Horror of Dracula SSP023 00:00:00 - 00:05:01 There are so many reasons why great crushes extra hard and christopher lee sir. Christopher lee was a member of the royal air force and became an intelligence officer as such. He was involved in conducting espionage sabotage and reconnaissance and occupied europe. He spoke six languages was a championship fencer. And if you can imagine an opera singer to fall in love with christopher lee and see why he became the dracula to a generation fans. Listen to this week's episode of the scary spirits podcast number. twenty three. the horror of dracula cheers. Welcome to the scary spirits. Podcast please be advised. That the presenters may use adult language and or discussed adult situations. His podcast is not intended for younger. Listeners were those that may be easily offended. So if you're ready let's go. hi. I'm greg hi i'm karen at welcome to the scary spirits. Podcast the podcast. That combines the two very different but how they come out of the worlds of scary films and alcoholic spirits. What could possibly go wrong. Indeed are you karen. I'm doing great. How are you greg. I'm good what a good. I don't know how to respond to that. Thrilling me for a loop and we aren't even started yet. Is there something special that happened today or you know woke up and decided discussing. Yeah that's just awesome to hear. so karen. Do we have any errors corrections or omissions or any of that shit from last week. I'm sure we do. But the so lago can't remember and i was drunk so i don't know so i'm gonna say no. We did a wonderful job. I'll go with that. We were delightful. Alright karen i believe this was your choice was it wasn't not it runs. And what film have you chosen for us. I have chosen the nineteen fifty. Eight film the horror of dracula. Nineteen fifty eight say. Don't ask me if i remember. Nineteen fifty eight. Or i'm gonna get really mad at you. Because no no. I do not i don't either. Why did you choose this film. Karen any reason just because vampires are cool well. Vampires are cool. And we're heading into october and it's just kind of tradition. My mom used to watch these movies. So it's kind of a to honor her and remember. Her and welcome. Fall is my favorite time of the year mine too. I had my youngest say to me today. You get way too excited about halloween. Do we have a cocktail. Can we do what is it. It's called dracula's blood howard. I make that cocktail. Well it's from. The kitchen is my playground dot com. And you're going to need to announce of white rum three quarters of analysis of peach schnapps three ounces of black cherry juice in two teaspoons of grenadine. Also you can garnish with fresh cherries or chino cherries. If you want be fancy to. I don't know what to do with all that deliciousness. I do but i i had to make a comment. Why three quarters of an ounce of peach tops. I don't get that at all. Why do want more. Why three quarters of announced miami want just put a whole ounce in us the difference me you're using jigger to measure this stuff. Yeah so. I guess like i probably put more than three quarters of an ounce in mind. I'm just gonna say well didn't make sense to me. I don't know but maybe they did a taste test as a scientist. I would guess that they line them. All up and put different amounts in and said which one's the winner did a blind taste test and most people pick three quarters of an ounce. Maybe the peach too overpowering at one ounce but not quite enough at happen outs. Okay whatever how do we make it. You asked place from peach schnapps black cherry juice and grenadine in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake for about ten seconds to mix and chill strain into a martini. Glass garnish with a fresh or marriage. She know cherry if desired and they have a number four. That says enjoy enjoy. yes. I have another comment. This black cherry juice. I did not even know such a thing existed. It's tasty though. And i like it. I like it too. I believe we covered that. 00:05:01 - 00:10:08 We both liked black cherry. When we were doing the last vampire drink when it had the squirts in it squirts. Whatever water flavoring shit. I don't know but we've got a really nice dark. Homeless black color does and it's very tasty. I think i would have set my halloween party out. Have this every night for dinner. Good vampire looking drink though. I'm just saying it's nine. It might be better with the you know the old standard the syrup and red food coloring we'll share but i like the deep. It looks more like blood than cranberry juice. It's pretty dark for wine now. Maybe not. I don't know all everybody get your stuff and make it hold on and we're back. I wonder if they miss us from her gone. If they don't now they will. You'll miss us when we're gone. I karen anything else. Anything else we need to cover not wanna synopsis. Course horror of dracula nineteen fifty eight. Jonathan harker begets. the i r- of count dracula after. He accepts a job at the vampire's castle under false pretenses forcing his colleague. Dr ben housing to hunt the predatory villain when he targets. Harper's