Carrie SSP022 00:00:01 - 00:05:02 highschool for some. It's the glory years brothers. It's the stuff of nightmares this week's episode of the scary spirits. Podcast number. Twenty two carry takes a wild ride through gym classes mad. Crushes and prom queen elections. No matter what your high school experience we should all be thankful we weren't at prom with carrie. Go eagles cheers. Welcome to the scary spirits. Podcast please be advised that the presenters may use adult language and or discuss adult situations. His podcast is not intended for younger listeners. Or those that may be easily offended. So if you're ready let's go only. Hi i'm greg. Hi i'm karen and welcome to the scary spirits. Podcast the podcast. The combines the two very different but highly compatible world of scary films and alcoholic spirits what could possibly go wrong indeed. how are you karen. I'm doing great how are you. i'm okay that's pretty good. Good now take it all right karen before we get to today's movie. Do we have any errors or omissions or corrections. I'm sure we do. You wanna tell me what they are. We do have one omission. I believe an omission. Yes there's something. We didn't talk about which i think needs to be discussed from last week's episode which was fright night correct. It was yes. We never really talked about bail. Or or what exactly he was. He was the r-enfield he was a supernatural being. Oh that's true. He was at the end took a he took a a shot to the head and then five more shots from a revolver and kept coming and he was daylight walker so and when he got a straight through his heart he like melted green goop. Yes what do you think. He was zombie. I don't know i was kinda thinking. He might have been like. One of them has fan pires. We talked one of them. Half vampire half emperors. Who could walk around the daylight. Just like michael in the las boys and oh laddy and star right. So he hadn't fed yet. Yeah but didn't seem to bothering you. Think he'd have been extra hungry. i don't know. is there anything on the internet. That says what he wants. Not much is known about billy other than what his onscreen many people believe that. Billy is actually a zombie story. Rule who gimme the bell. Many people believe that well many people a creature that has been partially changed from human into a supernatural creature having power similar to vampires such as strength and resistance to moral injury and death but lacking most vampires weaknesses are a stake in the heart rate. I guess okay this. This looks interesting. There's another answer. What exactly is billy. Cole sounds promising. There's three answers. Most popular answer is a vampire servant s but they define it someone who has been bitten by a vampire and made into a loyal protector. They are not made into full vampires but they have the great strength and seem to survive. Nearly everything a vampire can they can survive in the sunlight like an ordinary person. Okay so that makes you right now. I kind of like the the half empire idea because it was yours. It is the most logical Coming from a movie where that vampire has fruit bat. Dna logic is really important but it does go on to say that there is no definitive answer so so i guess it's he is whatever you want to be all right. Well that's just stupid. So i guess we will never know what billy is. He's whatever you want him to be. Okay just bothered me the whole time this you know. He wasn't a vampire no and he wasn't a zombie. Zombie woulda died with a shot to the head. True so again. I'm going with the half empire and all agree. I also know that that's cleared up. We can get onto this week's episode. Karen which is i believe it was my choice wasn't it was this week. 00:05:02 - 00:10:01 I have chosen the nineteen seventy six film karen deer over nineteen seventy-six. Really maybe a little thing. We already talked about seventy six. Maybe not next year. I remember parts of it but nothing exciting. The nineteen seventy six film. Carry which. I'm amazed you haven't seen before. And not which was based upon stephen king's first novel of the same name. You know how much stephen king was paid for the movie rights to carry karen. No we'd like to pick a guess craft thirty thousand dollars two thousand five hundred dollars. Wow he sold low and he. He said that he was just happy to have. Someone wanted to make it to a field. Pretty high budget film. I would say i mean. It wasn't an indie film. Was it as budget. Was one point. Eight million in seventy six. I'm just saying it wasn't it wasn't a plan. Nine kind of budget it. It had some heft to it. Had some stars and well future stars. Maybe yeah i also have a cocktail karen and what is that. The cocktail i've chosen is called the prom queen very appropriate. That's what i had heard. It would be appropriate. What's in it you're gonna need one and a half ounce of spice jerem three ounces of cranberry juice three ounces of pineapple juice in a splash of grenadine. And then what do you do. Super simple make karen excellent. You put all those ingredients into a shaker with ice shake well and then strain into a high ball glass with ice. It's nice and frothy frothy at the pineapple juice does that. I was gonna ask you the same thing. I think it must be. That's the fiber in the pineapple juice. It's tasty is you want to give the time to make the drink hold on and we're back yes we are i karen. How are we ready to get into this film. We wanna synopsis absolutely. I would love a synopsis. I get a nice short and sweet one k. Please go on kerry based on the bestselling. Stephen king novel carries a high. School loner with no confidence. No friends and no idea about the extent of her secret powers of telekinesis told you short and sweet go on. That's it okay. I just short and sweet. It's true it's accurate. But i would have fleshed it out a little. I think if i was writing it but don't want to give too much away. No nope. I suppose not. I ready to get into it. It's give the people what they want your. Let's get into it. all right. Film opens with some girls playing volleyball terribly. Yeah they're at school they sucked. They're terrible volleyball players. And we see credits and we learned that. This film was directed by brian. depalma cairns. Yeah i'm surprised to see all your to direct. Toil style comes up later making oft. But we'll get there we hear the girl's talking about kerry right. Yeah they say it to carry whatever he'll blow it and she does she does. She misses the ball and the girls are all mean to walk. Sign in salter as they head to the girls. Locker room yeah with the gratuitous girls locker room seeing extended. Yeah i was kinda shocked. And how much nudity. There is right from the geico beginning. Yep yeah like full frontal nudity. Girls high school locker room. It's not really how it is just f. y. Oh i'm sure it's not. It's not wait. Isn't boys locker rooms walking around. You know whatever. But i. I did count fourteen bare breasts. Karen you're off to a great start and a couple of singles included in that fourteen but fourteen and then we have this long vignette of kerry taking a shower. Yes very sensual. She enjoys the shower. Apparently being up and ashy souring blood starts running down her leg correct yes she gets her period yes and she freaks out and she is shocked and appalled. She thinks she's dying or something