The Lost Boys SSP019 00:00:00 - 00:05:00 Spikey mullets tight spandex and loads a leather dangling earrings on sexy vampire boys who jingle when they walk loud rock bands with shirtless oiled up sax players neon lights boho skirts and big permed hair. This movie couldn't be any more eighties. And i love every minute of it episode. Nineteen of the scary spirits. Podcast loss boys explores the fight between good and evil with evil clearly winning the fashion battle. Enjoy welcome to the scary spirits podcast. Please be advised that the presenters may use adult language and or discuss adult situations. His podcast is not intended for younger listeners. Or those that may be easily offended. So if you're ready. Let's go. I am greg and i'm karen and welcome to the scary spirits. Podcast the podcast. That combines the two very different but highly compatible worlds of scary films and alcoholic spirits. What could possibly wrong indeed. Sometimes things do the wrong karen. Not very often though sometimes. Okay how are you. i'm awesome. how are you. i'm okay. Same old same old one of these days. I want surprise you know. I'm waiting with anticipation. He i don't think so so karen. I believe today's film was your choice was it was not it was and what film have you chosen to subject us to this week. The nineteen eighty seven film. The lost boys ask one thousand nine hundred eighty seven You say i do remember nine thousand nine hundred seven karen i do. How was that for you. it's a good time. yeah. I think it probably was for me as well. Slow hazy. Why might you have chosen this film parents. Do you know because it's cool cool is there. Is there another reason. I chose it. Well you know the person who directed this film joel schumacher. His birthday is august. Twenty ninth which is just a few days before this episode goes live okay. There is school is the movie cool or is the fashion coal or the boys cool with it. It's all of it. I forgot how much i liked this movie. Did you watch it and didn't like it as much as the first time. Probably not as much as the first time. Now but whatever that's karen might you have a brief synopsis of this film. Do are you ready for it. Its very brief. A teenager and his family moved to the coastal california town where he fears. His older brother has fallen with a pack of vampires accurate. It's accurate we have a cocktail. We do what pray. Tell me it be. This cocktail is called. Holy water must be. Why have burned so bad when i drink it. Are you smoking. my throat is on fire. There you go. Well it's a mixed drink recipe from cocktail builder. I thought i was being extra clever because it's not any type of vampire blood or various. Kiss her now a little more obscure but still very appropriate. Yes no. I know what what's in it. How do we make it. Even though i've already done it and that's why it burns. You did it on youtube i did. Everyone can watch. Greg make every drink every week on youtube to make holy water. You're going to need two ounces of vodka. One ounce of triple sec one ounce of light rum one dash of grenadine syrup and tonic water. You're going to combine the alcohol in a rocks glass over ice. Fill with tonic. Water than add one dash of grenadine. Be sure the drink is served with the tonic still bubbling. I might have put a couple. Dashes granted am i. I put a little extra ice in mine. I did too. It's a little. 00:05:00 - 00:10:02 It's very strong strong. The so you just let it burn. Being funny was that with. That was so i should just ignore the smoke coming out ears. She should it's fine. I like it actually now. all right. Well let's give the people time to gather the ingredients holo and we're back we are. I just wanted to say shout out to stacy and denise i went with my friends to new orleans and we actually had a drink called holy water served to us by father john in a bar that none of us can remember the name of because we drank too much holy water but we all remember that the bathroom key was attached to a toilet seat and you had to carry that to unlock the door. It was not this drink but it was similar to drink. It was a secret recipe. Father john said and we were on a tour of scandalous new orleans. One we obtain this scenario. There are lots of recipes holy or worse than this recipe. Here do you even remember cairn. I remember it was a warm day in. The drink was very refreshing. That's about all. I remember and we went back a second time the next day because we enjoyed it so much good. I did make a note in the even demonstrated in the youtube video. That a fun thing about this drink. Is that since. It uses tonic water. If you hit it with the black light close you'll you did that on youtube. Yes i did. how exciting. Yeah so if you're having a halloween party or something. I mean it is coming up for people like us have like black lights. All over party room is drink. Whoa glow sit. Don't spill it on your white shirt or everyone really really want him. Make it cool. Get some dry ice and pull piece in their immune. Hello and smoke and your party. Guests will be amazed which is what we all want want to entertain your guests right. All right karen. How are we ready to get into the lost boys from nineteen eighty-seven director joel schumacher. Do you remember. Did you see in the movie theater. I did not. I can't remember. i was trying to figure it out. It's nineteen eighty seven. I think was my last year of college so i was poor so probably didn't see aetna theater. Maybe i rented at blockbuster. Pretty sure i saw it on cable once again after the escape from the parents escape. Are you ready get into it. Let's go all right. So the movie opens with credits. Yeah then we have little vignettes. We can watch him between the credits is in. There's a carousel and in here. I've written kiefer sutherland. Walking along the carousel well it. Yeah it opens with with the view flying water to the boardwalk. So how did they do that. Pre drone nine helicopter. I guess but the boardwalk looks like santa cruz to me. It is santa cruz. karen. Oh is it. It was filmed in santa cruz. There is no place as santa carla. When i lived in california santa there was santa cruz and san carlos. So i kept tripping over this santa carla because both of those places were fairly close to me. I only went to santa cruz. Once and so keefer sahlins walking along the carousel along with bales from bill and ted right. And that's i call him bill from bill petrol think it's his posse. Actor's name is alex winter his character's name is marco. It's bill from bill and date is so you have to picture this. They're all in leather. I mean leather dusters leather. Everything and at first. I was like what's going on because it's summertime and they're all in leather you know and i'm thinking you were thinking this the first time you saw it. No the first time. I see them in the film. They're all in leather and it summer and i thought that's crazy but then i realized that you have you've seen this before. Yes yes so. They're cold You know they can wear this and they jingle when they walk because they have so much zipper and medal and okay. Sorry i just love the fashion in this movie like some of it. 00:10:03 - 00:15:07 Well the vampire fashion. So they're walking on the carousel and then a cop grabs kiefer and tells him and the other boys that i told you to stay off the boardwalk. 'cause kiefer is a pretty girl on the carousel. And then a tommy. Anna tommy lee look alike punches tries to punch him and shoving match said that the cops attention next mullets everywhere. Almost nine hundred eighty seven right. I'm not even sure. I still had mind by then. I think i was over it. I don't know we'll have to see a pretty sure it was next. We see deserted boardwalk and all the lights are shutting off. Cop is walking along the one who've hassled them. Yeah we have an aerial view of the cop walking back to his car which would be the vampires flying correct yes. View from the lost boys are the vampires he looks up sees them following her sees something following him from above runs to his car tries to get his car door open but he don't make it he's lifted into the sky and the car doors ripped off its hinges on the car and he screams. You does yeah then we have more credits and wait. You got to say it. But he's gone. He go before the move really starts. You should be happy one death during the credits. More credits next. We see an old vehicle driving along. I wasn't quite sure. What kind of equalizer i. But i figure it out. You know what kind of car that issue. I talked to mulling little u-haul trailer. No i have no idea what i'm talking about though right i do yes. So it's a nineteen sixty eight toyota land cruiser. Any idea what one of those is worth today. Daycare cranky. I should start looking these up but then it wouldn't be fun. What twenty two thousand. Five hundred dollars solo. It's pretty good so the average retail today for one nine hundred sixty eight toyota land