loved once a lotta big words in that one. Yes. it's true though. This is true. I ready to get into it. I'm always get ready to get into vampire. movie right. horror of dracula or as it was released across the pond. In the uk just dracula from nineteen fifty aac dracula in the us. Just so people get confused with the universal film of the same name right. Karen movie opens and we have a credit fancy red credits and some stone. Eagles was that what you would call them. That's what i called it with ominous music and they weren't griffin's or anything right there were just i don't think so yes. This stone. eagles painting across a castle correct. Yeah the outside. The castle. And i had to make. I made a note here that my wife who watches film with me was surprised that george benson was in this film. He made like the sitcom star. Like the musician. George benson guitar player. I do not know that jazz guitar player. Not the same guy. I did notice. Christopher lee didn't get top billing fourth surprised because he is the title garrett here you know he's like the but it does say and starring as count. You know he gets like a little extra. But peter cushing's the only one above the title right. yeah at the even the movie poster. It's peter cushing in dracula. Right or horror dracula. I'm looking at the the uk. Poster says also starring michael gough and melissa dribbling and then in larger letters says and christopher lee as dragging. I guess he gets something special. I just expected him to be on top there. yeah. I don't know how much he'd done what he was really famous for before this. You know this was his first dracula film. He'd been in other films for hammer the curse of frankenstein and other horror films. But was his first dracula. One and i had to say from the get go he is. He is my dracula note. I mean that's who you associated care growing up. I had a poster of christopher. Lee as dracula on my wall nice and it was a black light post or to karen. You had a black light and your load. I'm sure i did. Maybe not but it was cool just like vampires or cool right can yes they are you know. I think they're cool too. I don't dislike. Say it all the time like you do. You're just not as vocal about it so anyway. We're painting down the castle with all the credits rolling. Now we go into. I guess the seller. i guess. It's just decide that the seller. I call 'cause we go to various sellers throughout this film we do. And we see a casket with the name dracula engraved on it yet. Stone made a stone and when the credit the blood starts dripping on the casket or they're throwing red food color on it. 00:10:09 - 00:15:00 It's blood karen. I thought that was cool. We should also cover this karen. Have you seen this before. I don't think so. I know i have. I've seen it many times as soon as they came on. I said i've seen this before like turner. Classic movie plays every halloween. I think i've seen parts of it. Because i recognized parts of it but i don't think up seeing the whole thing from start to finish so then the movie starts to start opening the book the diary. Yeah it opens with the diary of jonathan. So we just see the book and it opens in the says diary of jonathan harker right and He starts reading or the voice of jonathan harker. The actor who plays jonathan harker starts reading entries from it right. Yeah he starts. The third of may eighteen eighty five. Yeah i just wrote eighteen eighty five. That's all i wrote and we also see what's happening as well correct a coach horse-drawn coach because it's eighteen. Eighty five there there. Were no cars that you have to know the ms rpm in this movie. Thank god how much is the horse carriage worth today but the coach driver. He says the coach driver refused to take him. All the way to castle dracula so he had to walk. The last did he say kilometers couple of kilometers. Okay i thought he did and he did make a note that there were no birds. I wrote that down chirping. When he got to castle dracula he does arrive in the afternoon. It sued us. Yeah so he enters. Dracula's castle begins walking around exploring and he finds that dracula has left a note for him on the dinner table in the dining room. I'm calling that room the dining room from now on. Yes there's a table set with food on it for him. So i would call it the dining room but the note says you know. Welcome sorry i could not meet you in person you know. Here's some food for you. Yeah the table. Set very nicely. There's food the fire is lit. it's welcoming. He's ready for him. he's coming. Were you surprised there was no r-enfield i was. It's not a remake of dracula but it's from the same source material right l. Said they could choose to put in whatever they wanted to leave out whatever they wanted. I guess but yeah. There's usually someone in the castle to hell caretaker. Whatever right yeah a man servant so eventually he knocks like the plates off the table guests after he eats yeah. He's just looking. He goes to his bag. Gets his diary out. He knocks off a plate. While he's picking it up he realizes someone's behind him. We see the bottom of address stands