right. Well yeah it's obvious she doesn't know what's happening in. Here's where i wrote. The girls are bitches. yes she asks. I write that for the first time she. 00:10:01 - 00:15:04 She asks them for help because she doesn't know what's happening. And she's freaking out she's bleeding and she doesn't know why and they just throw tampons and pads at a hate. These girls yeah. They're pretty bad and one of them is. Pj souls the actress. Pj souls who that is. Karen she in friday the thirteenth. She's in halloween. Okay and knew. She was in one of those yes. This was her first film. Apparently in halloween was like our second. So i found that interesting. Call her. pj every time. I referenced throughout the rest of the film to wear a signature red baseball cap through the whole thing. Right she does. I think her name is norma. Oh i don't know. I just said i just called her red ball cap girl so as the girls are teasing. Carry all of a sudden a light bulb explodes in the locker room. Well the gym teacher comes in and starts to comforter explodes. Yeah the Gym teacher smacks carry across the face. Snap out of it to try to calm her down which things have changed yes. You would never a gym. Teacher would never be able to do that but she does. Calmer down yes next week to a scene in the principal's office. Yeah the gym teachers in there talking to principal. And she's pacing around the room smoking a marlboro smoking. The gym teacher smoking in the school. Yes and they're talking about what to do with kerry right about the whole situation and they talk about well you know mom and her religion and whatever so basically to decide to send home. Yeah the principles visibly uncomfortable with the talk about female issues and carry not knowing what they are and yet keeps calling her cassie fito. No you know gym teacher. Correct seem like three times. They bring carryanne principal says calls or cassie again and we see the ashtray. Start to shake on the desk little bit. The principal says we're going to go ahead and that you go home. Can we call you a cab so weird. I'm sure she can walk. The gym teacher assured him that she can walk in. the gym. teacher is being very nice to her in this whole scenario but once again when we were in high school i don't think they let us walk home on our own. I don't know if you're a walker you could know us. You know if you lived close enough now. I walked home. Thanks you know. They wouldn't today no so then. The principal mispronounces her name. Once again and carry curriculum in the ashtray. Goes flying off the desk and yes. She yells at him. It's carry the ashtray. That's full of cigarettes and ashes flips off a desk so the gym teachers. Not the only one smoke in their next week. Carey walking home carrying her books and academic bicycle is riding his pike. He's not school. That's what i said. He looks younger than her should have been in school and he begins to tease cary and she gives him a look and he wrecks crashes his bicycle. Yeah there's a sound effect or a sound. i guess sound snippet. That goes with her telekinesis ability. Almost like psycho a little bit. It's a certain noise to let you know that. She's using her telekinesis mix. We see candidate before you say that. I would've caused the kid to crash too little shit calling me crazy next week. Carey's mom at the that sues house who we later earn a su- yeah and she's peddling her jesus pamphlets i wrote. Yes she's doing. The lord's work spreading the gospel. The best is when. Mrs white says these are godless times. Sue's mom says. I'll drink to that. Yeah then the phone rings and she answers. Let me get rid of her. And i'll come back. Call you back. So she comes back and offers carries mom ten bucks. I'd like to make a donation. Ten dollars is basically means here. Take the money and get out right. It worked it did work but carries mom knew it. She gets what's going on. He does and she says. I pray you find jesus on her way out. The door next carries mom goes home when she enters the house. The phone begins to rain. Apparently is somewhere from the school yet carries in the up- upper window of the house. So her bedrooms on the very top floor. I think almost like the attic area. And she's listening at the top of the stairs to her mom on the phone. 00:15:04 - 00:20:04 Yes apparently someone from the skull. Probably the gym teacher. I would guess she mentioned it later that it was a gym teacher at a called tells carries mom all about what happened to carry in how she got her period. Mom's not very sympathetic. no she i think. She believes that if she kept carry free from sin as she would not be cursed with the blood curse. Whatever she calls it right she says if kerry hadn't send the curse of blood never would have come on her come to her something so wacko religious beliefs and she starts screaming at carey and she has a book and the title of the chapter. She's reciting stuff. Ron is called the sins of women. That's all about the curse of blood and eve. She makes carry recite some things. She's pretty nasty. She's basically blaming kerry forgetting her period. And she's she hits her with the book and she Talks about the person was intercourse. And make say it over and over the first in was intercourse and it's just establishing mom as a religious zealot. Basically yes she likes. Carry in a closet so she can pray right with creepy. Jesus yes kerry does print and she does pray. The our father and there is a very creepy. Jesus which comes back in play much later but repeat jesus with knife up. He doesn't have knife wounds. He has eros piercing his body. He does but he's also sort of on the cross. Yes that kind of sort of. He's a little askew but yes it's creepy looking though so next we see it's nighttime and carry comes out of the closet. I guess she's been in there awhile. We're led to believe so it wasn't locked. I thought it was locked but apparently not because she just came out. You can't keep carrying a locked closet. She can get out whenever she won't. I know but mom didn't seem surprised to sere so i assume it wasn't locked. The mama sewing on her nineteen forty eight selling machine or whatever it is old fashioned sewing machine carry comes over gives her a little kiss on the cheek goes to bed yes she thanks her for locking her in the clause thanks mama kerry in her bedroom. She's crying singing a hymn downstairs in the mirror. Keeps controlling and finally breaks while psycho music plays. It's her telekinesis kinda music and that is from the sacco soundtrack. What they're using. Oh it is it is okay so it's not just similar it is. It is the second soundtrack they're using yet. So mom runs upstairs open yet. And she says kerry opened the door. Carey says it's open momma and she comes in without moving from where she was. She says the doors unlocked and then carry denies. There was a noise and just says she's just up here praying next scene next day. Apparently i believe it's english class. What it looks like it. Yeah the teachers reciting poem. I made an all. These kids look old older teenagers. And apparently tommy's the guy who wrote the poem that teachers reading and the teachers fawning all over him because he's an athlete. Yeah tommy is not the teacher. And the teacher has for a critique or criticisms criticisms in everyone's quiet but then carry says it's beautiful than the teacher starts kind of making fun of kerry right. Yeah it was terrible. He did he makes fun of her. And tommy says you suck kind under his breath to the teacher. Y- tommy i think is a decent kid i think so too. He's you know. An i think he's he's a cutie. I mean he taught cats. He has the peter. Frampton vibe kinda going. Greatest american hero or the oh. Yeah that's who that was. yeah. I forgot about that. But he has a young peter frampton kind of look and they're portraying him as a very decent kid even though he's a really popular kid i wasn't sure about him or sue for a long time. Washington this you know. Yeah you can't really tell if they're faking it the whole time. Or if those hoping they weren't i was really hoping. Yeah or if they're sincere or not but i think they are sincere. I do too in any way. The teacher says thomas. Do you say something. And he says. Oh all shucks then. We cut to gym class and the teacher is scolding all the other girls. 