cruiser was twenty eight thousand eight hundred dollars. And what did you buy one for brand new What do you think in nineteen sixty eight. What could you bought that nine thousand nine hundred sixty eight. I was thinking eighty seven so swimmer. Nineteen sixty eight karen. It's all blurred me too. It was a very good year. Thirty eight hundred. That's pretty close again. Three thousand seventy dollars. Not bad not bad and they can go up to today. They can go up to the really in good condition. You know really nice. Seventy three thousand. Wow so this is the family. We learn as moving from phoenix later right yet. Two brothers and a mom and a dog. They pass a sign that says. Welcome to santa carla and as they pass who we learn as michael looked at the back of the sign says murder capital of the world in spray paint someone spray painted on their he and they do a montage of people now. We hear the song. People are strange originally recorded by the doors but this version ages pay cover by echo in the bunny man then we see more credits and scenes of the town in boardwalk while the credits go by right. they're showing. I guess what would be considered strange people. But they're people died hair and kind of punk people i would guess is what they're trying to make look strange people hanging on the boardwalk. Yeah maybe street. Homeless homeless people hang out on the boardwalk too or they used to because the climate is reasonable. You don't have a really cold season so they eventually arrive at the moms dads house crystal. I just wanna make a fashion note that cory cory sam. We learn later as sam cray. Hayme is wearing a shirt. He's a kid and he's wearing a shirt that was made for a very large man. I guess it was the style back. Then that i don't remember that close were very oversized. I don't remember that as much. I'm honestly little angry about how they decided to dress. Corey aim in this film throughout the whole thing. Yeah he looks. I don't know if he's supposed to be new wave because there were lots of different line in the original script. He was a girl. Oh really yes. If that has anything to do with it or what he's in more pastels and new. 00:15:07 - 00:20:00 I think like. I said new wave kind of close which is not something that i would know about. Not miami vice but kind of callers. It's even it's louder than miami vice. Yeah but those. That kind of color scheme is what i mean. It's not the leather. I think it's a contrast with the vamps to show. He's a happy good kid but michael is the older brother. And when they drive up to grandpa's who's played by jason patric. Michael is not the grandpa. yeah he's driving behind the car on his motorcycle. Literally eating dirt because the driving on a dirt road and he's riding behind it to dad's house as good. Yeah grandpa's house okay. Yeah which is a very big house for california is a huge house so they arrive at her father's house which is michael. And sam's grandfather joaquin and immediately sam notices. There's no tv well he's weird. He's like an artist or something they pull up to the house. And there's all this weird stuff and he's laying on the porch pretended to be dead. They get there yeah. So they're making him seem odd. That's all eccentric. Yes and so same. Notices are no tv and any says michael that means no tv no mtv. Oh the trauma. Yeah then we learned. The diane is recently divorced but her father says that she's the only woman he knows who's situation did not improve after she got divorced. So that's why. I assume they're coming from phoenix arizona. To move in with him. i agree go into. I think it's the kitchen. There's all kinds of animal skulls and scheme separate room. Where he it's a taxidermy room. Kind work room. Yeah no we learn later. He does lockstep taxidermy. Yeah it's a has a lot of weird things in it but it's a very cool house you know. It's a neat looking house. Then michael sees what appears to be marijuana growing outside. The kitchen window was it. That's what it was. I know could understand and said it didn't want to me. I didn't know if he was just teasing sam. Or if it actually was could've been seems like it could be with the character and then grandpa goes over the rules zone shelf in nineteen fifty-six refrigerator right where he keeps his. What dr pepper root beers. Double thick oreos reveres. Then he shows. Tv guide says talks about the label on the tv guide. He says you may be tempted to pull it if it's pulled up a little don't i don't like that. Then sam says you mean. Do have tv and grandpa says no. I like to read the tv guide. If you've got the tv guide you don't need a tv any slams. The door shut. But before that michael does ask if santa carla is the murder capital of the world and cramp says there are some bad elements around here. Yes he does next. We cut to a scene and we see again. Were flying over the boardwalk at night. A party going on with a very eighties band playing live band playing. And i'm here's what i wrote okay. Let's just pause for a moment to appreciate the oiled up. Ponytailed bare-chested sax player with spandex pants and hip thrusts. Who was also the singer right. So finally i get to count to bare breasts. Natural pair press remember when saxophone were in all the rock songs yes and we say good clarence clemens. Yeah but also in a mad max thunderdome. The tina turner videos. That went along with that. There was a lot of saxophone in it for awhile in the eighties saxophone. Were in every rock song. It seemed like but this guy is something to see. Yes and i made a note. I'm sure this band thought this would be their big break right. But i don't know. I wanna they are. Are they an actual band or was it just a bunch of people. They put together though the actors. I don't know i mean dude. Singing the legit playing the sax i noticed there was like a female guitar player or bass player or something but yeah i don't know yeah. 00:20:00 - 00:25:02 I didn't see any of that. Just saw the oil up hip thrusting sex and he was tan and he had a ponytail. That was the epitome of eighty seven. What song play do you think you remember how it went. Was it something about believing. Or i still believe yes. Okay he's on the soundtrack. I still believe by tim. Cappello also credited as timmy. Cappello an american multi instrumentalist composer and vocalist. He is primarily known for his saxophone. Work supporting tina turner in the eighties and nineties. Saw bet he was in the mad. Max videos for does bullets afire and beyond underdog videos so as well as his musical performance in the nineteen eighty. Seven vampire film the lost boys so he was successful. Just not well. He was a word as a solo artist. And you know but he was a working musician so anyway while the band is playing very eighties band featuring tim cappello michael seeds. Jamie gertz from across the way and is mesmerized. Is as you would be if you saw jamie gertz across louis. I don't know. I think i might have still been mesmerized by the saxophone player. Nope it's all about jamie gertz. He can't take his eyes off of her. Finally chamie gertz makes i contact with him. She eventually turns and runs away. The keep looking each other dancing most. She's dancing. He's just staring at her. So then who we learn as michael. We're counting michael now. Jason patric runs after her donelly alone in the murder. Capital of the world doesn't really grabs. I thought he left him us. You just learned. This was the murder capital of the world. And you take off next week. See mom diane waste right walking along the boardwalk and someone is hanging a missing poster for the police officer who we saw earlier. There's posters of missing people all over town and this is. I assume the wife of the cop looked about the right age to be. The wife and there were hanging on bulletin boards. Remember when people used to hang stuff on bulletin boards in fosse ios. We'll everywhere on college. Kansas every every rotary restore whatever had a cork board in the entrance and people hunger shit every pet store. Every coffee shop everywhere had so on a car selling dog so on a cat looking for a roommate. Whatever house for sale singer wanted. He's walking along and she sees a help wanted sign a window of a store. She goes in talks to the store manager. I she finds a crying boy who's lost. She asks if she can help him. And that catches the eye of the video store guy. Yes because she's very maternal she goes in and the lost boys going as well. David and l. dealer lost boys walk in here. It's a video rental store people. You know there's one blockbuster. Left in the entire. United states says curtis in alaska. Yes but these used to be everywhere. They weren't all blockbusters. There were pops as well. Which is what. I think this when it is but you go in just for these people who don't know you spent time significant amount of time in the video store looking for a movie to rent on a friday or saturday night looking at the all the vhs cases on the and being disappointed when the one was there wasn't there that you wanted to go check the return. Been van. yeah. This was the prehistoric netflix and chill so the store manager tells the lost boys to get out and he told them not to come in there anymore they get on their motorcycles and take off this is what we meet max. And his dog thorn. He runs the video store. And diane tells max she needs a job. Cut to a scene of michael and san chasing after star. Whose jamie kurtz. They're going into an arcade. And i just made a note. There are lots of extras in this movie. There are a lot of people on the sleepwalk. Sam goes into a comic bookstore and meets corey feldman. And there's more missing kid flyers in the comic bookstore but korean. His brother make fun of sam's close as they should they're the frog brothers. 