Something Wicked This Way Comes SSP018 00:00:00 - 00:05:00 What would you be willing to give mister dark. The evil mysterious yet. Charismatic man in black. Who arrives in your town and promises to make your deepest dream come true it will be too late when you find out his only after he fulfills your dream that he will tell you the price you have to pay. This episode is all about being happy with what you have and careful what you wish for. Enjoy this edition of the scary spirits. Podcast something wicked. This way comes cheers. Welcome to the scary spirits podcast. Please be advised that the presenters may use adult language and or discuss adult situations. His podcast is not intended for younger listeners. Or those that may be easily offended. So if you're ready who had skin. Hi i'm greg. And i'm karen and welcome to the scary spirits podcast the podcast that combines the two very different but highly compatible worlds of scary films and alcoholic spirits what could possibly go wrong indeed. How're you doing pretty. Well how are you doing. i'm okay. I guess karen. I believe this week's film was my choice was it was not yes. It was yes. Oh this week we are watching from. Nineteen eighty-three remember. Nineteen eighty-three karen. I do remember nineteen eighty years another good year for me or from nineteen eighty. Three something wicked this way comes. Do you have a brief synopsis. Because i do not. I do a villainous carnival owner mr dark praise upon unsuspecting mid western townsfolk by granting wishes but for a price yes nice and brief brief but true true. We also have a cocktail that we do something. I call an old fashioned october. Did you like to know why. I call it an old-fashioned october. I would this basically an old fashioned right in the bourbon. Drink is is an old fashioned. Yeah yeah and then you add tober or october fest beer right. The reason i chose it is because in my research. I learned that ray bradbury who wrote the novel this movie is based on and also the screenplay for the movie. He was a beer guy. I tried to find what cocktails he like but hidden cocktails he liked olympia beer too good idea to search that yeah and they don't make olympia beer anymore so i was like well what could i do. Well i have to make a beer. Drink a beer cocktail. He s which are becoming more and more popular and he's also loved october. He's a halloween guy. You know the halloween tree. He wrote that The october country all those. So i thought a good drink could be you know beer. Drink with an october fest. Beer very clever. That's what i did. So this is our first concocted drink by you that we haven't found on the internet. I found a similar drink and edited it. That's what you do when you come up with a new one to make it my own. Yeah and i thought about later. I could've done something like 'cause hero dandelion wine too so i may have been able to come up with some with that. My mom used to make that you've read it. Read the books. I was looking for them and i realize i have two copies of this book. Ou have to share one. I'm sure i got a half price books. So it's probably there once about it and forgot. I had it and was there again in batard again. Well after watching the movie. I think i would like to read the book. It's different quite a bit. But that's not necessarily a bad thing in this case now usually say the book is better. Yeah and it usually as the book probably is better but there are certain scenes like one in particular. I was actually looking up in the book before we started. And it's a lot different than in the book and i liked the film version. Better interesting so anyway karen. Would you like to know how to make this wonderful concoction of mine of course laid on me all right. So we're going to need one ounce of bourbon. I used to make our mark. What did you use karen. How used woodford reserve. Oh would for fancy. Yeah it's good one. 00:05:01 - 00:10:01 You're going to need a teaspoon of sugar one dash of bidders and october fest beer and he october fest pierce. There are several makers i used. Sam adams octoberfest one strip of orange peel and one marriage sinoe cherry optional. So basically it's real simple to make but the bourbon the sugar bidders and a shaker with ice shake it up strain into a rocks glass i had i put is in my rocks glass and then top it off with the octoberfest beer. Take the orange peel. Rub the rim of the glass and then add to the drink and then plop in. That marriage know cherry. If you have one from nine hundred seventy two two thousand eleven i think rubbing the rim with the orange peel really adds. Does i think so too. Yeah it really adds to the surprisingly you can really smell it and then taste it. I agree should we give our listeners. Our listener don't get koch ahead there. There might be to collect the ingredients and make one absolutely hold on and we're back. Yes we are all right any corrections a omissions. Well yeah apparently. I have a big correction to make youtube. Don't you put. that's a couple of episodes ago. It is last no two episodes ago. What would that be cairn correct. Remember i know. But i should still correct it. Yes so apparently. I kept saying that i had not seen any of the films until friday the thirteenth. That's what you said to our long time listener. Yes nurse to our longtime listener to our longtime listener. They will know that. That's a big fat lie. I don't know it must've been drunk or something. How could that have been. But i had seen many many times as you would know if you listened to the podcast the brain. That wouldn't die. So i've actually seen two of the movies that we've done policies to the brain. That wouldn't die. Yeah i mean that's just terrible of me. So anyway i've seen too. I'm confessing to my big fat lie. Thank you karen. I ready to get into this movie. Do you not have any corrections. I thought i did. But i can't think of him now. Okay we'll let you side Remember the one listener. And i will let you slide before we get into the movie. You want to say why you picked it. Why i picked it. Yeah yeah why. I picked this. This episode goes live on wednesday august. Twenty fifth ray. Bradbury's birthday was sunday. August twenty second. So we're celebrating. Ray bradbury's birthday and plus i'd read the book and i wanted to watch the movie okay acceptable. Watch it on youtube so how you ended up on it. I looked on amazon. Prime could not find it. I watched it on youtube and there's multiple copies of it on there. The one i chose was not very high rez. And i looked around. A little later. Couldn't really find anything. But one of them that i saw was a bit better so i'm probably missing a few things just because it was dark and i couldn't tell what was going on. But where did you watch it. I have the dvd nice. So you probably had a nice clear. Did i watched it on my computer. Though so i can listen to headphones. Yeah and recite my notes into my phone at the same time. Multitask yup together. Do see your so tech savvy. I still scribble them all out. Couldn't do it tried it when we first started but it does take riding pause if i wanted to make it legible. I'd have to pause the movie but are you ready to get into it. Yeah that's go all right. The film opens. Let's credits your favorite favorite with a train. Coming in the background as the credits roll i did make new does a screenplay by ray bradbury. When did he die. when did he die. I mean nine. Eighty-three doesn't seem that. 00:10:01 - 00:15:02 Long ago to me i realize from the novel the nineteen sixty two but it took until eighty-three to get filmed. I guess there were lots of issues. They tried to get it put to film several times. And even this version there were issues. I think someone else did the screenplay. And i don't know i know there were issues but ray bradbury eventually agreed to come in and save the phil because it was a disaster but he died in two thousand twelve now. Okay now of course. The title is taken from a line and act for william shakespeare's macbeth. Soap film opens after the credits roll and we are saying autumn in