceeds to the accident. So steve's walk the rest way to the camp. But i don't think it's very far now. 00:55:00 - 01:00:01 He sees the sign pretty pretty quickly. It's lit up so steve. Is the camp entrance signed and he is blinded by a flashlight and he says to the unseen person high. Where do you doing out here in this mess. And then he appears to be stabbed in the gut. We don't see any blood or anything. You dislike hunches over like he stabbed in the gut right on board karen right. I don't know. I don't have that so again. Someone's killed and there's no gore. No blood no nothing next. We cut to a scene where we see the danger high voltage sign as if the music his as someone is walking in there and unseen person. We are seeing the first person view of this person walking in there right. Yeah so. I made a note. There must be generator then. The lights go out in the camp bill lights. A couple coleman lanterns nor tacoma. Lambinon lane cairns. This one was with Liquid-fuel in them. That's what they looked like. Yeah so bills in one. Yeah so bill says he's going to go check on the generator. He thinks it may be outta gas bill. The engineer the mechanics gonna go check right. Yeah might be outta gas. So bill arrives generator. And he's ticks sticks. Stick down in the gas tank and says nope plenty of gas. And here's where. I made a note that the camera work in this whole film is very amateur. It's like they shot the whole thing with one hand held camera. It looks like to me. Okay why do you say that what it looks like shit. It's not steady which may be as the ambiance of the film but it's it looks like it was shot with one hand held camera but anyway so alice goes to. The kitchen laughed when bill left. Alice was kinda sleeping on the couch kind of she was very tired so she goes to the kitchen and starts up the gas range and she's going to make some instinct coffee with powdered non dairy creamer tasty then. She decided to go out looking for bill. She finds bills read raincoat in the generator cabin. The light is still hanging on there. I thought that was some sort of foreshadowing. Maybe he's gonna get hooked like a meat hook or something maybe sanctioning leaves. The cabin closes the door behind her and finds what bills pinned to the door with arrows. Yep bill hanging on the door by several arrows including one through his i really. There's one like right in his eye. And here's ryan made the she is now the final girl right so alice goes back to her cabin and tries to lock the door. She ties a rope to the handle to keep it closed and puts it around like one of the rafters. Something which. I thought that was pretty smart. I agree but then but then she tries putting furniture in front of the door to barricade it which doesn't make a lot of sense because it opens to the outside not the inside. But i wrote it would slow someone down coming through the door. I suppose did make no on by a and that. She is locking herself in the cabin. She has stated that the door was not law and she is actively closing windows as well as barricading the door and she did i even bother to check to see if there was anybody in the caf and before she proceeds. Lock yourself in the cap. That's true but i think i probably would have done the same thing. I don't know you're right though. She she didn't clear the cabin did she did not he did not before she does that. But then when she grabs the baseball the baseball bat and she's going to check the cabin. Now and here's what i wrote right now. Alice grabs a baseball bat. Why isn't there a gun at this camp right. If there's a gun office. I know we'll get there not in herk unless she personally had it. I know you and john would have guns. I would not john would john. You're going to have to save me. Come to my cabin. Come to my cabin i. Your dad can fend for himself. Come to my cabin i. It might be barricaded but you can get over that ship so then. Alice goes to the kitchen and grabs a large fork so now she got a baseball bat in one hand and large forecast another. He's ready ready for battle. And the body of brenda is thrown through the window. 01:00:01 - 01:05:03 Which is really tom savini. Tom savini is the one that crashed through the window. He was stunt. Double for brenda and alice runs out of the kitchen but leaves the leonard behind i made an to. She has no light. Basically she sees a nineteen seventy two jeep. Cj five pile-up gets steve steve. She runs out to it. But it's not. Steve visit karen. Now it's not it is someone we learn is mrs war. He's a friend of the christie's. Yes a friend of steve christie's the guy who's running a camp now. Well the family. So i was it his parents that ran it before. Maybe i think john do you know isn't it. Wasn't it brought by his parents before. Yeah they said it was in In one of a row warning you mentioned that have been in the family. And the thaw her kris jenner. And then you stop trying to open. And i'm an only twenty minutes left in the film and we're just now meeting mrs war. He's i think she does a good job. I don't know he's creepy. She's supposed to be a good actress. Apparently she was creepy to me. I don't know so. Mrs voorhees tells alice about the death of jason. And that today is jason's birthday counselors where making love when jason drowned. They should have been watching him. Not a strong swimmer right. He should have been out in the fucking lake. Dan