00:25:02 - 00:30:03 S the frog brothers took. I wrote it later but yeah the frog brothers. And sam says he's looking for a batman number fourteen to show he's legit and one of the frog buzzer says. There's only five of those in the world. Then sam says yeah. I already have three. I'm just always looking for the other. Two no he says or something like that folks so he says there's only actually there's only four and he's always looking for the other three so he has one okay but i look this up to see if this was a legit thing. Apparently it's not really. Who is it schumacher's batman. But i did lo. Why did he destroy it later when he did batman that. What's the irony of it. But if you let me do this greg yes. How much do you think. Batman number fourteen in nine point. Eight or above condition is worth today. You said it's not really a rare thing really. It's an old comic so it is sold so fourteen Going to say five hundred fifty seven dollars so nine point eight or above fifty four thousand dollars but if it's eight point five or lower. It's only five thousand What's so special about that number fourteen. I think it's just old. There's just not many of them around k next frog brothers. Give sam a vampire comic book and tell him it could save his life but he says he doesn't like horror comics. No he doesn't next. We see star meeting with the loss boys and she gets on the back of david's motorcycle. Who's keefer okay. And right before that. There's mini riot in the comic book store and some guy steals some comics. That just comes back. In a little later i remember. Okay yes so stars walking with the kid and gets on the motorcycle with kiefer. I do remember now has now. Then david smirks michael and they drive away. Kiefer's good at smirking but star still looks back back of david's motorcycle at michael. I think they've made a love connection. There was zing next. We see a couple making out the car. Now this guy the guy who still still comic books. Yeah because friends. They're not really making out. She's laughing reading comic book and he's trying to make he's trying hard but she's reading. She keeps pushing him away reading the comic books laughing. Yes next the top rips off the car and they are pulled into the sky by an unseen force assuming the vampires. They're screaming too so yeah salmon. His grandfather the grandfather's car shade. They're going to town. What kind of car it is. Karen could see it says ford fairlane. Yes anything else about it karen year. Or what mom fairlane visit convertible yes. It's a nineteen fifty seven ford fairlane five hundred sky liner to pretty car which is kind of a heart. It's like a hard top convertible which is kinda cool. Not i mean. So how does that fold in. I think it goes into trunk. Or something weird. Yeah you know how much a nine hundred fifty seven ford fairlane. Five hundred skyline is worth today average retail. It looked pretty fancy in good condition. I it looks like a car that people would want average retail. What do you think fifty thousand dollars. Thirty one thousand four hundred. So that's stupid. Comic book is worth more than that color. You know what it sold for base price in one thousand nine hundred fifty seven twenty eight hundred pretty close twenty nine forty two. I'm getting better but it can reach prices today up to fifty eight thousand dollars for a really nice so i said fifty for a nice one. I said i asked for the average retail. Greg i am always gonna skew towards one so anyway sam. Thanks for going into towns so grandfather turns on the car and then turns it right off again and gets out pretty funny. Is i like rand. Paul and says does closest town as. I wanna get exactly. That's pretty good. 00:30:03 - 00:35:01 It's funny next. We see sam back in the comic store meeting with the frog brothers. Corey feldman tells him about vampires. Tell sam about vampires right. yes he does. Next we cut to the board will wait. They say the comic book store is their cover and so there are two brothers and their parents are always in the comic bookstore. Yes they are. But greg it. I could've played these because water hippies right but they're hip well so what i. They're hippies and they just every shot of them is them asleep on each other leaning against the wall and they have dark circle sunglasses on and tie dye. Maybe maybe i don't know but they don't have any lines but anyway so the brothers say that the comic book store which is owned by the parents is there cover and they're dedicated to a higher purpose. They say their fighters for truth justice in the american way yes they are and then they suggest seem read. The vampire comic destroy all vampires. It's a survival manual with the frog brothers number on the back and sam thinks they're lunatics so corey feldman and the other. The other frog brother. Who is jameson neulander. They seem older than corey. Hayme to me really. And this is the first corps corey film. This is the first film there together. I thought he seemed younger. Feldman's yeah are they the same age or different no. They seem make making note of that. I'm just thinking about it as we're talking now hold on 'cause we need to know now all right fine corey feldman was born in nineteen. Seventy one corey haim born in one thousand nine hundred seventy one. Now corey haim was born. in december. seventy one feldman was born in july so feldman was a little later. He was alarmed older. He was way older according to our sliding scale yes. That's almost exactly way older. so anyway. The next thing we cut the boardwalk night and michael buys a leather jacket. Yes michael just gain points in my book and then he's walking by like a doodoo ear piercings and he stops. He's taken about getting his ear pierced. Like you wait a minute. You know we gotta stop here. Well wait star approaches behind him and says it's a ripple she's she says she will pierce his ear pierced. She said she will do it. So craig did you have your ear pierced in one thousand nine hundred eighty seven. I did way before that actually and was it done by girl or was it done by a professional first time. It was done by girl on a bus to a band. Competition drum corps competition. Yeah ended up closing up when i ended up doing it myself after that. Oh you did it yourself. Yeah i nailed the same just one and nailed the whole going in but i have to exit holes up. It's still. i can still put an iranian. I have three in the left ear to the right so one in the left. Yeah piercing ears was big thing. Then but if i got my your pearson like nineteen eighty so you still in high senior high was in junior high june l. Oh yeah because you're younger than i am. It was a thing anyway. She tells him her name is star and david and the lost boys watch it. Start definitely dresses in boho clothing. The whole time bohemian type claiming she does david in the boys. Stop michael star from going to get something to eat. He asked her to get something. Can hop on the back of my bike. Mogo ride david and says star and she gets back on the back of david's bike. She goes with kiefer with her eighties. Perm that is a total eighties. Perm big big hair. David tells michael or keefer tells michael to follow them to the point of hudson's yes hudson's bluff it's hudson's bluff overlooking the point lighthouse and. Is that a real face. well i don't. I don't know i didn't look that up. I got stuck. Because it said hudson's it's not wallace bluff. It's hudson's glove true. 00:35:01 - 00:40:05 Michael says why can't keep up with. I can't beat your bike or whatever he says. you don't have to just have to follow. Just try to keep up just trying to keep up then. We hear more terribles eighties music as they race up the beach on their motorcycles. I looked up something. Because i thought it would be hard to ride a motorcycle on the beach. Because it's loose sand right. I thought how are they doing this so fast but it turns out if you go at high speed it's easier you're more stable than if it's if you're going at low speeds so they're doing it right. Sand is flying everywhere and they're riding without goggles or any face protection or you would be