the woods. Fall day all the trees have the fall colors painting through the woods. Best time of year. Yeah i think it is. Yeah while i narrator speaks. And i didn't make a lot of notes about what the narrator had to say except that it was october and it is a special time for boys. Yes it is. I think he talks about october. And two boys running in the field. Go towards pumpkin patch and the narrator is actually one of the boys from the story. Yes here's a grown person right. He's reflecting back on this story that he is. Yes i think it was will is the narrator. I believe you're right so we come upon the town of green town illinois. he does say. It's the october of my twelfth year. Does he yeah and they do come up to the town where he grew up which is green town. But there's a car. Did you recognize no. I was going to ask you what. What time period does this feel to you. You know cars better than i do. So car comes. Driving down the road forties i would. That's what i. That's what i put the four ice passes a guy who we find. Is the lightning rod salesman. Yes going into town. The cars going into town. The lightning rod salesman is going into walking into town on the road and there was a storm a common. The lightning rod salesman turns and see that storm clouds gathering. Yep we get to the town and we get a little brief introduction to all the main characters in the town correct. Yeah we go through a stroll and get introduced everyone. We meet the cigar salesman. Mr tetley the barber. Mister car garcetti. The bar tender. Ed who is missing an arm and a leg by the way yes. So he goes three walks by and he says mr tetley. This gar store owner is obsessed with money. Just mr crusade the barber. When he cut his hair always talked about faraway ladies. he would never know yes and ed- the barman. Who is your right missing. An arm and leg on the same side talk about his glory days. The football hero still haunted by a forty yard run. And then miss foley just a side. Note that actor who played ed. The bartender actually lost his arm and leg. He was riding his motorcycle with his girlfriend and was hit by a drunk driver. So that wasn't cgi. I don't think that was real. That was real and his ex girlfriend died in the accident. Lost terrible arm and leg. There was only out of acting a year. Which i thought was pretty amazing. You had the accident mike. Seventy two seventy three. He returned to acting. Wow and then. We meet the schoolteacher. Yeah miss foley. Is that her name and she used to be beautiful. But the boys don't believe it. The boys are kept after school for whispering. Yes go in there. She's making them right sentences or do schoolwork or some shit teachers do. Yeah and you meet. Jim nightshade jim. Nightshade is the best friend of will. Yeah takes a while to figure ab to know. will's name. But yes they're busted for. Whisper ever busted for whispering when you were in school here have to think so talked too much does use time wisely. Just yes has problems keeping his hands to his self. Yes believe it or not does not play well with others. What was early runs with. Scissors has the mark of the beast upon his. 00:15:04 - 00:20:01 They might have noted that in catholic school so anyway we find out that the boys were born on the same day. They're running from the school because they have been dismissed. They're jumping over the hedges talking to each other. I am a note about the lightning rod salesman. He's talking to the townspeople. He has a bunch of townspeople gathered around him. He's he's preaching about the lightning rods pitch in his wares. Yeah tom fury right. Yes tom kerry. Did you recognize the actor. Plays a lightning rod guy. He looked familiar. But i couldn't play to me to. Who is it. I looked them up. And i think what i know him from is playing abraham lincoln freely. Yes the actually. Does the voice for you know the the disney. They know great moments with mr lincoln. Oh he does the voice of abraham lincoln for it. Soon we meet wales dad. Yeah they go inside the library and wills dad works in the library is. He's the town's librarian his name. Is charles holloway. But i call him. Jason or jason robards the whole time. No i call him. Mr h the whole time now. Made a note that He's a he's an old man to have a son so young as will write a twelve year old boy. He looked pretty old. He did look very old. Which makes scene later very upsetting to me. And the boys begin talking about their fathers. And jim talks about how his dad's in africa and coming home soon and bringing lots of presents and all that stuff and we'll call him out on says bs. You're never coming back when they leave the library. Each kid calls out the others. Dad yes jim. Nightshade says he hears music before that happens. You're right will calls out. Jim and says your dad doesn't right does never coming back and then jim says to will will at least my dad's not afraid of everything and we'll says he's not afraid he's just old. Yes it is just old then. Jim night's shade says he hears music will says he doesn't hear anything and jim says something like. Why don't you ever listen to will. Do you think that's some sort of foreshadowing. The gym is a little bit more easily influenced by hearing because he here's the music will doesn't hear it so he's a little more corruptible or something. Maybe you know that will is more morally sound or something and doesn't doesn't hear it. Yeah thank you are correct. Seems like there was made more clear in the book i mean. Yeah well we find out in a few minutes that jim's debt well we just heard. Jim's dad's not around so he's single parent home not that that's necessarily a bad thing. But in a movie in the nineteen forties. It would bend more unusual. Yup the boys run home and they meet the lightning rod salesman. Tom jerry and tom tells jim that his house is in need of protection. You can tell where lightning gonna strike. And they need a lightning rod. Yeah he says. One of homes has murmuring timbers. I thought that was interesting. So he needs protection goes into tells gyms run in and ask his father. Jim doesn't say his dad says okay. I'll go in so he runs in an jim grabs money from a ten and decides to buy a lightning rod yuccas. The houses are right next to each other. Their neighbors these two kids and wills mom calls him to dinner. And then when jim goes in the house his mom is upstairs. Petting a cat and says find yourself something in the icebox. I'm too tired. He just see that dichotomy right away. That will has two parents. Mom has cooked a nice dinner. Cost them over. And jim is goes in the house and his mom says ben for yourself and then he raised the a ham in the fridge. Or something yeah i mean. It's not that she's not providing for him but it's a different life than will. Has you know yes and jim chooses to take the money from a tin. It looked like candy to me. Was it most crinkled up bills or something else look like about a dollar twenty five when he handed it to the guy and took. It said that'll be enough. He says how much you got any sells him and he picks the it makes it a point to like talk about this Tom fury guy as like he really knows when where lightning is gonna strike like a. 00:20:01 - 00:25:03 He has some premonition. You know what i mean. He's not just doing this to jim. South disease it's not. it's not a scam. No okay and jim chooses the lightning rod with the scarab beetles on it which is pretty cool when we come back to the town. Mr hallway is in the library where he works right and when he leaves the library. He pats ally in on the head because there are two stone lines at the library entrance. Kinda like the new york metropolitan library and those are those libraries are named patience and fortitude but local to you. Do you know the two lions at the university of cincinnati. Now they're in the front of mick mickan and the only reason i bring him up as they're called mick and mack they have names but there's urban legends about him. You want to know about it sure. So the uc lions. Like i said are in front of mcmillan hall and the tail told to