lady was a strong swimmer or not. If you were not a strong swimmer would you go in a fucking lake. I'm not there you go. I iran you right. I have them out. I have to point out that he is also as character. Not mentally sound is not and he's young he's special but no when they're when you're like five you think you can do anything wasn't a young. Yeah he he was five when he yeah. So you're you don't think about you. Don't assess whether you're a strong swimmer and not use frigging jump in the water. You're five you're invincible. So this is when mrs boris. He's reveals herself as the killer. Cheap pose a knife on. Alice and alice doesn't seem to have much too much trouble fighting mrs or he's off not sure why everybody else. They're all killing poker. Stick whatever so. Alice runs to the nineteen seventy-two jeep. Cj five and. that is where she finds anne in the passenger seat with their throats slit. She runs away from the jeep. And steve falls in front of her from a tree as she's running and then we see a close up of mrs voorhees saying killer. Mommy keller mommy. Don't let her get away mommy. You shouldn't laugh. That's my impression of mrs voorhees airy nice. Thank you so. Alice runs to the boathouse and grabs a gone. Looks like a twenty two rifle. John ways yeah something like that. Like a twenty two or maybe like a to thirty eight or something like that and she acts like she knew it was there the whole time elgar well but she can't get him yeah. I couldn't see this really well. So what's happening here she. She grabs the rifle. Mrs voorhees then starts up the generator. Then i made a note. Why couldn't anyone else started up. She didn't have any problem then. Alice starts looking for the bullets. She's going through the drawers in the desk. She doesn't know where the bullets are. No there's no ammo there's just the gun and they appear to be chained up and locked in the desk a chain going between like three of the drawers with a padlock on it so she starts taking the butt of the gun and trying to break open the padlock and then now she's backing away. There's like a whole fucking there's like twenty guns on this wall without ammo. What's the point. There appears to be a whole rack of guns in that boathouse. And they're just now getting to them so anyway this bora he's one one by one. Nobody else knows the others are killed until alice. Guess they don't know. I guess they were all taken by cried for numerously right. I guess but alice was taken by well. I guess she was taken by. Maybe not surprised as the others were. But she actually start conversation with mrs voorhees before mrs bore. He's pulls the knife but but she doesn't look very menacing you know. I'm not sure why any was so scared of her. When she fell at her feet in you know whatever so then mrs voorhees bitch slap style us. A few times and alice punches mrs voorhees and she falls to the ground one punch. She falls to the ground. Mrs voorhees runs to the woods to try to find alice alice highs behind what appears to be an old dock and as mrs voorhees passes she runs the other way. 01:05:04 - 01:10:02 Yep so then. Alice goes back to the kitchen and goes into the pantry or closet or whatever it is and turns out that she she wants to hide so she hears mrs voorhees come in and the lights come on and then she hears mrs voorhees lee what she thinks she thinks but just then mrs voorhees starts trying to pound her way into that pantry or whatever with a machete but she gets in and alice hits her with a cast iron skillet knocks arrest to the ground. There you go. And she runs to the pond or the lake karnal upon to the dock. And so. she's looking at her reflection in the leg alice's and then the reflection sees mrs voorhees behind her and they fight again. Roll around on the same around and this is voorhees loses the machete and then alice grabs the machete and decapitates. Mrs voorhees right. Yeah and there's some good handwork. After that head falls off her hands keep moving kinda like chicken then. Alice gibney canoe in pushes out into the lake cut to the next day. I assume alice's in the lake in the canoe a police car arrives. And there's terrible music again. Yeah and alice hazard she sleeping but her hands in the water. It's actually pretty. It's a pretty shot it is it is. It's a nice scenery to this and we see the police yelling for alice from the bank of the lake. We can't hear him because the crappy music is playing all we can see. Is the police officer. Put his hands to his mouth so he no. He's yelling in analysis wakes up and what happens karen john. You wanna take this. What happens the only true jump care. Jay the one and only the first jc l. pops out of the water and grabs alex out of the canoe and folks are under. That was a good scare. 