eating sand. Yes you if you weren't in the front so they race to the end of the point. Michael was right neck and neck with david. Then michael dropped his bike right before they go over the edge and somehow david just stops before they go over. Well he knows it's there. Yes and then michael wants to fight david. Just you just you just you. Yeah keep your boys out of this. I'll take you all but one at a time. That's what he's thinking. Then david s michael. How are you willing to go michael. They say michael a lot michael movie. Yeah it's names michael. Never mike always mike well. His brother calls mike. But that's true but kiefer calls him subconsciously. And everybody's yelling. Michael michael my. It's just weird. So then they all go down into the cave which was a whatever hotel or whatever that collapsed during the earthquake. I just wrote damn. These boys are handsome even bill. No bill looked better ladies. Who was your favorite oss boy. Now you had to. You had bill. You had david and you had the belong guy and then you had the brunette brunette better. I think there were three blondes and brunette and i probably probably the brunette i mean kiefer is good. Look at key kiefer's pretty hot but yeah nothing is kind of a toss up to me with the blonde brunette. They were all handsome. But you know now had nice hair nice everything but anyway back to the layer were star looks apprehensive. Well no we leave the glare and sam as rating that vampire comic as he prepares for bed. Mom comes in a senate after ten o'clock then grandpa comes in and gives them some. Taxidermy gets a stuffed groundhog. But we learned sam's kind of chicken. He's kind of scared. Do doors open bed mom in and close and boring and but the taxidermy. That's just. I wouldn't want staring at me. I know but still. And sam has a picture of molly ringwald down as in his room. The end rob lob saw that to pulling his shirt up right. I'm like why does he have a poster rob lowe. Hey wait a master of anyone. Who wants like i said. Originally he was supposed to be girl so whatever but he has a molly ringwald to. He's keeping his options open. I suppose poor corey early bad for kids. It went bad later for him personally for this went bad but whatever next back to the lost boys having dinner in their layer in here. We're having chinese takeout. David david waves. Michael something he says. How 'bout a appetizer right now. The joint he hands them here. Yeah right so. I think that's why he's like having all these hallucinations like showing. Yeah that's shows. Original vampires have in folklore inability to create illusions to their lesser beings. They're setting him up with this so that he'll while we'll talk about it in a second while they while they give them chinese and but they're eating it and i didn't think aren't pars eight food regular food because they it doesn't give them any nourishment that's one thing probably still tastes good. I don't think it does. I don't think it tastes like anything. They're dead. They don't need food in most vampire movies and books. They don't eat real food. So i made a no this earlier and then just occurred to me after i made the note note. 00:40:05 - 00:45:03 The mom's name is lucy. Lucy and i thought about later. I'm like oh like lucy in the dracula night. Yeah okay that makes sense so anyway so they are asking their fucking with them. Michael hey how's your house your maggots. You says you're eating maggots and he looks down. It's maggots beneath drops. It in at turns back to rice bright. It was rice originally and then they use the power of persuasion then he s. He wants some noodles. He shows them in their worms. They're not worms there noodles lonzo so david eats noodles. Then so yeah. They're mess with them then. They offer him a drink. Yeah bill from bill and ted brings a bottle of what they call wine. So they're setting him up there saying. Oh it's maggots when it's really rice and it's worms when it's really noodles when star says it's blood. He thinks right right. So it's a whole setup so he'll drink the blood so they offer him a drink you they. Tom be one of us and i began chanting his name. Michael go by go by an star tells them not to do it. That it's blood and he says yes sure because he's just been set up so and jim morrison poster. I made a note. Yes so he drinks it yes he does next. They arrive at a train trestle. But how many days has he been here and he's already half vampire one day or two days. Yeah that's what happens when you meet lock eyes with jamie gertz allah anyways within twenty four hours naked calf naked guy playing saxophone. All greased up. Well there you go. What do you think else is going to happen. Just thought it was pretty funny. He's they called half vampire and he's been there twenty four hours. They get to the train. Trestle and michael's ear is now pierced. Okay yes and one by one of the boys jump off. The trestle and michael looks down and sees they are all hanging from the bottom of the train trestle. Yes which. that's a nightmare of mine. Why would never do that either. They tell michael to come on down and he does he climbs and hangs from this train trestle. Which do you how much ab power you need to pull yourself backup on there. Yes that trade shows up and of course it shaken the train trestle and one by one. Each of the boys drop into the mist low. There's no body the bottom it's frog yes. Fog everywhere they yell for. Michael not to be scared and david tells them to let go. You are one of us and they all do all gone. He's only one hanging there but he hears them from below him saying michael. Come out say keefer. Keefer erratically. whispers michael michael. Would you call erotica just erotic. He was whispering it. he wasn't yelling it. He was whispering like you know. Come to me. Michael so michael. Let's go and he drops. He appears to float in the midst. He screaming for a minute and he's just like floating there he is and he winds up landing in his bed. He wakes up in bed. Yeah and this is where i noticed. He has earing now. So sam comes in a wakes him up and tells them it's two o'clock mom has called and wants to talk to him. She asked him to watch sam so that she and max go to dinner next we see. A scene of grandpa wasn't enough. There's anything in the house that can be used as aftershave. He's got a hot date. And what does he decide to use. Windex same offers a windex and he smells. Ed says Yeah yes that's the stuff he's going to drop off a present to the widow johnson. What is this the eighteen. Hundreds the widow johnson. About two piece of taxidermy. Isn't it yes so then. Apparently it appears that all of the lost boys ride the motorcycles to grandma's because we see the lights of the windows here Yeah it's chaotic and michael. Here's them calling him again. Michael he goes to open the door and sam tells him to stop but michael opens the door. And there's no one there and sam 's michael what's going on next. 00:45:03 - 00:50:02 Michael goes to the fridge. Grab some milk gets the milk. Any like ben's over pain like he's been stabbed in the gutter something. Grabbing transformation is starting. I guess and sam is taking a bubble bath and singing and seeing a fifties show tune and the nook the dogs in there with him not in the tub in the bathroom. No so michael walks up the stairs. The dog is not happy now. Mico enters the bathroom and the dog attacks. Him michael's approaching the bathroom breathing. Heavy and sweating. I think we're supposed to assume he's them period. Yes so then. Sam goes downstairs and turns on the light and finds michael with a dog bite to his hand. He tells sam that the dog was protecting him then. Sam notices michael's reflection in the mirror transparent like he's fading away. Yes he says you're a vampire yet. He recognizes this as a sign. Ease vampire and he runs upstairs with no no. Wait till mom finds out. I'm gonna tell them. All sam runs to his room and grabs the vampire comic book with the phone number of the fog brothers on the back and michael goes to his own room. Yes sam calls the frog brothers and they ask questions and they ask him if his brother sleeps all day and doesn't like the light and if he has bad breath and long fingernails. Sam says yeah. Yeah but he's always had bad breath but all the other things kinda trip that's brother for you. They tell sam. That michael is a vampire and corey. Feldman tells him to get a good sharp stick and drive it right through his heart. Sam says he can't do that and they offered to come over and do a forum. He's his brother. Yeah he's gonna have a hard time doing that next. We see michael danton on the ceiling. Yes he's on. The ceiling was room and he's struggling to get downs. Yeah he floats up to the ceiling. Unawares it wakes him up when he hits the ceiling and then he tries to fly out the window trying to get out the window. I think he's trying to which would seem to me to be very risky. If you're full of helium and you're