incoming freshmen. Is that the lions are possessed. They were originally owned by jacobson. Maria hoffner who donated mic. Who's on the left. And mac who's on the right to uc nineteen o four after their death and students say the lions come to life when the sun sets students have reported hearing growls in roaring as they walk by som- even claim that the lion's heads are in different positions as the days progress. There's no reason given for why they're possessed or anything. It's just something they tell incoming freshmen. I guess interesting. So jason charles. Mr h whenever we call him comes upon the barber and he says he smells ladies or coming to visit. He walks through town. Basically he passes the cigar shop owner. Whose fussing over numbers and he says he's gonna play the numbers the lottery and he asked mr h. He's going to. But mr h says he never takes risks. He does by cigar in light. It in the cigar guy wants to win the hundred thousand dollars. He's gonna play. I guess it's a lottery. He's in a play. That's one point nine million dollars today which are lotteries are much bigger than that but and then so he says something about when he wins that money. He's not going to buy the ten cents cars anymore. he's gonna buy the cigars. That are cuban cigars. Cuban cigars that are rolled on cuban ladies thick thighs for some weird like that so he's all primed for some ladies and then they go to the barber like you said and he says he can smell women are coming like are there. No women in this town are all the men just horny. What's going on here. Just but mr h what's it all down. He says no visitors come to town. No one comes here. Where i come here. So then they go Goes to the bar with ed. The bartender i believe he has some jack. Daniels look jack daniels to me. That couldn't tell the doctor is in there. Yeah the howard. Sprague and andy griffith. Show that the doctor. I don't know howard sprague. Remember howard sprague. mainly griffith. Show never really watched that show. I mean i know kind of the characters. But i never really watched a lot of it dr. Douglas that's his name but apparently mr h has routine. He leaves the library pats. The lionhead buys a cigar. Goes to the bar right and the doctor tells him he's only allowed to have one drink and wants to go because of his part yeah. We establish his heart's not issues. But it's nice that he's still gets to have a cigar ended drink every day. I'm gonna talk about northwestern university. He i think ed the bartenders probably there yet. Either he's reliving. His glory days are living through the northwestern team knowing cut to a scene. Jim is installing the lightning rod on his roof as he does so. A paper flyer blows up upon them up there to somehow. We'll get out his window and get right on jim's roof. The flyer says that there will be a carnival beginning the next day tomorrow. Which is saturday next. We see charles. Mr age or jason robards in the middle of the town. It's very windy. And we see a man in the background throwing fliers into wind. 00:25:03 - 00:30:01 He's wearing all black with the hat. And mr h picks up and reads about the carnivals. Then he sees the casket right. Yeah then he sees a woman in ice. Yeah it was hard to see. There was a woman. I don't know if it's like x ray vision into the casket kind of effect or what. But there's a woman wearing a red glowing ring and then turns to see the the man throwing the flyers and when he turns back. It's back to being a casket. I don't really get the part about. The women. seemed vaguely familiar. Well i think it has a novel. She's the sorus and she's wearing the ring. Who's the witch the color of the dust. Which is our character name in the film alan. The book colored the witch. You lovely pam greer. Oh is that who plays. I didn't know that. Then mr h goes. Home is talking to his wife. He talks about being old and not being able to play ball with his boy. Will things like that. He does but they show. They're all sitting around a fire. They show a nice family moment. And mister h says it's quite a wind out there. One of the lions blew off and now it's prowling around town looking for juicy christian boys little voiced. Eat the mom laughs. So they're showing a really good family dynamic also burns the flyer that he picked up he tells will he didn't know it was. It was nothing. So i don't know he tells his wife he just feels restless but the wife reassures him that it's okay. He doesn't need to play baseball with his son and again he looks about eighty in this film. You know they're really saying he's old with a bad heart. He was sixty one when this movie came out. But that's not how old he is in here. No no thank. Do they say it is to kind of do. We'll get there to a guess. Maxine clock strike at midnight. And mr h is going back to his library. Now we see the lightning rod salesman walking along and he sees the same woman in ice with the red ring he sees the which Mister h did earlier but he walks into the room where this which is her. Ring glows in the doors open so locks in in the women are is and the doors. Close like turn green. Yes she winks at him. I think does she look like they should just opens them. Then we from that scene to the train train. A common train is a common. The boys believe it's the carnival comments from condo right. Yeah they're yelling at each other from each other windows and they go to investigate. They walked through a graveyard woods. Climb up on a little hill where the tracks ours so they can watch the train. Go by they see. It's empty right. Looks empty one. The train cars says darks temple of temptation yes sitters into statues in the cemetery. Seemed to illuminate or something as the train passes a really loud noise because always looked down and cover their ears so then the boys run on the tracks and follow the train to its destinations. When they get there they find. The carnival is already set up. Lightning strikes in will wonders. How could it have been put up so quickly. The boys decided to go check things out so they come upon one the train cars. I think it's a train car and the doors open. It's kind of like a a gypsy. Put fortune telling place which look a little like spring cars. Yeah almost like a a wagon. The boys go in. We see a woman in a black veil. I don't think they see her. She's like often the shadows and it's pam grier again the witch. And we'll says don't go inside. But of course jim does so then. We'll follow him in wilson. Follower gyms leader here a tarantula cross on them and they run away well. They open a box today nail. Yeah they let the tarantula out they scream and run away and we cut to scene of the woman petting this fighter next. We see mr h leaving a library and he notices melted ice in the ring from the lady on the floor of wherever. 00:30:01 - 00:35:04 This was sat with that. Was i couldn't figure that out. I think it was supposed to be melted ice in the ring. Okay i did see it. Look like glass shards or something. But i couldn't figure out what it was right. So mr h arrives at home to find his son waiting for him on the stairs at three. Am yeah he says. I thought i heard a train but couldn't be in october. That's mr h says. I think we'll says couldn't be a carnival. Not in october right then. Mr h makes note that it's three. Am the souls midnight. I guess we'll ask. Why is it called that. Mr h says it's a lot of die. Apparently old people they talk about old people and we cut to the next day but wait. Mr h tries to talk with will about the incident of the picnic and the fright he had at indigo river. But we'll stop him and says they should go to bed so something's looming in their background that we need to find out about so actually same day just later in the morning when the sun is up i did right next day too. But you're right. It's the same day. The boys run to the carnival. Darks pandemonium carnival. And what says it's nothing but an ordinary carnival in other ones is. It can't be it can't be well. It's not whoever says it can't be is right so then we see ed the bartender. Let's say called where