'cause that i mean i remember that getting me the first sued i remember. I thought that was the end. I don't remember the rest of it. I don't remember her we'll next. She wakes up in a hospital. Scare you that's how it ended well because you were traumatized maybe but maybe it was a good scare so it's probably only time. I was scared and only time. I got startled in the whole thing when you watched it on cable. Did you know the ending already. You didn't know it was mrs or he's okay as just curious no idea 'cause it's a very popular trivia question. How many kids did jason kill in the first right movie so i was just wondering so. Alice wakes up in hospital bed screaming. Seen an officer tells alice at the rest of the council's are dead. she asked are the all dead. Yep yeah a lot of empathy. There and alice asked about the boy jason cups. We there was no boy. Went by any boy and ellis said within. He still there. Yeah and they cut to the lake tahoe saying the lake. They meant this or not but there are small ripples in the center of i think they did. Yeah yeah okay. So you know. I like a good sequel right than the x ray said. Body count is eleven including the real snake. That stuck pisses me off the end. The credits roll in a made a note that kevin bacon gets fifth. Billing is that his first movie. I don't know must have been earlier animal house. I think that was when he made his debut in the national poon. Animal houses one of the fraternity pledges. Thank you sir may have another is on search for tomorrow and guiding light and then he appeared on for the thirteenth so this was his second phil i kind of remember him on guiding light on it from eighty to eighty one not very long very long cay. There you go trough in my youth. Anything you were pleasantly surprised. I care anything you really enjoyed in this film. Well i would say from the first time viewing it. I think the ending was pretty good. Just the fact that it was the mom. You didn't know that when you watched it the first time and if you didn't hadn't read about it or whatever. I thought that was pretty good and the thing. The jump scare at the end was good and it did have kevin bacon in a speedo so there you go john. 01:10:02 - 01:15:00 What about you anything. You really enjoyed anyone thing. Obviously i really enjoyed camping nature of it and everything he said. But i will touch on every with karen that obviously. I don't think i've ever met anybody that said they saw the outcome of this first film. Being what it was when they went saw the first time. And i had a hawaii because coming in and kind of a later date. I already had the knowledge of the character jason before i ever seen any film and so i saw this one. And that's what i was expecting and that is not what was presented but it was. It was a good twist. did you see them. Have you seen them all. I think i have seen every friday the thirteenth film. Did you watch them in order. I don't know if i've watched them in the order. Necessarily but i can tell you at least from my perspective if you guys are the audience has seen all of them after the third one that ordered a oh so the first three kind of work on back story and things and then after that. It's just massive yet after that kinda turns into the wacky misadventures today for gotcha who's dead. But apparently not he is kind of like an un dead. Okay if you will. Greg what do you got I'm gonna make it unanimous. I guess i mean that's pretty much. The only thing i like about it is the was the mom you know. I do like that scene where we do. See jason the first jason right yeah. That's a good jump scare. I mean you think it's over. And they get you are a layman. Is his name the actor and he has a rock band called. I jason now. Oh nice that's awesome. Are they any good. Yeah they're pretty good these kind of things. they're hike. A horror rock band makes sense. Yeah this is the only one he was in. But he's the first jason. So i love it anything that the viewer very disappointed any karen. I don't know. I mean it's what you expect it to be. I can't really think of anything that i was extremely disappointed in john. What about you. Now think about any jason even terrible one which is not even close to on that one. What about you. So i am not going to make it unanimous on this one there are lots of things. I was disappointed in the music. Sucked sucked the senate. Well you notice that. I thought whoever made those that that yeah that that's genius in general was terrible. You know and it was henry. Men free dini. That's he did. The score came up with that. O- cake i. That is still scary to me. That is iconic but the the rest of his shit sucked. I guess he won't be sponsoring us. Yeah i didn't think the acting was that bad. I mean john. I knew you keep calling. Ah camp but not camp like for kids camp. But i didn't think it was that horrible but it was mostly for me like that. The acting like the Kinda we touched on before but the overplaying of say especially on like the close up like you know kind of suggested kill shop. Those are all super overplayed and berry dramatic. And i'm screaming and waving my arms but i'm not doing anything to defend myself back. Okay in this. Yeah talking about the kill shots in this well. We didn't see half of them. I suggested shot okay. Do you think that was a budget thing or were they trying to make it more mysterious and intense. I don't know. Maybe maybe i don't know because what you would imagine. It's not that graphic at all right except for that bunk bed. While i mean what you see but bill was pinned to the door with multiple errors. That was gross. How is dead killed. He was dripping blood. His throat was slit right. Yeah just like split-second shots of yes and that's one of the things. I almost lack is you. 01:15:00 - 01:20:03 Don't be the actual happening. But they always show you the aftermath. I mean even anne in the woods you know that her throats cut and that was a good effect. They did a good job to in her affect the throat. Cutting