00:20:04 - 00:25:01 For the way they treated kerry yes. She's not happy which she shouldn't be. They were terrible. She threatens to take the girls prompt tickets away from them yes she says if it was up to her she wanted him suspended for three days and loss of access to their prom tickets but she didn't win the battle so get one week detention. Which is i guess. I have to stay after school for an hour and do calisthenics. The gym teacher is in charge of the detention so she can do whatever she wants and she's making them do calisthenics and chris says i'm not going i'm not going i'm not gonna do it. Yes she's kind of the leader. She must be the most popular girl. You think portrayed by nancy allen not portrayed in a nice way now and that's when impeach says well if you decide not to. You will lose your prompt ticket because apparently prom is the be all end all. I guess it is their last one. It's a senior prom over. So what i know but maybe times have changed. I don't know all right. So next we cut them all doing calisthenics and as the detention were saying now or gym class okay. It's detention because this is the detention. In here's roy. Made a note. The pj gets to wear red shorts and a red hat when no one else is pit special about. Pj that she gets to wear red shorts. I don't know i think they have. It looks like they have a gym uniform. They do and it may be. They are allowed to pick what they want as long as it's so. They all picked black for lizzie. Black wanted to wear red apparently which the teachers out there. Why to three in makes them do jumping. Jacks and sit ups and push ups and high knees the whole gig for an hour. That's a lotta work in an hour. An hour long time to be doing that. They don't appear to be sweating. No they don't. They're in good shape to be. Your hair. Hasn't even get messed up to be seventeen again. Whatever and then we cut to a senior library when carriers looking through the card catalogue the card catalogue looking up miracles. Well yes oh you youngsters used to be a thing called the card catalogue and it was a bunch of small drawers with cards inside in the library where you could look up authors titles of books or just subjects so she's looking under 'em for miracles and if you wanted to look for miracles in the library once you just go to the section am no because they're all they have the dewey decimal system dewey decimal. They still have that. Are you saying there's like a number system where you have to look at the card and the card catalog and it has a number on it. You have to go find that number yet to write down the number used to have. There would be little golf pencils and little pieces of paper in you write down so you could cross reference so if you found a book by certain author on a subject you then look up the author and see how many books they wrote. It was labor intensive. That's for sure you know and if someone was in the ems when you wanted to get in the ems you had to wait the card catalog. Yeah but you could pool. Our dog was alphabetized. Yes but you could pull out the whole drawer and put it on the table to remember that yes. I do remember at the public library. You could do that. I'm not sure we can do that in highschool now. I don't know. I spend a lotta time library of going to say. I don't know that i was ever in it actually. I'm trying to remember where it was in the middle. I think it was to our high. School was like a big square with a courtyard in the middle. It maybe it was like an an a square eight. because wasn't there cut through. Yeah yeah so. I think libraries and then we cut back to the girls. Chris vows to get the gym juncture and gym teacher. Bryant looks like punches. a write in fucking mouth. She well she smacks her because she's gonna tell. She smacked her punched. her teacher. Says you can't leave. There's ten minutes left. And chris says stick them up your ass. And that's when the teacher slaps chris which again times have changed. Teachers can't smack you for back talking anymore. Chris tells all the other other girls if we all stick together. She can't do this. She can't get away with this. Then it sued. That tells her. Just shut up to sue tells us to shut up multiple times. 00:25:01 - 00:30:14 This movie sue played by amy irving and we cut back to the library. Yet kerry fine. She's not alone. Kerry finds a card. His other people called the secret science behind miracles. She finds that book right. Yeah when she finds a chapter on telekinesis yes. She's found her people next. We see the boys running yen. Tommy's wearing a completely different outfit than the cowboys i too but there was another kid that had were like two other kids when they all run by him and go back and go around to where they were going to end and tommy stops as you can see. There's two other boys have different colored the same color shorts will. he's in all black with just wears black shorts and to be in a relaxed relaxers wearing yellow. But that's crazy to run track in black black wearing black as well quarterbacks. I don't know it track. I don't know the running. Might be the team captains. So sue is there and he runs over to her which would never be allowed. You can't just run off. The track goes year boyfriend or girlfriend com. Tommy can and he says coach says i can make nationals. I'm sue says. I want you to do something for me. I want you to ask kerry to the prom and he pretty much agrees. Yeah sure wherever you want. Whenever you want abe the next we see chris and john travolta. Driving listening to love is like a heat wave. You know that song barren now. It's like a martin van deals or something like that. Oh yeah i do know it. Sorry i do. Yeah chris fixing our makeup and the major not looks like the car might be a chevy nova. Well if you're not sure then we don't have to play the game. Sure sure i not. I didn't get too into it. But they're just awful people the two of them. They're awful to each other awful to everyone around them but she keeps them shithead or something. Don shit head mentioned he smacks or a couple of times he does smack her a couple times is ridiculous and a car pulls up next to them and but that just makes chris hot no and tosses a beer in the window and he's drinking it then a cop pulls up next to him eighth roles carful a girls pull up to. Yeah they're flirting my famous. Yes she calls him in stupid shit because he spills beer on her. The