they ring the bell. If they ring the bell they swing the hammer and ringing the hammering bell at. There's there's a name for it. I'm sure and he wins a free pass to the maze of mirrors. Because he did ring the bell you did. Did you say that. He didn't say he wrong. It but yet he slams the hammer down any rings a bell remember. He's missing an arm and a leg. Yes so it's it's a feat for him to do that but yes you went to free pass to the maze of mirrors. He enters in his reflection. He sees himself with an arm leg. Fully armed fully legged. He doesn't just see an arm and a leg what he does see them attached to him so he he's complete in his biological form next. We see the teacher was renamed polly miss folie de fully comes walking out and she sees the boys and she's looking a little days to looks a little disoriented i wrote. She says she must get home. And jim says it must be a shock with those mirrors. Especially if you have a face like back to be a teacher you know to give your life devotion to helping youngsters and you know. They're saying shit like that. Then we cut to a scene of the barber getting his palm read gypsy hut. Or whatever the hell it is here with the fortunetellers said i didn't realize yet that all these were the same woman though the which she says you have lived here a long time without the scent of ladies scan. She says call them. He's getting all hot and sweaty. Something's missing from his late and she says ladies ladies next we see this cigar salesman at the rolette wheel wins a thousand dollars with number two number two and he is. Prize is a cuban cigar rolled on the plump thighs of cuban beauty. Yeah the guy who we learn. As mr cougar says the exact same thing that the cigar salesman earlier and he also gets a free pass to the maze of mirrors. He got a pass to the ferris wheel. It'd be maybe he did because that's what he does. He gets on the field so he gets the ferris wheel and with a woman who was sitting there who just happens to be the witch pam grier. Yeah i didn't know. I just saw the red glowing ring on her fingers and he keeps saying it says. Lucky day you wanna thousand dollars accusa. Now is a ride the ferris wheel with a beautiful woman his lucky day. It is a pretty lucky day until it's not yes next. We see a tent of exotic dancer's men lining up to get into the tent of exotic dancers. Yeah there's a long line. Jim finds a little hole in. The tent appears through it and watches. It's a convenient perfectly shaped round hole just at the level for kids and we see the barber in there. All of these exotic dancers are around him standing around him. he is very happy. He is shirtless. I don't know if he's completely new. I don't know they're called exotic dancers. They're basically belly dancers right. That's the kind of music that's playing and they've got a ring symbols and they're kind of made up like belly dancers. 00:35:05 - 00:40:05 He looks painted too. But i couldn't tell But he's in the middle of a circle of the beautiful exotic dancers. He looks very happy. He sees a little person tells them they're too young to come back in ten years. That's the same person was in mad. Max beyond thunderdome was part of master blaster but anyway next. We see the ferris wheel. Stop and the woman is there but the cigars salesman is not yeah he just disappeared but his cigars their cigars sitting there. And he gall and who picks it up and smokes. It is that mr cougar. Okay next the boys sneak under a tent to the carousel where they are. Grabbed by mr cougar. Yeah they're looking at all the horses as you would. If you were kid running around there on top of the horses. I get on understanding on on their favorites and they get busted. Mr cougar grabs him from behind. Picks them both up takes off. the arison fell swoop. He must be a very tall man. And mister dark appears we learn as mister dark tells the boys. The carousel is out of order. And he shows jim the tattoo on his arm. That moves in the novel. They call me illustrated man. Oh really yes. The call mister dark. The illustrated man that was that's another name for him in the novel so he's not called mr darker he's called bush both he actually introduces himself to Mr h later as mister dark also known as illustrated man until he announces himself. Yeah the tattoos move. Yes on his arm and mister dark gives the boys a ticket for a free ride. on the carousel. He tells them to come back later. So the boys leave the tent in. Jim says i'll bet something goes on after sundown around here. We need to stay and see and they do. They hide behind under a wagon until sundown. Didn't they come out. They go back to the tent of the carousel. Were they see mr cougar. Riding it but it is going backwards very quickly really going backwards in each time. Mr cougar passes. He appears younger. I could ride that for a little bit. He goes around. He is a little boy. Yep about six. I ever six mister. Dark then. Picks up mr cougar and tells him it is late. Time for you to go about your work. The boys follow mr cougar. Town sign on the barbershop says closed. Due to illness. They see the schoolteacher through the window of her home with a boy and they. Yeah yeah and they assume. It's mr cooper and it is. We'll wants to go up there and warner but not jim. What's he wanted to. He just wants to meet the kid ring. The bell schoolteacher comes out and says oh. Let me introduce you to my young nephew robert because the kids say they just want to check on her. Because when she came out of the hall amir's she looked dazed and the kids were asking her if she was okay. So now they're using this as a ploy to get in and see mr cougar as a young kid because she so impressed that they're concerned for her that she invites them in to meet the nephew. Yes we'll wants to warn. The teacher about robert had jim shakes attendant and jim just shakes his hand. So the boys leave. Mr cougar comes out and picks up a rock and throws it through the schoolteachers window and he runs away. That kid can do good menacing. Look for a child in the school teacher. Thinks that will through the rock through the window. 'obediently thinks it's will they deny it and run home get back to jim's house and jim's mom has a man over she's dancing dancing with a man and she tells jamal suffers over. We've already eaten make you something. And then mr h in will revisit. Their discussion about what happened to will in the river rapids whatever in the indigo river when they were on a picnic. Yes when was about four years old. He almost drowned and mr hd know how to swim 'cause he says his father didn't think boys needed to learn to swim. Yes so he's just standing on the side. As the current takes will down the river and a man who was getting drunk on the other side of the river jumps in and saves will turns out that is that was. Jim's father harry harry nightshade and he tells will that hairy nightshade did your father's work before he left and then he says the profound. 