blood coming out. But i thought the head getting chopped off was pretty good. I was terrible. Why maybe i was just distracted by the hands that kept going. I've seen lots of movies. Well i'm a fan of the highlander series. So i've lots. I've seen lots of decapitations. Guess but if you're the only one left in everyone is dead. Wouldn't it seemed like you were the killer. I mean they have to just believe her that mrs vorhees was found the body mrs voorhees but she decapa. Who's to say she didn't kill all the other counselors and decapitate. Her cushing is a dorothy hamill. Do so she's trust. I know i'm just saying if you're the only one left that looks suspicious. You know the guy who played bill was the son of being crosby. He was cute. Harry crosby the cop credited anything else. Major for seems familiar as well. Yeah he's he's like your easier character actor. He's been in lots of things characters name. Is sergeant tierney. Friday thirteenth birthday thirteenth partout spring break house house. Too deep star six foals paradise the producers primarily known for his work on broadway. It's this yeah. The i don't know so john. If you had to rank your favorites in this genre how would you put them. If you your honor or in theory. No not in the friday the thirteenth series. But in so there's halloween nightmare. Elm street friday the thirteenth are there. Would you say evil dead. Came out at about the same time or is that later seems later to me of came out of it later. But if i'm renting those specific agree like a big three it would be nightmare on elm street and third halloween and second and third canes in birch. So this is your. This really did hook you. This is your first one that yeah yeah and then and then you said the first. Three of these are the best in the syria friday the thirteenth. Yeah i think they're the best ones A lot of stuff. I read online There were widely regarded as the best. One they're also really the only one to my knowledge. My remember that. Have anything to do with chronology series. Kind of what i mentioned before everything kind of goes a little off the rails after third one. And if it's real wacky awhile k. at mrs moore. He's can't come back. she has no head well. I don't know for one solid food fan but the the head to come back into play later on theory. Oh lord okay. Well i'm going to be the first to say this drink is horrible well before we get to that. What is our cocktail rating on the film. How many cocktails did it take you to get through this film. Karen what did we. We give nightmare on elm street. Three yeah threes are average. I would say three. Although i think i like nightmare elm street better than this one i would agree but not much better just a little better nightmare on elm street more entertaining. I think you know. Yeah johnny depp. Versus kevin bacon shirtless. Johnny out for your shirt please. It was not shirtless. It he had the crop top on and kevin had the speedo. So i don't know toss up. Maybe there might be a photo of a me in a crop top and cut off jean shorts and bandanna and bandanna the hiking boots you gotta have the hiking boots on there. There's definitely a photo of him wearing timberlands banding in the gorge with cut off. Jean shorts on. I don't know if he's wearing a hap- scher no. My i have a button up shirt just totally opened up. An bandanna goatee yeah. I'm a need that. John i'll get up for you. Skinny little legs going into those big hiking boots always crack me up so if we agree three three cocktails it's pretty average but not these cocktails. Yeah so comments on this drink karen any anything at all you have to say about i. 01:20:03 - 01:25:00 It was a tough one. I do like the look of it. And i think the honey and the the red food coloring is really cool. Best especially for Halloween party i would put a different drink in it though. Yeah you could do that with any drink. Like like maybe I think it should have been like simple with blue curious. Oh and so. It was like more like a water lake. Yeah stanley bread. Yeah a bitter red liquid. You're right a lake with blood surrounding. It would have been perfect. Perfect all right anything. We learned today lots of car. Facts not the carfax. I can't believe that both of these vehicles are worth way more now than they were brand new. That just blows my mind that classic status. I know that's what most of the cars cars that we talked about and most of the films do that but they're usually cadillac convertibles or they're not f-series pickup trucks that's true. Cj fives true usually like gold wings. Or what was it. Galway the goal wing but even the cadillac. They had nightmare on elm street. Yeah it's true cadillac vertical. Yeah anything else. we learned. We learned about the dorothy hamill haircut. A thing right yeah. I never had that haircut. I don't have the right kind of hair. You need thicker hair because you gotta get that bowl cut in the back you know. I suppose i don't know well. We learned that you have the outfits appropriate for camp crystal lake. I don't have any speedo speedo yes. Can you swim in jean shorts. Sure now i'd have been out there with steve chopping wood my jeans shorts and my bandanna mike boots aviator sunglasses back then to me all the way. I think you're wearing way fares in the though. I don't think i'm wearing a sunglasses and again the fifty foot. Well we're gonna find that photo