cop car pulls up next to him and he's drinking the beer very horribly. It's like all over. The man does not know how to sip a beer and drive anyway. I think i don't know if they were trying to make it obvious. Or what but anyway coppell's up throws the beer decide. I guess gets it all over chris right so and we cut to sue and tommy. Sue's doing homework. Thomas watching a western watching the western starring. James gardner duel at diablo. Two name of the film. Oh really yes. Yeah you about it. He he finally agrees. Yeah to take carried a prom. Ensues very happy. Back to chris and john travolta and the car chris goes down on john travolta and can't keep your mouth shit while she's it. Well it's just weird targeted winner vows for the x. Ray said that how that's an error. I guess they go back. And i assume her about this fall. I don't know maybe maybe it wasn't. I can't speak to that. They're arguing back and forth. She kisses him. She pushes them away kisses. She pushes them away. East getting all pissed off. She's she's a nut and then she uses the blow job to get him to do what she wants him to do. So she's manipulating and with that. She's talking the whole time. He is whatever she basil. She tells john travolta that she hates carry. Cut back to present even know who that is. He says we cut back to the library. And we see. Tommy and carrie. And tommy asked her to prom and she runs away he does run away next. We see the teacher and carey will carry a sit in by yourself. Temperature comes over. Yeah did you notice. Then there's carry kind of has the music. There's a certain melody that plays when she's not being crazy self when she's hurt innocent self. It's like a theme music. Basically the gym teacher tries to give carry. Some competence will carry tells gym teacher that tommy asked to the prom gym teachers trying to pump her up takes over to the mirror and says look at look at your face mask on though lipstick. 00:30:14 - 00:35:01 Whatever she just tells her she's beautiful. Basically next thing. We cut to the gym teacher questioning sue. Tommy asking them why. Tommy has asked carrie to the prom and they try to convince her the teacher that they are trying to help. Carry just trying to be nice. Yeah you know tommy's wearing i wasn't sure right. I just noticed that. Tommy's wearing a jean shirt and jeans but ginger one of those. Yeah one of those snap wants. Does su confesses she asked tommy to ask carry to prom. And then this part kind of pissed me off. 'cause the gym teacher says will you know you can't go without a date so i'm glad that has changed. You know that you can actually go if you don't have a date you go with your friends. They're arguing but there's nothing the gym teacher can do. He's allowed to ask carrie to the prom. So we cut to tommy driving in his pickup truck. I think it was a mazda. But i don't know to read read read truck. Tommy goes to carey's house knocks on the door and kerry answers the door. Tommy asked her again to go to prom with him. She refuses again multiple times. Yes so we're not seeing a good representation of consent here. No she tries again leave. Leave his her. Mom is talking in the background. Momma's resting. He says he's not going until she agrees to go. And she freaks out because she hears her mom so she says yes yes so eventually she relented says yes. I'll go the problem with you next tonight. And we see john travolta and chris and some other guys in front of bates packing it's packing plant meat-packing plan bring a ladder. They climb over the wall. And john travolta goes in there and kills a pig terrible with a sledgehammer sledgehammer and chris just keeps yelling. Do it jerry. Happy it was. They are terrible people. Next scene we have kerry and her mom having dinner in front of the last supper. Yes the left. Hand mystery yes. Carrie tells her mom that she's been invited to the prom. Mom says you can't go. No you ain't bone and mom ends up. Drink on kerry. Mom says after the blood comes for the boys comics line. I have an storming. Lightning there are some you know. Lightning strikes pivotal moments and things like that and the scene. It just says she wants to be normal. She wants to do these things she wants to go to prom and the mom keeps saying. You're not going you're not going. It's escalating a little bit. Mom goes to close the window because of the storm and then all of the windows in the hall house shut on their slam shut. Yes with carries music. So you know she did it. And then kerry tells her mother. I'm going to the prom and things are going to change around here. You think i love that. Yeah that's probably my favorite scene. And the mom calls her a witch mom believe satan is working through kerry kerry tells her mother she's going she can't stopper and she doesn't want to talk anymore. Yep that's my favorite part was good scene. Yeah next we'll see john travolta filling a bucket with blood there in the school gym where the dance is gonna be. I assume that's where they were. I couldn't really and john. Travolta tells chris that he will let her pull the rope when the time comes again terrible people while they're friends when a john travolta france. Volunteers count the ballots in the next scene. What we do see kerry. She's making her own dress before that scene. So carried says i'm going and then she's making her own dress i'ma spessart they can't afford to buy one and her mom doesn't support her so she's making her own. But yes in the next scene. Chris's friend's wants to help all of the sudden by collecting the ballots. Yeah the day of the volunteer and they let him. Yeah and they say okay. I need you be here six thirty. It's like Now i'll i'll be here thirty next. We see girl sitting under a hairdryer are all at the beauty parlor. When i'm old fashioned hairdryers can to have one of those now that you sat under the big bowl that went over top of your head. 00:35:01 - 00:40:01 Now you put your hair up roller yes. Yeah that's what i did every every night. Greg nice wondered with my green face cream. You know and your cucumbers over your eyes. Yeah that's why. I look so good now. All that maintenance and the girls are talking about tommy. Taking carried the prom next week to a scene where they're decorating for the prom. And there's more talking about carrie and tommy. There's a cuisine before that we're kerry goes in the drugstore quick. Yeah but it's very quick so you know she's going in she's gonna get some makeup that well. That's why i'm telling you girls would know that your last later yeah. Excellent i have is boys. Regaining tuxedo and carries trying on makeup. Yeah after they decorate for the dance but yeah it was a very quick scene where she goes into the drugstore. And that's what she's going in for so carries in the drugstore trying on makeup very unsanitary. She's just picking up random. Lipsticks trying it on wiping it off grabbing another one trying it on wiping it off. Usually in nineteen seventy six. I don't know i'm guessing. Maybe they did but now you have little sponge tip sticks that you take some of the lipstick off with and then you it on yourself. See your lips. Don't touch what everybody else's lips touched. But i. i was trying to remember that. I don't know next. We see kerry helping her room getting read. The boys all get tuxes do nine very nineteen seventies taxes but then yes carries