00:40:05 - 00:45:04 It's not what you've done that you regret in life. It's what you've haven't done or you didn't do correct so that's pretty profound. It is and whale. Invite father to climb up the trestle with him because that's how he gets up to his room sneaks out every night now he sneaks over to wheels while they i think they just jump from roof to roof. There's a tree in the middle or something that i think it's a tree will climb over and get on jim's roof but Mr h says no. He wants to finish his cigar and lockup then we see. Jim's mom talking came in to bed she asked why do boys always keep their windows. Open warm blood. Jim says warned blood. And then jim asks if he looks like his dad and she the mom says when jim leaves home her harry will be dead forever but that was pretty heavy for her to say in front of the kid. Jim goes to sleep next week. As a schoolteacher in her home staring at a mirror in her reflection turns into a young woman. I guess it's her as a young woman and she says yes. Please yes please. Yes please keeps repeating that. And then she becomes the young woman but apparently she's relying now. Yeah that's the price. She can't see anything can't see yourself can't see her so is that vanity that she got busted for one of the kids said that she was very beautiful. Somebody one of the adults told him that she was very beautiful and when she was younger but he couldn't see it. She crawls on the floor. And she asked mr cougar to helper or the boy who has mr kuker. He just smiles. Yup i'm telling you creepy acting for that kid. So we'll wakes up and finds jam climbing down from his window. He's ditching him up ditching him. You're ditching me Will grabs his clothes. Throw some clothes on and chases him down. Jim said he's going back to the carnival and he's going to get on the merry. Go round you wants to see if he will get older if he gets on it and it goes around the correct way next week to a scene where we see mister dark and he has tom ferry. The lightning rod salesman tied in a chair with some electrical. I think it's like an electric chair. Yeah it's like an electric chair. And he has questioning him about when the lightning will come. Then we see the barber in the cigar salesman. There are now a part of the carnival. I think the barber is the bearded lady l. That makes sense. It says mademoiselle something honest. there's a sign on him. He's wearing and the cigar salesman as a cigar indian cigar shop indian right. Yeah mister dark does mention that. He's having trouble with the two boys. And i think he sends the witch to take care of it does and while mister furious. Mister dark electrocute. Tom fury to try to tell him when the lightning will come and will yells. Stop than must. Mr dark sees them and they run away. Nestle running away. They they see a guillotine and chops wills head off but like a mannequin. That looks like will will sees his own head in the. Yes in the basket. And that's when mr dark tells the witch that the boys have seen too much and that she has to get them and bring them to him. The boys run through the woods and the cemetery. Bachelor homes and a green fog follows. Them they don't see it. We see it. Yes yeah get home in will gets scolded by his mother. She blames that bad. Jim nightshade news a bad influence all his fall. How many times did you do that when you were a kid. Do what blame your babe. You're on those damn. You know what i'm saying. Is i know. But you know when you're an only child and shit happens. It's hard to blame someone else. You know what i mean. Yeah don't grow up doing that so you. It's not your automatic response correct. So we'll get sent to his room. Will stat goes up to talk. Surrounds the house. Yes the green doug yeah. Willingness dad had talked about devils. Your we'll believes in devils but he thinks dell's can't hurt you if you're good person. But he wonders aloud if he is a good person yes and what his dad say. What did he say. I wouldn't count on your mother's answers right now. That's what i think you're a good person. Then we'll tells his father to be careful that there is something going on so the grain fog illuminates the lightning rod. 00:45:04 - 00:50:03 On jim's house. The boys opened the windows to see what's going on. I guess it's windy and stuff to yeah and well goes from his roof to gyms and then jumps in the window of gyms room so they're both in jim's room now. Which is the coolest sat up if you were a kid. If you could really do that that'd be awesome the ceiling. Jim's room begins to crack and peel and there are tarantulas everywhere everywhere. Jim tries to swat at them with his pillow will climbs and jim's bed and like pose the covers up to his head or whatever chin. Yeah yeah then. He rips back the sheets. In trent beds covered with tarantulas. They're all in the bed with jim with will right. Jim still pound wills in the bed and jim's pounding them with i couldn't see with willow as well. Okay lightning strikes. The lightning rod in both boys wake up screaming in their own beds. Yes so apparently. It was all a dream assumption next morning sunday morning. Everybody's singing hymns in church. Yeah that's how we know. Sunday and mister dark leads a parade through the town. We'll tell jim that mister dark is looking for them and he will kill their parents. Yeah he says the prayed is also they can search for them for will and jim and so they can't go home because they'll follow us and kill our folks so and mr dark is looking around us looking for him. Yeah right so will phones. His father says thereafter us. This father says come home. And we'll says he can't hide on yeah. They hide under like sidewalk drain. Yes like a sewer drain or under the sidewalk like great. Yeah there's and it's a pretty substantial great a flat great right above them correct and they see two child size coffins being pulled in the parade. They think those comments were meant for them. Well so do. I know and then we see the barber in the cigar salesman marching in the parade as well and the teacher. Zanu characters and teacher being led by mr cougar and the lightning rod salesman. Isn't it too in the still in the electric chair. Yes they're carrying him and the boys see a small persons give. Jim's mother a ticket in a whisper something inner ear. Yeah at first. I thought that was on purpose. Kaz mister dark is standing right above them. They can see he's right above the great and i thought they did that on purpose but i don't think mister dark knew they were. There did mex- pc And howard sprague or dr douglas the doctored at the bar or at the door to the bar with mr h and says the bar is empty at must have taken off. They say he wouldn't do that. It's highly unusual for ed not to be in the bar. Yes so the boys are still under the sidewalk. In dog is above them. Barking at them he dropped its his biscuit right. Yeah yes so. Jim picks up the biscuit or doctor. Whatever it is and holds it back up to the dog and it takes it and runs away so back at the bar. Mister dark enters. See all the all the money is still in the. Yes mr outrageous ister. Yeah mr h and the doctor are in there and they're looking around and all the money's there and everything's still there so it's correct mister. Dark enters tells them that the boys have won an award meant he would like to find them. The to lucky lads one looking for them next mister dark catches up with mr h at a cigar. Stand course cigar. Sale is not there. Says there's a sign on that one to something and mister dark shows mister. H tattoos of will in jim on his hands on his palms. Yeah yes over me and asked you know who they are where they are where they are and if he knows them. Yeah mr asia's says yeah. I know him and he tells them fake names. Mister dark says. I already know their names to got the names from the blind teacher. Mr dark asked. Mr h who he is he tells them and mr says. Oh the town's librarian living other men's lives dreaming other men's dreams. What a waste on the whole time. He's doing that. He's squeezing his hands so like his fingernails or something into his palms because his hands start. Bleeding and blood drips on will's cheek zor under the atom. They're standing right underneath them. 00:50:03 - 00:55:02 Then mr h says. Sometimes a man can learn more from another man's dreams than he can't his own. Come visit me. If you wish to improve your education and mister dark says i will and i may improve yours than mister dark walks away and the funeral dirge plays as the parade continues and dark and mr h have a staredown as my mom always said our when we sing. Happy birthday to each other. It sounds like a funeral dirge. Yeah they have a staring contest. Mister dark is basically threatening mr h by moving from a parade to a funeral procession. And then mr h sees ed as a young boy. The bartender right of course. It has two arms and two legs. He's holding football. Yes young and he throws it to mr h and mr h throws back and they look at each other like knowing knowing that who each what's going on you know what i mean. But where he's a small boy where she going to go now live on the streets. I mean he's part of the carnival now. I guess. I guess you're right. Everybody