not enough weapons in this one john. No not nearly enough. I Brought a my voice well for the reputation the theory have the first installment is the privately light on power at archery. Good personally you can take someone out in the archery range. You could yeah. I think he's a he's a good shot doesn't matter what it is so again experienced. Come to my cabin. I remember that. Actually he did archery. I as a little kid. I bought him a little compound. Bow atlanta seven. Now he killed it went to boy scout camp and he killed the archery than they put on the range with a bb gun. He killed that too. So what makes someone a good shot. Is it a steady hand is at hand eye coordination. What is it is it vision. I mean i can give you the answer that i know now after learning more having worked with the that would be good. It's about breeding and controlling your heart and your muscles. Don't jump everything your body stateful off against the mouth. Nice and trump. They're not gonna you activate any aspects muscle fibers on astronaut. Or anything of that which so it steadiness of the whole body. Not because they say he has a steady hand. It's not just your hand. It's your entire body has to be calm. Yeah it'd be which which you wouldn't think of john. When he was a kid being that way he did it he was could focus though right thing and you wouldn't think of john being able to focus when he was a kid either you but no you focus on what you want to focus on you focus. You're able to focus on something that interests you. You're not able to focus on all the crap that's going on around that you don't care about right. Yeah like math or english or sitting in your chair sucks especially when i'm looking out the window and then the whole playground out there on the right. Exactly that's interesting so you're a good shot with everything. Good to know okay. So if i'm picking a team on picking you i. I always felt safer when john was in the house. Good to know anything else. We learned today. 01:25:00 - 01:29:36 Karen no that. I need to butter up john. That's what i take away from this movie. I want john on my team. Because i can't do any of the things he can do. We were just watching a movie. The other day that i can't remember what it was but someone had to leave and i said they don't have a bug out bag which had no idea what that was until i met you john wallis good knowledge to have i know see so now i said why does that may not have a bug out bag. All right karen. I think the next movie is your choice. Was it yes. It was okay. We'll go with that. August august seventeenth. The wicker man is the next movie. Have you seen it. John at a good one. I like that a lot. Did you see the one thousand nine hundred seventy version or the cage version. I want to say. I've seen both. But i would have. I heard the one with nicholas cage was pretty good. The one we're watching has christopher lee. And i think that's the one i remember them up. Well i have never seen it. So it'll be interesting when karen why. Why did you pick this phil can't remember. Why did i this film craig. I think it has something to do with burning man or right does it. Yeah maybe not. I don't know you'll have to look at your notes to tell me to remind me but while you do that we do have a drink. It's called sacrifice burning. Man virtual experiences held on august. The twenty second this year okay. That is why. And that just happens to be ray bradbury's birthday which that's what i think. I remember nate. We may talk about next week. Okay the drink is called the sacrifice. It's got dark rum light rum white cream to cook cal. Crushed ice cranberry juice. Orange juice pineapple. Jus two dashes of orange. Bidders is what you need and coconut cream. Okay i know those bidders in our somewhere to be sure. I didn't miss it awesome. Looks pretty good. It's called the sacrifice. Yeah and i found it on. Have a cocktail dot com. So i'm assuming they're sacrifices in this movie or attempted so we'll see anybody We need to thank on your in karen. Now i'm self sufficient your son and get you your booze or anything. No place son is was not old enough to get me my booze. I'd like to thank. John for showing again zosson john f for adding his insight to friday the thirteenth. We do need to once again. Thank the band verse. Thirteen for letting us use their music and the podcast. Once again their info will be linked in the show notes. Anything else john. We have to say big shout to four for the f. theory struck and do for the wrangler platform and gave up. I thought you were going to say jesus. Thanks john up jesus okay. Why would i be something like that. I don't know. But i swear that's what i thought. Lord anything else can just remember please drink responsibly. Yes if you wanna get social with us you absolutely can follow us on. Facebook and instant at scary spirits podcast. Email us your questions and comments discovery. Spirit podcast at genial dot search for us on youtube at scary spirits podcast and checkout overhead site at scary spirits dot com. You can find all the recipes for themed adult beverages in the recipe dan on the website. We are especially excited about our scary spirits merge store lots of cool stuff with our logo on it. You can find the link to the store on the website and be sure to share the love and help others find us by leaving us a five-star as always thanks for listening