in her room. It's a pink satin dress. She's made or her mom. Says i should have known it had been red. It's pink mama not read. Carry shows or mob corsage the tommy god or all that stuff but mom tries to get carried. You take the dress off. She says take it off but we will burn it together and pray for forgiveness alleluia. Did you see where she says. She criticizes the dress and she says i can see your dirty pillows and when she says their breast mama yeah every woman has them and then the mom keeps saying that he's not coming that he's not gonna come and pick her up right tells they're going to laugh at you. There's gonna laugh at you. But kerry keeps using her mind control to push her on the bed to keep getting upset and tells her mom to shut up and sit out and she she makes her. Yeah so then. Tommy arrives in his pickup truck. In as carrie leaves she does say. I love you mama next. We go to the high school gym. I guess is where problem is and their theme is love among the stars. You remember your prompting. Which one i went to so many of course he did. I don't remember mind. My senior senior one is this was. I was just curious. I don't remember mine. I was at your senior. Prom was well even though i was much younger. Yes way younger. I think one of them was. We've got tonight. Think another one might have been in the air tonight. They're all like songs right. I don't know are they. You know they were all of ours. Were i know. I missed some because the band competitions that you people were on how i make them all you didn't. I did well proms. Yes but there were other dances that homecoming but we always made it to homecoming. No there were some that we missed. So tommy and carrie arrive. Carey's nervous tommy convinces to walk in with him tells her it's not a big deal they walk in and there's a band playing live music and they're playing a song called education blues. I said they sound like meatloaf. They sound like meatloaf too you little bit. They didn't sound like seven thousand. Nine hundred seventy smile. Maybe they did. But they didn't sound like would i was listening to in nineteen seventy six garin. They didn't klay what you're listening to at proms. Greg ever so. I think one homecoming or something. They had lane and abyss gains. Come and play. I think they were pretty good. But yeah other than that. No beck's we cut to a scene of sue at home having dinner family and she asked what time it is and they tell her tate o'clock and she asked to be excused. Yeah they set her up as having a nice family. Life seems like something maybe some of her scenes got cut or something. Because i know why that's there to make her again. An ice girl from i didn't know i didn't. I didn't quite. I know is she wanted to go to the prom. 00:40:01 - 00:45:03 I'm thinking maybe she's in on a fucking bitch slow sneaking but it's just a snippet that shows that she has her mom and dad are. There looks like a sibling. And they're all eating dinner together as you you know. She has a younger hotter sister. So k next to gym teacher comes in and begins talking to kerry. They complement each other. About how beautiful they. Both look and gym teacher begins telling carry about her prom. Yeah carry says. It's like being on mars. And they hug then tommy comes. Breaks it up. Niaz what kerry has test to be home so early. She says yes. I promised and i wrote he. He likes her a little bit. I think he does like. I think he's so nice to her. I mean he's being nothing but nice to her and he can tell the she's nice. She's just nice girl. I don't understand why everyone picks on her. I don't know how get it. Then tommy says hey all a bunch of the kiss you're going to the beehive for after the prom and maybe go for a few minutes carries look side because she's never been to the beehive. Whoever the hell it is. We're all the cool kids go. Yeah and then. He asked her to dance interest done now of course but they go out to dance floor. Tommy teaches her. How the sway back and forth. Well i thought it was sweet. Very sweet is tommy kisses her. I know which. I thought was strange. Right yeah especially you know. If he's already seen sue. And just doing this favor for su- i guess he's gonna buy that old. David crosby song of the one year with yes hers. Esteem instills stephen stills criticize. Here's what i had next. Karen are you ready. Ryan depalma end his spinning camera. Busy again yes just like in body. Double with this cam- camera. I mean this one's worse. Oh it's terrible goes on forever. 'cause there's a double spins going on. I had to look away. God if i was in a movie theater will maybe if i was younger. Didn't have inner ear issues. Bothered me but now it bothers me. I'm thinking if i was in a movie theater. Oh my god. I need a motion bag. If you're up close yeah. It was bad so they're spinning in the camera spinning but she keeps asking him. Why why am i here. He says because i asked you what did you ask me. You know it. She keeps going like a toddler with about twenty. Why questions. But it's very sweet beyond the dizziness of the diploma method method. But you know he likes her and he does kiss her and then there's just a sweet moment i suppose so sue arrives at the prom and sneaks in the back door she does. They're going to vote for the king and queen carries surprise there on the ballot. Yes and she does not wanna vote for themselves. The tommy convinces earned. She ends up voting for them. Yeah he says she's spoonful he compliment sir. Says she's beautiful and she doesn't want to vote for themselves because that's too proud. But he convinces throws caution to the wind and votes for herself next we see cutback to mom at home in the kitchen. She's pacing pacing facing pacing then. She begins chopping carrots with a big knife randomly. Just kinda shopping big pieces of carrot. Yes which is again. Another weird snippet seen. I don't know i know they wanna show she's agitated was a phallic thing. Oh i don't know. Maybe that's what i got. But maybe maybe maybe it was hit me close to home. I didn't care. I didn't connect that but definitely could be so back at prom. They begin collecting the ballots. And then we see chris and john travolta under the stage and sue arrives. Basically freddie is his name the guy who volunteers do the ballot. Basically the fix in right. Yeah they collect all the ballots and then they swap 'em for fake ones. They don't know what they did was. They took out all of the ones that were for. Carrie and tommy and the rest of them they dropped on the floor and pj kicked him under a table so they just kind of weeded out most of the ones that weren't carrying. Tommy okay cash. But i thought they had a whole another set. She has dropped them all in a whole another set inside of jacket when they went to cal. 00:45:03 - 00:50:02 Maybe i don't think so but maybe anyway the fixes matter right turns out. Tom kerry win yet. Sues behind the stage now. We have a slow motion of them. Walk into the stage. It takes fucking forever. Yeah it is a long slow where everybody's clapping very very happy and us. It's very long. Yes yes. Yes we see chris and john travolta under the stairs again and see his smiling. Zoo come behind the holes in slow motion back seems happy but at this point. I'm not sure if she's happy that shit about to go crazy or if she's really happy carries happy and they've done