who gets their wish is part of the carnival then. Mr h pretends to accidentally drop a cigar. He kneels down to pick it up from the great and tells the boys to come to the library. Tonight that's a pretty cool dad. Because if your kid came to you and wisconsin trying to explain all this weird stuff that was happening you would just think they were either over imaginative or having an adverse reaction to medication or something. This guy believes these kids. He reaches his hand down and will touches his hand through the great. They have a moment there and wills crying so that night at the library. Mr h reads from the diary of his father. I he tells the kids he believes them and then he does pull out the book. That is his father's diary and his father. Apparently was the town minister wills. Dad's dad will's grandfather. Yeah you starts reading. This is says. October eighteen ninety one says we have had no good fortune. Since the arrival of the autumn carnival it seems they destroy people by granting their dearest wishes and the carnival. People said they were would return had many times. Throw your way of the devil near the old people in the town. Remember them coming before each time. The carnival did come. It ended with a tremendous storm. So i think. That's what mr darcus questioning tom fury about when the lightning's coming because he only has that limited time so it's like the storm follows them then. There's a knock on the door of the library. Which i thought was very polite to give warning that he's coming. He knows the boys run and hide door closes. We never seen anybody but wait. I just want to say at this very moment. I love old libraries. That is a cool looking place. That is a place that i could hang out for hours and hours miss. This part of the film is the part. I referenced earlier that is better better than in the book. So you don't see anything. But mr h says by the printing my thumbs something wicked this way comes then we see mister dark and does he recite the next line. I am not sure. I don't know i was going to ask you the same thing. But i'm pretty sure it is. I mean it is from macbeth in macbeth. I think the witches are talking. I don't think it is. Because i know the next line has something to do. I know a little bit about macbeth. The something wicked they are referring to is macbeth. I think they say that in the next line or something. Maybe they just quote back and forth because mr h brings up christmas or something right. Hold on okay. The freaking refers to twitching or tingling sensation in the second witches thumbs. She can sense danger in her body. The wicked something is macbeth knocking at the door as the next line indicates it says open locks to whoever knocks. Is that what he says. I don't think it is of the. 00:55:02 - 01:00:00 There's another line after that to do all rhyme when they're saying i'm back and forth. This says he just says my name is dark so he doesn't actually say the line from macbeth. Nope in and says. My name is dark better known as illustrated man where all the boys and instead of the father's diary it's a bible in the book. It's not in the book at all. So i say i think this scene is much better in the film than it is in the novel. I don't think it's the next line either. I think they're exchanging quotes from different places. So mister dark calls for will jem. He offers them free rides on america around. He asked jim how how he would like to be. Grown up with all the grownup benefits right. Then he tells jim that he is the father. Jim has been waiting for. That's when mr h says. I know who you are. You're the autumn people you come from the dust and go to the grave. I liked that title the autumn people. Yes that's pretty cool. And mister dark tells mr h that if he tells him where the boys are hiding he can make him young again. Yeah he tells him his heart is old and this is the scene. That got me a little riled up he says i can make you thirty then. He rips a page out of the diary. He says too late thirty one. Yeah it's it's cool. Because when he ripped some they catch fire and disintegrate and if he would just say where the boys were whatever number he lands on is what he could be right. So he's going in order and ripping pages. What's he ripping up though. Is that the diary. Okay so he goes thirty one thirty two thirty and thirty five and then we'll scream dad. Don't listen right. But then here's the part that gets me okay. He goes all the way up to fifty two and he rips out the page and then he goes no more pages. So is this guy supposed to be fifty three. I think he's fifty five for some reason. Okay think about that for a skinny second. I know. I know. I know you don't gonna tell me like what so his kids thirteen. And he's fifty five kids twelve okay. Twelve how old. My kid is open. I was a little bit what it took this a little personally. Because i'm looking at him thinking he looks eighty some years old and he's younger than i am well in real life. He's not though he is actually sixty one. But i think the way my age. I think the character he's playing is fifty five for some reason. I don't know why when. I have a son approximately the same age so it made me a little taken aback but proceed. I'll get a bit than mister dark. Throws the book at mr h and says he's going to give him a taste of death so he will know how it feels when it comes soon. Yeah when it comes again and that he says soon grabs his hand kind of crushes his hand. Yeah that's a very well acted seen. I thought that's my favorite scene in the movie. Like i said it's it's a similar scene in the novel. But it's not as that one's which i'm okay saying because they were both written by ray bradbury so you know what i mean. Yeah mister dark. Offers to make jim old so he can be the co owner of the carnivals darken night shades. Pandemonium carnival does have a nice ring to it. This is he finds the kids not yet. No i thought you said that lately. He's he's still trying to find him at this point he's okay and he tells will that his mother rode the carousel backwards and forwards and went quite mad and he's looking he's like. I wonder where you would be file right so then. He climbs up the bookshelf. Which was really creepy. Any grabs the boys from behind. Brings them down just carrying them away as he does will cease his mother out the window at the church. Yes so he knows. Fine and mr blacks aligarh dark excessive dark. Yeah investor drugs. Oh i must have made a mistake. They must have been jim's mother. Mister dark has the witch pay greer take. He says take their tongues or something like that is. She appears she approaches. She is their new mother. Yes house them. He says. time to. Quiet these chatters lose their tongues until he can find them again owes tons to whispers. 01:00:00 - 01:05:03 Yeah can't speak mister. Dark tells the switch to give jason a brief taste of deaths knows that he may recognize it again when it comes. Which is a repeat of the mine. Didn't he already do that. you did. There are some other cool. it's a cool seen. Though she sends down his heart. Yes it's very difficult to watch without blood or gore. It's very psychological. I think it's a good scene. But i don't know why they repeated it but both of them are good next. We see. jim's mother heading to the carnival and we see Mister darkened the boys again. And he's going on about darkened nightshade nightshade and dark. How they're going to be partners. They're gonna ride him forward to make him an adult and ride will backwards still. He's a baby till he's a baby to he'd be a plaything for that little person Who again as master. Blaster from mad max and the storm is coming. Yes so mr h comes to and runs through the woods in the cemetery to get to the carnival when he gets there. He finds jim's mother waiting at the entrance to the carnival for she thinks her husband is coming. Jason takes the ticket tells her to go home that her husband isn't comment and she listens. She says they sad but they said she doesn't. She does leave. So mr h walks into the maze of mirrors and fog everywhere