gonna flow. Why would you go out to. I don't know then mom calls and she's talking to sam and she wants to know what all the noise is. She says it's not michael is it. We see michael flaying outside. The sam's room right by sands with something barely staying in the adults. Don't pay any attention to him. Fine all right. We probably need to explain that so when you had a landline back in the day you could just pick up another phone and be able to speak with whoever was on the line took up another phone in the house anywhere in the house. Yes you had three phones in your house than three people could be on the phone at the same time talking in the that silly three way calling us picked up the damn phone so yeah all your siblings could pick up quietly. Pick up the phone. Conversations had siblings right. I did well or your mom. Your mom or dad. Dad would do that most lom but anyway. That's another antique thing then. Sam tells his mom to come home. Michael is gonna kill me which again. Not so uncommon with siblings. Of course mom is calling from her dinner. Date with max a fancy restaurant or some shit right shiels. Oh my god. She runs out of. The restaurant goes toyota range rover or whatever the hell said. It was landcruiser or maximum tax and watches her runaway. Poor poor max. Well wouldn't be confidence. Booster if you were a regular guy because she runs to the car and speeds away. Yes and michael pleased with stand to let him in through the window. Help me rather lease brother. The same eventually relents and let him into the window and they hug mom arrives and runs into see how sam is sam explains it. Everything's okay you just got a little carried away. After reading some scary comic book. She sees the refrigerator wide open with the milk on the floor. That's what happened when michael had his first. Transformational pain was getting milk out of the fridge and just dropped it unless it. Yes yeah and she says are you trying to refrigerate the whole neighborhood. 00:50:03 - 00:55:03 That's a dad thing to say. That is a bad thing. She's mommy and daddy now so true. And then we zoom in on the milk carton and see that has a photo of the little boy who hangs out with star and the other lost boys. Apparently he's missing. I never did make note of his name. They said it a couple times but laddy laddy. Sam ask mom if he can spend the night in her room that night. Well grandpa comes home from his day. Michael leaves on his motorcycle. Yes he sneaks out on his recycle. So then sam ass mom if he can spend the night in her room and she says if you've been eating pizza yes no he's she says you smell like garlic and then we see. The sam is wearing a necklace of garlic under his very colorful bathrobe. Yes next we see max arriving at his home. Here's animal noises as he's walking to his front door point he says who's there and we see dog thorns so he thinks that might be thorn but then he's hit with a kite. That looks like a bat. Yeah then we see the lost boys motorcycle headlights again. I think it's supposed he's innocent. They're setting us up. I guess or their i guess. Maybe they're introducing us to his dog. No dog at this yeah. This scene was kind of dog is always with him. Yes sir needs to be next. Mike goes to the lost boys cave. He's looking for star finds the bottle. They were drinking from the night before and he throws it aside find or he breaks it smashes it. Yeah you find star and asked her what is happening to him and they kiss then again we. Yeah then again. We hear a cry little sister by la guns. I mentioned that was in the title. Turned the credits at one am i but it is. It's called cry. Little sister by la guns song so they kiss then yeah like he gets topless then she gets topless but we don't see any bare breasts. But i i saw his so now. I'm at four as i have the saxophone player. And now i have michael. So i have two more natural male bare breasts. Congratulations see how exciting that is. Greg next we have an aerial shot over the mountains and the ocean and appears to be going into the cave. Soom there the lost boys flying back again returning to lehrer. Yes and michael and star are in bed. And michael removes the bandage from his hand or the dog had bitten him earlier and it is completely healed. No scar no enough. That's a nice benefit so next michael arrived at home. Somebody waited up. Well it was. It was the day now so in mom wants to have a talk. But michael doesn't wanna talk. Grandpa was wearing his sunglasses in the house. Just like michael. And grandpa says looks like i'm not the only one who got lucky last night. Then sam asks michael if he took care of everything he just walks away next. Lucy or mom goes to max house with sam in their toyota. Yeah yeah toyota landcruiser. She wants to bring some wine to mags to apologize for ditching him the night before. And just as sam turns the comic book is reading one of those. The vampire horror comic turns the page and a page about the hounds of hell just as he does that thorne after roussy. Chase it yeah. It's not whitten. So i guess max probably in their sleeping and the dog is there to protect. She has to jump the fence and he rips and he's almost bites through the wooden fence. Bright he does the out shining the jack. Nicholson shining. seen the dog does he's johnny's home depot. Thorns here so next. Sam goes to the comic bookstore and talks with the frog. Brothers about what happened. And they tell him that. If the head vampires killed all the half's empires will no longer be vampires. So they talk about it and they put into together and they figure that max might be the head vampire just because of this. Hell hound thing. I didn't really follow everything else. That's happened so far that has to do with max. He and michaels only a half vampire. So they can. They're thinking they can save him. Yes and the frog brothers agreed to check out max so it just so happens. That mom has invited max over for dinner to make up for the previous night when she ditched him and she asked michael to stay and meet max. 00:55:03 - 01:00:02 He says he can't. He has plans and as michael was opening the door to leave. Max sustaining their. Max says the michael as the man of the house. I am not coming in until you invite me. And michael says you're invited so when i was originally watching the movie the first this is when i knew because i know that about vampires i didn't know if he was the head vampire but i knew he was a vampire yet so i think we all saw that. Well if you don't know the lore so i'll tell you about it. Yes please do. If vampires enter a house without being invited they will weaken our lose their powers. You can try all those tricks. Mirrors and crosses holy water. But if they go on whatever uninvited they can't defend against that because they'll lose their powers if they're not invited and once they're invited in they can always enter until ownership of the house changes really. Yeah so once this have to be invited in once you're saying yeah according to the lore yes so if someone in your house invites them in your screwed revoked the invitation at some point. I think you can revoke yes but you have to say it out loud. You have to revoke their invitation. Good to know case. I invite a vampire in so then sam we find has asked the frog brothers to come over for dinner as well okay so he introduces them. Yes do you remember what their names are. I don't tell you. Edgar an hour at gurin allen. Yeah so edgar. Allan poe reference. I would guess i would. I would as well. I didn't notice that the first time. That something i went. I didn't catch lucy until this afternoon. Long after david watched it. I thought about it later. Oh yeah lucy. I didn't pay any attention. But when he introduced them as edgar. Allan i thought oh interesting. Edgar allan okay. And there's a whole thing about macs to i thought about but whatever so they're having spaghetti and meatballs it. Looks like in. Sam offers max some parmesan cheese little dish. He created himself right. So max yes. Yes i would like some so. He puts them on the spaghetti and turned out if garlic. Course as you don't like that. Do your sam mac says actually he does like garlic then of course they go through. All the vampire tests on max think they spill holy wa spill water on. I'm assuming it totally water. And they turn off all the lights and put a mirror in front of him. And so max passes all the tests he does. Then max invites mom or lucy over for dinner to his house the next night. He says he will cook. Well max tells sam. He isn't trying to take his dad's place. So max is trying to play it off like sam things. He doesn't want him to date his mom because he thinks he's going to replace his dad now. And then lucy thinks he's so sensitive max that he's concerned about that but grandpa look suspicious. He looks at them afterwards and look suspicious. He knows what's up next. We see michael on the boardwalk. You meets up with the other lost boys. He s david. Where star is david says. If you ever wanna see store again you better come with us now. So they go to the beach where back on their motorcycles. There's a party going on with like five dudes party together. Whatever on what that's called surf nazis. Okay and they're listening to walk this way by run dmc. Is that supposed to be cool. I don't know well. It just doesn't seem very hard core for surf nazis. But that's not even on soundtrack. That song is probably couldn't get the rights or something. I'm not dissing the song i'm just saying. It doesn't seem like a surf. Nazi kinda song. Who doesn't rate of nazi is. But whatever and i don't know what song they would listen to. It didn't seem like the right one. I always up by the butthole surfers. Yeah you would think no. It's run dmc keep thinking. Thank you for getting this sweetest. Let a swedish band. What do they call those black metal. Yeah you would think right. Yes so next. David tells michael initiation is over. Michael time to join the club as they're watching these dudes on the beach champ around dance. So then the boys alternative empires. 