something good or whatever and it's still slow yeah yeah so carries crowned and they begin taking pictures and this is where sue seizes the rope and this i know she's not in on it. Yes so the road goes from under the stage. All the way up the side workers who is yeah and up to the top of the stage where the bucket is so. When chris is holding onto the rope sue catches the rope out of the corner of her moving and then she follows the rope up and sees the bucket and as he follows it down. Yeah and she sees where it's gonna land and she's she tries to go in there and stop them but the gym teacher. Caesar runs over and grabs her and kind of throws her out before she can stop. What chris has planned chris and that damn john travolta. Yeah and tommy. Kisses kerry again just apply. I didn't have that down. Must miss that one. So then chris pulls the rope just as the teacher throws sue out so sues out of the gym. She's outside door shut. The blood falls on kerry. Then the bucket falls and hits. Tommy is that what happens. Well i yes. So the blood falls on kerry and what's again all very slow motion. Yes and she sees the kids all laughing at her. But they're all they're not laughing. That's just what she sees in her mind. They're all horrified. The teachers every j well. Pj was laughing but the rest of them. Just as arturo light and tommy in slow motion still says you can read his lips. What the hell. And then the bucket falls on his head and either kills him or knocks him out. I don't know knocks him to the floor. Well he'll be gone in a minute. Hit all matter doesn't matter if he's dead or not but kerry here's her mom in her head saying they're all gonna laugh at you the wrong man. She collusive nate's that they're all laughing. This then she goes. All tele kinetic on tele kinetic on our asses all the doors slam shut all the lights go out except for the red ones which i thought was a nice touch. Well don't care. Well done an ira and of the fire hose though. I don't really get that. But she could have done better than that if i well. What else does she have. I guess she could have thrown things around but the fire hose kitchen. Make them all choke like darth vader. Maybe well she would. I think she can only move objects that that's some so far comes out of the race bringing everybody and you know it does cost a couple electric a strew the teacher and the principal at the mike and they are electrocuted and then it starts a fire or she does. I don't know something. it's a us. Hits the gym teacher. Basically almost cuts in half horse. Oh yeah pretty. Sure she's gone. And then the stage catches on fire and the fire spreads throughout the whole gym on those wooden bleachers. Along the warriors just walking around slows walking awhile. Yeah with str- instant blood line. I was kinda bummed. The teacher the gym teacher got killed a bummed. A lot of them did well. I agree but i was surprised. They killed the gym teacher. The first time. I saw it. And this time i mean i knew but i still felt so then. We cut to a scene outside the gym and we says a gym doors. Open and carrie walks out while jim inside his in flames after that Billion chris got out of the jam the back door so after they see her all drenched in blood. They leave a book. Yeah yeah and his carry exits the doors slam shut so yeah the whole place is fire and basically all the kids are locked in because she slams the door shut and she's walking down. The street is completely covered in blood. 00:50:02 - 00:55:12 Fire truck goes buyer. And then chris and john travolta come upon her. Try to run over is chris. Driving a bitch. Volterra chris driving probably if they try to run her over. Because i don't think john travolta would have done that and we to carry turns the look at them and the car rolls and burst into flames. Can't blows it up so they got. There's good for them next. Carrie arrives at home and there are candles everywhere lit everywhere poll everywhere on minded going up the stairs to carries room kerry goes into her bathroom to take a bath and we see her mom behind the door she walks in and then we see two more bare breasts but we've already seen them some not countenance as carrie takes it's really kind of. It's very sad seeing. She's washing off all the blood trying. It's heart wrenching. Really carry comes out after she puts on her grain gown. That's the only kind of nightgown you're gonna have in that house and this yesterday holder. Her mom hugs her first comes out and hugs her. And you think finally this woman's doing something motherly not so much no. She pushes her away. Carey says mama. Please hold me. Oh me mother goes on tells story about how i should have killed myself. After the first time he put it in. Yeah they're talking about kerry's dad mother tells her about the night i guess she was conceived. I guess very romantic a smell the whiskey on his breath and he took her she liked it. Will they prayed i to try not to do it but that worked. Yes so she says the devil is come home. And then we'll pray for the last time like because i haven't seen it before then mom stabs carey in the back with a knife while hugging her. Yes he pulls her into hug her and then stabs her in the back now. She thinks she's spot of satan. Or something kerry falls down the stairs. Mom comes after and she makes a sign of the cross with the knife with the knife and goes to stabber again. Then what happens. Karen knives flay across the kitchen kerry protects herself. She should so. Carrie uses her telecomm- power to pin her mother's hand to the wall with a knife and then her other hand and then the just start common. Well i think there was a vegetable. Peeler it sir. Yes that's true there is. I think there's a spatula that it's earned the gus. But they all impaler in the pattern of the. I didn't get it until later. Jesus yes yeah. That's in the prayer closet. So kerry seeing the creepy. Jesus more than once. Oh my god. She replicates that pattern of wounds. Basically mom is nailed to this doorway in the shape of the creepy jesus. Yes almost crucifixion. Like kind of style. Right yes i wrote she go. She dies very dramatically piper. Laurie most i think she was nominated for an oscar for this almost a radically. It seemed but her dying scene carey pool is one of the knives out of moms hand. Guess she takes mom down and we hear the psycho music again then. The house starts collapsing. Carry pools her mother into the closet where she prays the prayer closet. Yes and the house begins to burn. It's collapsing and burning at the same time and then carry is hit in the head was falling debris i think she's gone at this point. Yeah they show her and she looks like she's gone. The house begins to sink into the ground. And we see creepy. Jesus stabbed with the arrows. The same as kerry's mother. And that's where i got it like. Oh all those. The vegeta- pillar was there. Were that era was was were. That era was and so on and so forth next. We cut to a scene of sue in bed sleeping with her mom next to her and the telephone rings mom gets up to get the phone and i see there are bags suitcases patty case radio and you would think so it would and from the one the one side of the conversation we hear on the telephone. We learned that all the others are gone. There were funerals but mom didn't sue. Go the doctor says who ended for dr. Says she's young