there is and mister dark begins showing him the mirrors of all the townspeople. Make another of what each one meant or what they were but he shows mister h his mirror and it takes him back to win. Bill was drowning in the rapids. His emir of regret. Yes he couldn't do anything about it and he says you're a failure as a father was in there at the same time searching forums with his voice so i guess he got his tongue back. I guess i'm not sure how he got away from mister dark whatever small details and then we'll says i love you too as wilder mister dark is tormenting mr h your failure. Your son hates you. Yes you've lost him forever is mine now. yeah correct. And then we'll screams. I love you. So then mr a smashes. His hand through the mirror and grabs grabs him out of the river. Yeah it's very symbolic. So in the mir he sees the scene that he most regrets and when he smashes the window he grabs his son and pulls out of the river in this whole thing he just pulls in through the mirror but it looks like he's reaching into pull him out of the river then they embrace tender moment. Then there's a lightning storm. The lightning rod salesman runs into the maze of mirrors with his lightning rod and he stabs the witch with lightning rod because lightning strikes. The rod he has. I don't know how he's still holding. It runs and stabs the witch. And she's gone. She gone glass wise everywhere. Why is the lightning rod salesman so resistant does he proceed them to the town that they're going to and then help get rid of them. He's pretty he's pretty resistant to their charms. You know he. They're torturing him to get information out of him and then he does kill the witch. So is he no no. I don't think. I don't think that the book is the same but okay don't now. I'm not sure that he plays such a big role in the book because he seems almost like a protector. The way i remember. It's been a few years since i read it. Then see jim and mister dark at the carousel yet. Mister dark claims. Jim messes son and partner. Yes and will yells. Jim don't ditch. So both jim and mr darker on the carousel is it spinning and mr h runs and grabs jammed from the carousel and posey moth. Then lightning strikes mister dark and the carousel and the right lightning strikes as mister dark on the carousel and we see mister dark on the carousel spinning and growing older. Because he can't get off. He's being electrocuted so he can't jump off or anything. And then mr h will or worried about james is he. Dead is he. Dead and mr h tells will the only thing that can defeat them happiness so he kind like starts jumping around dancing and acting like a crane. Something the bird you know being happy. Yeah jim wakes up. And we continue to see mr dark spinning around on the carrizo growing old and the horses on. 01:05:03 - 01:10:07 The carousel. Seem to be sucking. The life from him yet was very become real. they're real. Yeah then we see mister dark. A skeleton rolls off the carousel as it stops in a little person comes and picks him up carries him off so the storm destroys the carnival becomes a tornado like winds blowing the tense over right. Yeah it's it's yeah and then everything starts to ascend. Yes tour tornado and sucks the carnival up into the sky. Will mr h in. Jim run back to town. As the sun is coming up laughing there was a cool shot. I don't know if you notice it with the tornado. And the wills. Dad will in gym or watching. They're all in silhouette. Yes that was pretty cool looking there watching it. i don't. they're awfully close to a tornado. It's all going up in the air it's going up. It's going away and so then are racing back to town and they're racing to the barber pole. At the first one touches it touches it in turns on so then we have the narrator again basically says that dad was okay with being old after that. S- new the hid m'aiment made a memory that will last as long as sons tell sons about fathers day. Love there. You go the end. Yeah and it is the end and now you need to tell me what happened. To all the people you know the schoolteacher the barber the cigar salesman do they get sucked up into the tornado. Or they don't us to they come back to normal. I guess they made the deal. I guess they got sucked up. Then what's the last page say. Because they're missing the schoolteacher. The bar owner the cigar salesman in the barber right. Yup then as the moon watched the three of them together left the wilderness behind and walked into the town. So there you go. The boys take off and mr h starts to any hesitates feels vague pain in his chest while then he asked his death important. Grew it so he seven thatcher he wrote the screenplay original one in one thousand nine hundred fifty eight and it took until eighty three until it was actually done. Wow like financing never came. You know what i mean. I guess it was originally written a screenplay it says then he published it as a novel in sixty two so as originally screenplay that's weird are different than revisited. It and seventy three and they had a director with a script and then by seventy six had changed to a different director and just kept changing production companies and directors and so on and so forth. So i think the disney originally did it. Nice screened it. You know what. I mean for a test audience bombed so they called bradberry and he came in like reworked it and saved it. Disney spent an additional five million re filming re editing and re scoring the picture. Wow after the bradberry back in and bradbury said it's it's not a great film but a decent. That's how i liked it. I thought it was good. You should read the book. It's more of a. I kind of compare compared to like stand by my stephen king. You know what. I mean kind of like a coming of age kind of boys kind of story. You know what i mean. Well it has some definite morals in it. yeah anything. You were pleasantly surprised by karen. Well when i was watching it. I will say i think it's one of the best cast films. People were perfect in their roles in this film. I mean whoever the casting director was nailed it. I don't think there was one person that i thought wasn't believable. In their role. I thought the they were. I thought they were really good. Mister dark was menacing but handsome being darker. Like you know how you read a novel you picks right the characters in my head. He was darker than you mean scarier. He wasn't he wasn't so clean cut. Clean cut yeah. He was portrayed in the film. I guess but i think part of that is it. Let you believe that. I was thinking amora carney kinda you know what i mean. People aren't going to hand over their dreams to some. They have to be charismatic. For you to believe that they're going to give you what you want. You know if it's someone who doesn't look trustworthy you wouldn't do that. You have to have some charisma to get people to do that. I just thought everyone the moms the the older dad the which was perfect perfectly cast good. 01:10:07 - 01:15:01 They're all good. Good actors. Cast and i think the kids were good actors a lot of times. You get kids in there. Just not that good but i don't think they did. I'll think of the one of them did anything after this though. Sometimes kids can kinda ruined films because they're just not good they're stiff and i think in the credits and introducing in it. I think it was the voice. They just seemed very natural very comfortable in their roles. And you believe the chemistry between the parents and the kids. I mean really impressed with the cast and the acting in it. Anything you well. I'm only. I'm only disappointed and i don't know what happened. I don't know are. They punished forever. Did they die in the tornado. Do they have to live as those ruined beings forever. How does that work to are they. Part of the next carnival because the train cars were empty when it came to this town. So do they die. What happens to them. That's all i wanna know. Don't i mean how much of a risk was that to become young again and beautiful. Right are some unanswered questions. Counted will get away from mister dark right