01:00:02 - 01:05:03 Yeah this the first time we see the makeup it is. It's pretty good. It is and they fly over and kill and eat all the boys partying on the beach. Well yes all the vamps did michael in a turn he resists yes as in the tree or they're watching from above and he begins to turn and he falls out of the tree and david comes to him and tells him that. Now you know what we are now. You know what you are. You'll never grow old and you'll never die but you must feed so basically they're telling him he's got to kill these eat thought. That was a pretty good scene. I mean not the dancing on the beach but it's pretty. Poignant this is what we are and this is what. You are be pretty brutal to watch that. I would think so. Next sam's grandpa gives him some more taxidermy. These put it with the rest of it. Yeah there's quite a fool of jeremy. Then michael arrives at home and sam ask him who the head vampire is. Then star arrives outside yielding up to the window. And sam ask she one of them. She wanted them at an star flies up to the window. Tate's yep he says jeeze she's one of them. That was pretty funny. Corey came is based comic relief. In this whole thing really you think about it but anyway starr explains about everything. She was supposed to kill michael the previous night when they're all as you say kissy-faced in won't become a full vampire until his first kill anti-israel she cries still half empire that right she's michael was supposed to be her first. That's the way david wanted it. But she cares about him and we keep in like led to believe david's like the head vampire to right. Yes but star. Like michael star. Flies away sam yells at her. Don't kill anybody until we get back to you all right so sam calls the frog brothers. We see grandpa putting in wooden fence posts spiked steaks. Yes and i broke down foreshadowing question. Yes so i. Of course we've seen it before. But so then. Michael sam and the frog brothers grandpa's ford fairlane and michael takes them to the lost boys cave in the daytime in the daytime. Which all these movies. The trope is usually they show up at night to the vampires. Lehrer this one. At least they went in the daytime so they get to the lost boys cave Michael wait sam's ear is now pierced. Is it yeah was it always notice. He's got a small diamond in his ear. It was distracting to me. And then i thought did i miss something. Sorry go ahead. I know he gets on michael for right. It's not you take it out. And then i even rewound it to see but michael goes to take out star star says no take lanny laddy they go into lamma i so michael takes laddy out and sam in the frog brothers. Investigate the cave and they end up finding the lost boys hanging from the ceiling. There trudging through the. I don't know cave legacy things. And they're looking for coffins right and they can't find him they come on and they say they can smell them and while they're doing all that then michael takes laddy out then he comes back and he takes storm out but yeah they're look yeah and they're still looking for coffins and they come to a dead end and then they don't they think they haven't found him and then they look up. I thought that was a really cool shot. Because they're hanging there like bats and they just say oh. This whole thing is they're coffin. This cave is often with their glorious. Mullets hanging down kind of fake. Though a mullets yes this. Yeah because i ran through the whole thing because they're too long but i thought it was a cool idea to put. That looked like they. We've go. yes yes so they. They don't know who the leader is so they studied them all. So yeah the frog brothers. And sam climb up there. And they stabbed bill from bill and ted or whatever i said. His name was Marco yeah they step mark right through the heart with a stake. Of course there's you know bloody goo all over the place and and all the other lost boys turned into vampires and wake up the chase after the boys david they grab i mean. 01:05:03 - 01:10:02 Come on but anyway. Yeah david grabs sam's foot as they're trying to get away and they drag him into the sunlight and his hand catches on fire. Burn it basically having a tug of war between kiefer and the frog brothers with sam as the rope yup back and forth back and forth and they get his hand. It bursts into flames the light. There's glitter in the blood. That's what cory heym said like some documentary they put glitter in blood to make it more glistening and you can notice that in this scene when they come out of the cave and the daylight and they have blood all over their clothes. It's glitter you could see the glitter glittering really. Yeah they do get away. Car up is great. The vampire makeup is good. They have contacts in their sculpted cheekbones. And the whole deal. They look good for nineteen eighty seven as vampires too so eventually get back to grandpa's ford fairlane. Sam jumps in and drives because michaels kind of passed out. I don't know why. But he is vampire sleep during the day. I guess they eventually arrived back. Grandpa's house nee carry star in the kid up the michael's room and i made a note. There's a modern. English poster michael's room. We haven't seen michael's room a lot to know it kinda posters. He has because a modern english poster. So next sam writes his bike to the video store. They have two and a half hours to come up with a plan because at sundown. The vamps are come will come looking for them. So sam rises bike to the video store and tells his mom all about the vampires. Mom won't listen. Yes she thinks. Sam is trying to sabotage your date with max right then. Same tells the frog brothers that they are all on their own. So next we see the boys the frog brothers and sam bust into a church during a what looks like a baptism what they call it. Yes and they start filling their canteens up with holy water. There's always reservoirs of holy water in the back of the church. Sam tells his grandpa that the widow johnson called in that she wants to be picked up at seven instead of eight. Grandpa doesn't seem to recall them having a date but he gets excited they wanna get grandpa out of the house. Grandpa leaves Then the boys create a vampire trap into bathtub a fill it with holy water and garlic. Well they're smashing garlic from a bag. That looks like it's a fifty to one hundred pound bag a garlic. Did you see that in the kitchen and fill their squirt guns with holy water okay. So they went to the back of the church and fill two canteens now more than two okay but still so. It's an entire back which they probably feel to each. Let's say two inch so six canteens that's not gonna fill a back so i don't know if mixing holy water with regular water makes it all holy water but they did not have that much holy mix mixed piss with water. Does it become test water again. But i wouldn't you're gonna burst into flames making that comparison but anywhere does burn so it's a deluded holy water which does appear to be effective. Well we find out later. Yes drinking holy water people. This is it. Yeah next we see the sun setting over the boardwalk. The lost boys wake up and fly out of the caves. Did you not i feet. Now i didn't. He was the only one they showed the feet of their like claude. Like hanging on a pole yet. Kiefer's were yes. Did make a note that as we're leaving the caves. The video looks like they reversed the previous footage of them playing into the cave. Really waves didn't look right to me. They didn't look right. I think they just save some cash dollar. Save some cash instead of. Let's not fly away. Let's just like reverse the film footage we already took as we're flying in bull. You can imagine it was expensive to do that like you said. There's no drones so you're paying a hell of film was eight point. Five million did pretty well. So i think they could