enough. She may forget all about this. Not likely i think i know a senior in high. Can you imagine that's pretty much your entire class almost except people who couldn't get a date right so her and all the people who couldn't get a date that i mean your entire class basically is gone. 00:55:12 - 01:00:00 We see sue walking to where carries house was. There's a for sale sign there. And he's carrying flowers. Sale sign is someone has written carry white burns. Inhale it looks like lava rocks or something. It's all black. And there's a for sale sign stuck in the middle of it sou- cries and leaves flowers and just as she's pulling the flowers down a hand reaches up and grabs her bloody hand and got me did it. It's carries hand. Yeah having never seen it that got me. Then we see you're waking up in bed so that was all a dream her her mom's holding her but she's terrified she's she's obviously traumatized by the whole ordeal than we have. Credits made a note. What one credit. The says boy on bicycle. Who played the boy on the bicycle. Here no talk now should i. Yeah i know who you're talking about said someone. Famous cameron depalma. Oh okay. apparently. Brian depalma stunned. Was the boy on the bicycle to what you think you'd never seen it before. Nursing is pretty good. Yeah i liked it. I don't think i've watched it all the way through on a very long time. I don't think i've seen it start to finish in a very long time. It could have been better. I feel that way about most king kingdoms. Oh there's something about him hated the firoz. he's i wonder if that's in the book. There was a thing on x. Ray that popped up. I don't really pay much attention x ray but there was a thing that popped up about how the budget went. Allow them to include all of the stuff into book. I read a lot of it. So i liked it. I thought it was good. I wish carrier was more of a bad ass. I like the strong carry. Like things are gonna change around here. You know i like that kerry. Yeah but the whole point is she have taught them bitches a lesson you know in the from gecko from jump street. you know. why wouldn't she instead of just blown up a lightbulb. She could've locker room collapsed around him in the lockers. Follow taupe or whatever but her religious background wouldn't allow her to do that. I'm sure that's part of her. Maturity is realizing. She doesn't have to do what her mom says doesn't have to live the life. Her mom has no. She could have been a hell of a volleyball player. She wanted true. Made that ball do anything she won't could knocked out a few girls they would've said don't hit it to carry. What set of it it to her. But she had to be weak. Because that's who kids pick on. They pick on the weak story week while. Yeah there's no story but she could have been you know she could have been the. That's a different book. That's a completely different book. It is. I am glad that all richest got what came to coming to them. I'm kind of said that all the other kids did too but you know like the gym teacher and the people. Yeah the other people that lab. I'm glad that tommy and sue were legit. But he didn't need to die. I was worried about them for a while. No they were in on it or not a hope. They weren't and they weren't so that's good. I think it was pretty well cast except they were all too old but i think the characters really played their parts very well. She looked innocent and mouse like me. And you know. You believed all of that and chris was horrible and you believe it. I thought it was well. Cast for sure you're right though they were way too old taylor all this is all like their first films to you know they were young. They were young for hollywood. I guess i don't know like this was. This was amy irving's first film. It was william cotts first film it was at. Pj chicks first. Film john travolta. I'm sure he was on. Welcome back kotter by this time. I think he was there for name recognition. Because he's got he's like number two after basic on the really because his parts not really that no. It's not so. That's why. I think they might have been one of his first films. Like to jump from tv film you know. Well he was The wasn't as big as he was going to get. I mean saturday night. Fever came out of the year after this. Yeah that's what i thought. His first one was. I forgot he was in. This and greece was two years after this. He was in the boina plastic bubble the same year this came out. That's a tv movie right This was his first significant film rural. We had been on tv shows and she did before and he started. And welcome back. 01:00:00 - 01:05:00 Carter a year before this. Nineteen seventy five so he no. He still wasn't big but as big as he was gonna get or anyway you know. The mother was known though right. Yeah piper. laurie gay. Yeah yeah what about the gym teacher. Just like i think she's a broadway star. Isn't she for my confusing her with someone else. Priscilla murray pointer i think is is now it's betty buckley right. Listen it betty's yeah you're correct. I think she was a broadway person. But i could be wrong. He's got a tony award. Two daytime emmys two grammys. She's a saragan theater hall of fame. Yeah so she's a broadway while she was a native enough to watch as is enough. But what did she play where she the mom i think she was the mom she replaced original met. The original mom died. The actress who played original. Mom died after the first four episodes of season one. Wow everybody's replaceable actor or character as well. Oh they killed the mothers character. Then this buckley was cast as the widowers new romantic interest was was at tom. What was his name tom. Dick van pat as thomas. Tom and that was seventy-seven. She was in kerry. This definitely a working actress. Then she was an after school specials. So she won two daytime emmys for shoes on hbo series. Ause so on and so forth but yeah she's i think she's more a stage actress. She also starred in carry the musicals no my and she played carries mom. And that's that sounds like a winner. It is infamous for its short lived life on broadway. It's make sense. Carrie the musical anything you were pretty much all. What will your pleasantly surprised with right. No well like. I said i think the casting was good. I liked it you know. I thought it was for that kind of movie. Pretty believable and stuff. All right i. Just i think it's kind of watching it now and having kids of my own. It's kind of heart wrenching. A little bit to see the bullying that can happen. I was angry now. Yeah i was trying to drink in my hand was shaking off. So but that's what i'm you know when you're in school if you're not bullied you don't really notice it that much. I don't think and you know but watching. It was very very hard. Suspense is building much. That i was uneasy. Or os angry or low. Both because even that we're seeing. I know what happens at the end. Basically right like i didn't i didn't know the hand was come up so that got me but the whole pigs web thing and all that and the fire. I knew all that was going to happen in all building towards it you know and so did to java building the sped up. I guess things coming. That's the thing with the bullying too that she is so cautious when he takes her to prom he she just doesn't believe it and he doesn't understand why she doesn't believe it because he doesn't have a sense of what she's