and get his tongue back. Yeah beverage plot holes you know but i thought it was really good. I enjoyed it too. It did make me think. I mean what he pull you in with. What would mister dark get you on the ferris wheel or in the hall of mirrors or you need to have major regrets or desires or i don't know i guess you don't know until mr dark comes to town and tells you because he can see what you want. He sees your pain and your desires and he tells you. I guess you wouldn't know until it happens. How many cocktails cocktails ticketed wait. You didn't tell me what you were pleasantly surprised by disagreement with you. Oh you're going one hundred percent in with me. I said pleasantly surprised by you said the scenes were some of the scenes. were better in the they. That's good yeah. That whole library scene in the film is better than the book. Course the book you know you does go into greater detail and all the other cast of characters in the carnival and you know what i mean. Look a little bit about all of them. Like one named guillotine. He's not in the film all maybe he may be one of the people in the parade. But you don't know why is that why there was the head and the basket because that seems rather random to me how gary but random and like i said. I don't picture mister dark as smooth. And when i pictured them as i was reading the novel he seemed a little more brazen and you know what i mean. Who cast can you think. Is that too much pressure. I did picture them with dark. Hair beard mustache the whole thing. But not. Maybe not so yeah. I don't know that's hard to do on the spot as just curious if you could think of someone i just thought. He was perfect menacing but charismatic. You believed he could hurt you but you also believed he could help you. You know get you what you wanted. Disappointments reme- yeah with our like you said there are a couple plot holes but other than that. i think they could make another one. Because i think the tornado. Could you know me. And the sequel. They could they could come into another town. There is not a remake. I don't know if you could put mr dark on the carousel and running backwards from dead. You know apparently twenty fourteen disney announced. They were gonna make a do a remake of it with somebody right in the script. Seth grahame smith need did say that he wanted to focus mostly on the source material of the book. But you know how that goes. I think there's one thing i would take. I would take care sell. I would like to be younger in a way where say my knee doesn't hurt or but i don't want to go back and repeat anything like i don't wanna do that but you know no that's what i'm saying like but if my heart was bad i could get on there and be younger. My heart could be young. I don't have a bad heart. You know what. I'm saying like if something was majorly wrong and you could go back. 01:15:01 - 01:20:04 But i don't wanna relive anything unless you have free choice to go back and not have to redo your same trajectory. You know careful what you wish you know. I guess. I guess things may end up being worse than what you could they. Yes i know. I'm just kidding you know it's just an it does get you thinking that there are a lot of consequences. It seems like an easy decision. Would you like to be younger. Sure but all wait a minute way. Maybe i'll skip through high school. You were the cool kid in high school. you didn't have to suffer like the nerds like we did one of their. It's just it's an interesting movie to think about like i said. What would you get on the carousel for. Go in the house of mirrors. For and i can't think of anything but mister dark would find something and then what are the consequences of it. You know. I mean if you had to stay with the carnival. That wouldn't be very fun. Think it through people think it through mister dark shows up in your town. Don't give in right away. He's handsome but he's not on your side correct. So how many cocktails. I'd give it to. I really really did enjoy it. I thought it was well acted. Well done i mean yeah. There were some plot holes. And it's probably a little bit more. Aren't there yes. It's true and it is more of a children's movie. I think but i could be. Adults can enjoy it also. I've seen some terrible kids. Movies sat through them. You know this one adults can enjoy at the same time i think. I'm not so sure it's a kids movie. But walt disney film so most disney films are for children. Is it a pg. I was just looking at that. Hang on is a pg. That makes i mean i think it would be scared classifies it as a classic drama family live action. See they describe it family. Pg yeah. i'm not saying young kids. But i mean they're twelve year old kids in it. Yeah so you gotta figure it's about that age so what about our cocteau or my cocktail by concoction well. I need to preface it. By saying i don't like beer beer. Oh i can especially now that down at the bottom i get. Hold that sugar. the sugar. That's like people telling me that. I was scanning orange and sugar. Yeah when people say you don't even tastes the coffee in it. Yes yes you can. So all i taste is beer but i think it's good. I think a lot of people will like if you like beer. I think you'll like it very much like bourbons. Because that's all i tasted was bourbon. These lap sits very good though sugar. Bourbon sugary orange bourbon. Yes can't go wrong with that anything. We learned today cared. Well probably a bunch of stuff. you'll cut out. No am i about the lions lions. I didn't drop as much knowledge today. I'm sorry off my game. I just thought it was kinda cool because lions are always in front of well not always. A lot of lions are often in front of libraries. All i had was the guy who played lightning rod salesman played abraham lincoln so and did the voice for that disney trying to show. How much is one hundred thousand dollars in today's money. Would you say one point. One point nine nine point nine million so it was made in racing on. What were you based on that on. We need basing it. On what year was this. What year did he win the hung. Oh dollars i put one thousand nine hundred forty okay. Yeah because that's what was my guess from the car that i saw and i'm not a car person. But i'm guessing it was forties right next movie. Caring next movie is my choice is and it's going to be the lost boys the lost boys. And why why. Why can't you choose. lost boys. Lost boys is cool. It's also the week of joel schumacher's birthday drafted it. Yeah that too. But it's cool. That's my heyday right around then. So the fashion the hair. The i'm guessing there's going to be mullets everywhere right. That's the way i remember it. Leather rock and roll baby. 01:20:05 - 01:22:05 Do you have a drink. I do have a drink. What am i going to need for. I was called holy water and there are multiple holy water recipes but this one has ingredients that we have. You're going to need vodka triple sec light. Rahm grenadine syrup and tonic water but those are pretty common things. I don't think most people have those in the bar. Little rogue was looking up vampire stuff. And i thought you know. I'll try this angle is. There's a lot of holy water in that movie. Cool anyone you need to thank karen no. I don't think so. We do once again made the band verse thirteen for letting us use their music in the podcast info. Lincoln the notes. Thanks verse thirteen. you're awesome anything else. Karen please drink responsibly. Yes another podcast has come to an end if you can't get enough of us. Follow us on facebook and instagram at scary spirits. Podcast if you have questions or comments emails that scary spirits podcast at g. l. dot com. Check out the website at scary spirits. dot com. You can find us on youtube. That's scary spirits. If you feel like being are walking billboard we have linked to our merch store right on our website in. You're looking for the recipes for themed drinks. You'll find all of them in the recipe dead on our website and remember if you really want to help us out. Leave us a five star review as always. Thanks so much for listening