have afforded ten minutes of a helicopter but we don't know that you don't know when you make it if it's gonna do well i guess so maximov or having dinner at max's house we see that little scene and we cut back to grandpa's house and the dog barks as we see an aerial view are coming in. 01:10:02 - 01:15:00 Yeah sam runs out to get the dog. Forgot got apparently that he that the dog outside so they all run out there to get dogs and the all run in the house as they're being chased from above everyone yelling. They're coming. they're coming up so basically one by one the vampires enter the house. Okay so wait. They enter the house. Are they invited. No they are still how come they have full power. They do this whole thing with max right now. But he's the head vampire. These are just. These are just wrote both well. We don't little no he's the head but you know we can assume yeah to spoil it for everyone but i'm just saying oilers. They enter the house without being invited and they made a deal. Avic about max having to be invited so it's a little only further i made. It says later all right. Well you can tell me later. But i'm just saying they're not invited and they come in they bussed in and they're wreaking havoc less said. Yes so the frog brothers splash one of them with holy water the blonde but he does say garlic doesn't work yes he does. And then they splash him with holy water and he's face gets burned and the nook that the dog's name yay go into nook leaps leaps in and jumps on him and pushes into the bathtub with holy water and he basically melts and becomes skeleton. And then bloody wire burst through all the pipes. Sprays out the sinks. The toilets the house. I think they just wanted that effect for some reason. That was a good effect. Yeah next vampire grab sam the hot brunette one yes from above and takes him up to the ceiling and sam sprays with holy water from his squirt gun then shoots him with a wooden arrow or shoots at him with a narrow vampire falls for a minute then he gets up and says you miss sucker then sam says only once pow and shoots him again in the vampire falls into a stereo and basically explodes sparks everywhere and the song playing during. This is good times which is a old song but they called it death by stereo good times. Nineteen sixty eight by the easy beats but it's covered in the film by inaccessible. Michael in in excess. Nice with jimmy. Barnes is a guest vocalist with michael hatchets. But the easy-beats karen were abandoned. This song was written by george yang and he formed the easy beats in australia. He's the older brother of angus. And malcolm oh okay yeah. He actually produced their first few albums. You look at their albums. It says produced by young vanda nuts was george young's co writer and they wrote songs this vanda guy who is in the easy beach with them but anyway so there's a little acdc reference gotta love that so good times and then that's when corrie says or sam says death by stereo yes next david arrives. It's down to the final two and he shackle and we cut back to sam's bedroom and the kid laddy laddy. Those name is lady star. Sta turn and they all the frog brothers go after him and star jumps in front of them and stops them from killing him he tells them he is just a boy next back to david and michael michael begins to turn so now. He can fly to just like david. He licks his own blood. Did you see that yes. He does ripping from his nose. It's a little gross. Got do so. He and david fly and they meet each other. Michael tries to impale david. Anwar the taxidermy antlers or whatever on one of those wall many many many many now he misses and then david says all right my turn. So he's like shows. Michael mac on the opposite wall and tries to do the same thing and he still wants him to he still says michael join us still wants him to join right. Keefer likes michael now. Keefer just does what dad wants him to do. I guess yes but eventually michael impales david on what appear to be some antelope antlers. Which are they really would really does that. Count as a wooden stake through the heart in the low bandler slow. 01:15:00 - 01:20:01 he doesn't disintegrate. No he just is what he returns back to normal he looks like a normal human annan vampire but everybody else. But every come on bill from bill. And ted's exploded when they put a stake in his heart. Yeah so it's a little odd for still gracefully fades back to normal to the the beetle comes hands with the spike in wallet. Yes he becomes even more handsome. He looks so peaceful so star in the boys. Come running downstairs and this is when they figure out there must be another empire. Because we don't feel any different starring. Michael right and michael still looks like a vampire. Yes so then. Mom and max arrive. Max walks in and finds david michael star in there. But they're kinda hit. So max doesn't seem right. Max tells lucy her mom does. It's all his fault. David in my boys have misbehaved. Yes misbehaved this is. Max admits that he's the head vampire basically and he said the boys needed a mother. Wanna lucy he wanted to get michael. Then he wanted to get sam and lucy. Because widmer's big vastly lucy's the one. He wanted so he knew if he got her boys he would get her right. And this is where max tells the boys. Don't ever invite a vampire into your house silly boy. Yeah doesn't work once you do that. You're screwed in max. Says he wanted lucy. Be part of family. Then max changes again back to vampire kinda right Michael says. I didn't invite you this time. So is that revoking the invitation when he says that i so but he's still there it's not like he flies out of the house immediately and he still has all his powers get. I think it's just like all the tricks don't work. Oh see i gotcha. So he the mirror and this holy water. Gotcha so max throws michael upstairs until the loft and then max grabbed stam you put his hand out for lucy to grab. He's telling her. Like join me or i kill your kid. Now i'm gonna kill you and everyone else in this house. Basically right any much without saying so. He conveys a lot with sadness outreached hand. He's like full vampire mode now to he's inks and everything and so. Lucy grabs his hand and he begins to go in and bite her. Just as grandpa drives through the house and one of the fence posts comes off of his truck and impales. Max lucky shot because there were a lot of people in there. There's a lot of fence posts on that truck to i know but max was awfully close to lucy. That's true has name grandpa's taking some chances. They're true and max goes up in a huge fireball. huge huge. next look that huge fireball star michael and laddy all turn back to normal and they all embrace. We have a moment the tender moment you noticed go. You're getting better. And they asked grandpa fees okay. Navy kind of annoys him in walks to his fridge and gets out. His root beer is root beer. Get something a little stronger. Takes a big slogging. He says one thing. I never could stand about living in santa carla. All the damn vampires there you go the end so does that mean all the vampires gone where they all one family i think so i think so and during the credits we have. People are strange by echo. The bunyamin again. And then we hear. Don't let the sun go down on me. You know that song karen l. john. Yeah did you hear it in the credit. Did you stop watching. I stopped watching. So it's don't let the sun go down on me. But it's covered by roger daltry. Oh that would be worth listening to. It was interesting. So karen anything. You were pleasantly surprised by in this film. You've seen it before a very long time ago. I don't think i ever saw it again. But i knew i liked it. I liked it. I thought it was awesome. But i just think it takes me back to my youth when you could particular you liked. I like the fashion of the so fashioned. Let's talk about the vampire fat. 01:20:01 - 01:25:11 I used to dress like that and i. You know you can't anymore. But i wish you could where you jingle your walked and had fringe on your nose. More leather jacket. They were been. What were the gos- where they you think no right. They were just leather jackets and motorcycle. Boots and i've mentioned this to you before. And i think you may be cut it out of an episode when we recording but i typically don't like to listen to other podcasts. Cover movies that we may or in the future cover right. I set you up for this. Listen to one podcast. I'm not even going to allude to their name. They watch this movie and their comments were especially from the female on the podcast. Said she didn't really get the fashion. She young yes. I have assuming they are. Yeah you have to lift it. You know that was straight up my alley like you know how you say. A hitchcock blonde is yours. And i don't really have type but anybody who trust like would have punched my buttons. Look good in it. But there's a coolness to it to pull it off a certain confidence you know. Almost