gone through all those years of high school because he's not been bullied so he just doesn't get it. He's not a bully. Either right it shows. They're two different. I wanted to move the sticks up for yeah high school groups you know like two different experiences that they had and he's a kind kid all right now everything. You were disappointed in well. The spinning shot was. I mean it would have been okay. If it was a tenth of the time i mean that was his gig. I guess i haven't seen many of his movies so be interesting to see. If that's any of the others i haven't either but I guess i mean. I'm disappointed in the fact that you can smack people. I mean. the teacher was smacking kids. The boyfriend was smack in the girl. I mean that's less acceptable. Now if that's done you are definitely a bill and you know and in this movie it was the nice gym teacher did it. And it was the well john. Travolta was a dick but then was supposed to be. No times have definitely changed for the better. I think anything else you're disappointed. I don't like that they killed a pig play with a sledgehammer. Yeah i thought that was what did any blood. Oh man and he didn't see it. You didn't see it so there wasn't even any splatter bernie thinking about how did what they do pick it up and they had like gas cans with them or something where they'd have to funnel it in. It was just anything else. You're i liked it. I thought it was really good in. No not really. How many cocktails. We don't give this film. Karen i'd give it to but it's your movie so you'd give it to yeah. I really liked it. 01:05:00 - 01:10:04 I thought it was well done. You know. I really was mad at the bullying. And i thought she was the whole telekinesis she she was innocent but effective. You know so. I had all the emotions. I was supposed to have i. I didn't look at it and think this is ridiculous. I didn't wanna laugh at it at any point. I felt everything i was supposed to. I think give it to. I can give it to well. You don't sound very excited about giving it to you. It's your movie if you want to give it three. Give it three. I'd go with two and a half but we don't do half's so i'm giving. It was good enough to cocktails. I think it for an older movie. Think it set the bar pretty high to mean you. Get all that suspense. With except for a bucket of pig blood there really isn't blood and gore in it. You don't see anything but you still feel the fear when those doors slam in the gym you know sums coming you know like you can just feel it. So what about our cocktail can't comments on my drink. My queen cocktail. Well i always wanted to be palm queen so no. i know. I didn't anybody who knows me. You worse knows that. I would never have done that. No nobody knew who i was. It's good it's good drink. Good curled prom queen. But yeah i don't get that. Don't quite get that either. I'm starting to think now that as we do more and more these themed drinks there's no rhyme or reason they just named it something because they want to but it's a good summer drink i think. Degree frothy mine is too but i think it'd be on the beach be refreshing. I was used a little better. Now that it's more ice melted. And i think i would use half as much pineapple or something. It's sour tangy. But i liked it. Did you liked it anything. We learned necess- minnesota. Don't be a bitch or a deck. That's number one number two embrace your power. This number three as apparent. Don't impose your views one hundred percent on your children. Let them explore the possibilities. Yes you can expose your children to all these all these things but even if you're right force it you still have to let them make some choices. Even though they're wrong right karen anything else. Like i said i liked it so i kind of am interested now to read. The book have looks. You don't have two copies of the book find. Don't have any price books. I don't but i bet you could find it there and they could. I remember my grandmother having in her book shelves. Not a big horror my grandmother. Those my dad's mother had all those stephen king's kind of scares me. I think i read. Don't think he read. The book is better. Yeah sure. Stephen king books are always better than the film. So something by now. He'd ripped over what i don't know but but you'd think by now. He would write for the movie scripts with so many of his books being adapted. I don't know so. I believe the next film is your choice. Karen it is is is it not it is and i have picked the horror of dracula with christopher lee served. Fifty eight sercretay. Yes the hammer. film from. Nineteen fifty-eight a young christopher lee supremely peter cushing which you know. Yeah the the all time regular isn't know we do. We'll have to do a vincent price. One at some point do do we have to you. Don't like him. I'm surprised we haven't done one yet. I know but we haven't done now. There's lots we haven't done so yes people we can go on for ever write another quote from the sandlot that you would know i would know and once again if you have a suggestion our dear listener you can email us it. We should try to keep our one listener. Happy yes you can email us at scary spirits podcast at mail dot com have a film. You might like for us to watch and talk about and drink or even find you. Drink know we'll come up with a drink just for your film costume. Look at you making promises. I come up with something pretty sure. Yeah you can just name it. Whatever you want. Yep well speaking of drinks. Do you wanna know what drink we're gonna have. Do you have a drink. I do for the horror of dracula do christopher lee from nineteen fifty-eight what is it karen. 01:10:05 - 01:12:20 Please tell me. Because i i have to make it. It's called dracula's blood dracula's blood okay or my need and it's from the kitchen is my playground dot com. You're going to need white room. Peach schnapps black cherry juice and grenadine and fresh cherries or marriage. Chino cherries for garnish. If you wanna be fancy. I don't know if i've seen sure i've seen this movie but up to watch it and find out more of a bella dracula guy guy. Well a bella dracula fan. But i've probably seen it right. Can you have anyone you need to think. Well as always. I'd like to thank anyone who leaves a review or subscribes on any of the platforms. Thank you very much. yes thank you. We appreciate your support. He'd put a little little finn that we appreciate your support. We appreciate your support we do. I don't know why she keeps coming. Your oh we do need to thank the band verse. Thirteen once again for providing all the music featured on the scary spirits podcast there will be linked in the notes. Their music does help us out. Anything karen please drink responsibly. Yes another podcast has come to if you can't get enough of us. Follow us on facebook and instagram. That's scary spirits. Podcast if you have questions or comments emails at scary spirits podcast at g. L. dot com. Check out the website at scary spirits. Doc you can find us on youtube. That's scary spirits. If you feel like being are walking bill boy. We have a link to our merch store right on our website. And if you're looking for the recipes for our theme drinks you'll find all of them in the recipe dead on our website and remember if you really want to help us out. Leave us a five star review as always. Thanks so much for listening