how dyke jon bon john. Julius aware those long leather dusters and shit and skintight jeans confidence that you could it's almost androgynous vary. It will almost almost very hair metal right. Yes that's that's okay. We've gotten to it now. It's hair metal. Just always thought it was cool and i still do. I still love hair metal. And i'm not even embarrassed. I mean i still dig it hundred percent. The hair madurai like still like well. Yeah i mean over time. Some have faded away but there are still. That's my core. The were a lot of posers ever right or the more about the luck than the music but they had the look. I just love the look. Like i said i used to dress like that. I'm not even sorry as you said. No shame in my game ripped jeans. Leather jackets with fringe. The whole gig. And i was cool. Maybe there are photos we could see you know. I don't know if there are even through graduate school. I dressed like that. And i listen to that music and it was. Let's just say unique. They were not no. There are no photos of me dressed like that. Because you didn't dress like that not to the extreme now is a black jacket a biker. Jacket thing but i was. I was more metal than hair metal. You know what i mean. Yeah makes sense. I still wore like colors. Things like that but i was more the metal than the hair middle at this point in my life. Nineteen eighty-seven our concert t-shirts every day to work in the lab. When i was there at night i would play music really loud when i was there. You know you'd be there all hours of the night and everybody knew who say that. You say that in the lab. I'm picturing you like a morgue. Foot does not where you were at all was rushed. Well i don't. It's hard to say what it was not a morgue. It was basically a very big chemistry lab. But i thought nothing of it and once my sister. I'm picturing you in nightshift remember. That movie didn't see it. Okay lab coat over over your clothes. But my sister wouldn't come in because there's radioactivity symbols. All over the place just like. I'm not walking in there. You get used to it. You know you don't even see it anymore will there aren't any corpses right. No anything else. You really liked about the film other than the fashion and the hot boys. Isn't that enough. I thought the makeup was exceptional. Nineteen eighty seven. I think they looked like vampires. Like i thought vampires would look. The story was okay but yeah pretty much. The hot boys in the fashion. What about you did you like the hot boys in the fashion. Of course the casting was very good. They went for hot young kids. And that's what they got. There was a little bit of clever writing with lucy and edgar allen and you know that kind of stuff and so vee neal was in that. Does she was a makeup artist. I don't know if you ever watched like face off for any of that stuff on scifi now so v neal is always the judge on that like she's she's like an oscar winning makeup artist and she was a makeup artist on that fills so are the makeup artists responsible for the special effects makeup or the makeup on the people like making star. 01:25:11 - 01:30:04 Look pretty probably both okay. She's credited as makeup artist. Is there a special effects purse. She one other person are makeup artist. There is a prosthetic effects person. There's a hairstylist. Well yeah contact lens consultant right. Well yeah again. And i think contact lenses back then. We're a lot more difficult to wear than they are now so the guy who did the prosthetic effects apparently he win an oscar or something. Because there's a picture of him is him with an oscar. I'm not sure. Was this phil. But i don't think so no. Nobody really know. Except for if you do bonilla's also tight. I think she won the oscar for titanic. Actually so she won for beetlejuice. Mrs doubtfire in ed wood anything. You were very disappointed in well. I think they did a disservice to sam. Which corey is that. Corey name hayme his fluently. He was not dressed. Well no but otherwise. I don't really have any complaints. That's probably my biggest well this so sorry that kid he did. He was not treated well by hollywood. Apparently that's a whole different podcast. But i think I will say this. I think jason patric is overlooked in this film. What say you. I thought he was good. Yeah but you never. It's always about all about key for the loss the other sorta but they say might. He's a good looking kid. You know what. I mean at one point. I just wrote god. These boys are good looking. I mean even bill whole film is just packed with good. Looking people i think joel schumacher knows good. Licken boy when he sees one who or the casting director does and none of them were weak links in the acting department you know. They all held their own. Some of the vamps had a lot. Fewer were lines and less to do. But they still all played the roles well joel schumacher said he had run the greatest casts in the world. Talking about this phil. They were probably all young and unknown. To marian dougherty apparently was the casting director. I mean this was early and all of these people's said they were all young and relatively unknown. Apparently jason patric helped even with the script when he was cast. I really liked it. So we where we disappointed in again corey hames outfits basically his whole treatment. I've saved this whole like treatment the film but he did have a lot of lines but he could be much better a whatever. Yeah i thought it was okay. He was a good little brother. He wouldn't stake his older brother. I guess anything else likes dislikes about the soundtrack. Some good things on it and some weird things on it. that's the eighties for you very eclectic. What about the cars. You like to land cruiser. The ford fairly not necessarily don't hold a candle to the goal wing. okay what cocktail rating. We given this film. I the holy waters. Did you have to drink to get through this film. i'd give it a one a one or two. Not even i mean. I thought it was good. I thought like the camerawork was good. The flying over the water. You believed the boardwalk the amount of extras they had in their crazy. It wasn't very bloody but it's still got the point across al qaeda to okay. We'll give it to so comments on four four male breasts in it. Come off for natural. Will shavers like three times. That many in friday the thirteenth. You didn't mention those same. I think we had ned. I think we had kevin bacon. I think we had the state christie's they weren't oil d- up with him pony tails decks right. Bacon was word speedo spandex and not a big fan of on. But it's still okay but not cocktail was good. I agree low strong for me. I thought it was fine. Perfect i'm a weenie. So i added a little more tonic water rocks. Glass i did. I should have put it in a taller one and added a little now. 01:30:04 - 01:33:17 Those find only what. Three ounces of alcohol. For count the cointreau. That i used views triple sake and that's a lot less alcohol. I didn't use triple sec. I use the same as you contract now. We because that was already open cointreau contro. Nessa tire alcohol so you added alcohol content by doing that. But it is a triple sec. So it's all good. And i believe i explained that in a youtube video. I should watch that new thing. We learned we always learn about cars. We learned a little vampire. Lord we learned about batman number fourteen. Right karen. Next movie is your choice. Depends i picked body double because well. It's a brian depalma film from nineteen eighty-four and his birthday is september eleventh. A few days after body double goes life k. I have not seen body double. You're in for a treat. Am i yes. I think it's one of melanie griffith's first films now. I do have a cocktail. And what would that be the cocktail. I have chosen is called vodka. Voyeur wow is this really a horror movie it's a thriller and so don't body. Double drink is the vodka voyeur. And what do we need to gather for that. So we need vodka and a voyeur. Strawberries grapes basil sugar. That's it that's it. there's no like mixer. Nope okay interesting. That's for sure right. Anybody need to thank caring now. I think you know just verse thirteen. Yes we need. Thank verse thirteen for letting us use their music. In the podcast their info is linked in the notes. Thank you. I thirteen anything else. Karen just remember please drink responsibly. Yes like what you heard today. Make sure to follow us on facebook and instagram. That's scary spirit. Podcast if you have questions or comments email us at scary spirits. Podcast itchy mail dot com. Check out our website. That's scary spirits dot com. You can find us anew to that scary spirits podcast and if you wanna wear. What all the cool kids are wearing. We have emergency right on site. Also if you're looking for the recipes for the drinks you'll find all them in the recipe. Dan on our website and remember if you really want to help us out. Leave us a five star review as always. Thanks for this