up to see a woman standing there. Looks like a greek goddess. My wife said why is she wearing a greek robe. Exactly what she said. Why is she in a toga fancy toga toga. But he i don't know it's eighteen. Ninety five yes but if you were wearing that at a halloween costume someone would say cool greek costume dough and she pleads with jonathan harker to help her escape he introduces himself as the new librarian and then she starts pleading and then she runs away. She says the counts keeping her prisoner. Please help me please help me. And then she looks set his neck and then she runs away. Yes and we hear dramatic music. He doesn't seem very bright. This jonathan harker. I mean but apparently he knows exactly what he's getting himself into. But wouldn't you be suspicious of anyone in the castle at nighttime nighttime yet right or is it. You think it's nighttime. Now right now dracula up here off of the stairs yes Okay so it's been some. Some time has elapsed. Yes yeah he turns. There's ominous music tatan. Who's at the top of travelers. At the top of the stairs and dracula takes harker to his room. And everything way to say so. Christopher lee descends the staircase right and. This is something that i noticed. Now that i'm old about the staircase. I noticed something as they're walking up. There's no there's no handrail. No handrail. There's no bannister. It's just steps coming down. it's a wide staircase. it is but i just thought i'm an old person. We're where do i hold on. I noticed as they were walking up the stairs. Each of them took to stares at times. Yeah they're both pretty athletic in this thing especially both be tall too. 00:15:00 - 00:20:01 I know christopher. I think chris release pretty tall. Actually the person who impressed me the most lewis dan helsing. He did a couple of if he did his own stunts. Which i don't know of course that he he's pretty athletic guy too. So drake the takes her to his room. And i made a note that the chest at the foot of his bed looked like another casket. It does like the casket we saw the credits but smaller. Maybe looked like a kid's casket. It's a neat house. The castle well okay. It's it's a neat castle. It's a mix of like old world. An art deco and the tops of the doors are all rounded Which is cool heavy fabrics gold gilded furniture four poster these fireplace. It's it's a castle but there's some art deco mixed in there. That kind of looks out of place really like those swirly things at the top of the stairs. Anyway so dracula excuses himself. And as dracula's gone harker begins to unpack his bag and he puts up a picture of his fiancee. Lucy then dracula reenters the room and gives him a key to the library because he says saying his. I am going to be away for quite a while. I thought it only fitting that you have the key to the library. Something good and then he sees the picture of lucy dracula does this is confusing to me. Because wasn't jonathan harker. Girlfriend in dracula meena knows it. Lucy wasn't it. I don't maybe. I just thought it was. Did they switch them in. This could be 'cause wasn't wasn't winona ryder. Meena and keanu reeves harker. In that. while you're talking about the graham stoker's dracula now. I mean they're all different somewhat but i'm talking about the source material. I thought that oh right. I've never read it. So i don't know well i haven't either but i thought i thought meena in harker where together. It's not important especially not to this story. I don't know threw me a little bit. Yeah i just know there's lucy character. There's a harker character doesn't mean a character you know we don't have r-enfield in this so and i'm not sure who the woman is but anyway. Oh they've greek goddess. Yes yeah. I don't think she has a name. So anyway dracula seems kinda smitten with lucy. Maybe a little bit now just that. She's lovely here. Whatever right then dracula leaves. And he locked the door behind him so he locks harker in his room right. Yeah it's a little harder goes to open the door and it's locked. So why did you give them the keys to the library. If he was going to lock him in his room like i'm guessing that somebody would have unlocked it in the morning to let him out. But there's nobody there so i don't know who would do it. Why would you lock him in. So he can explore the castle by himself because he has secrets he's dracula. Yeah i think he maybe he locked him into keep him safe now because he sounds like he hears a job that needs to be done. He's found the guy to do it right. He wants to keep him safe stood so he can get his library categorized. Now that is important. Maybe maybe not. So then harker begins writing in his diary and this is where we learned that he knows exactly who dracula is in. He aims to end his reign of terror. Yeah i don't think i would write this stuff down while i was in the castle but yes so we do know that jonathan is not the librarian. He's there to kill dracula. yes and he sits by the fire. Do you think he has some time as elapsed. Yeah we see dracula. Leave the castle. And then jonathan sitting by the fire like yeah and he looks like he's sort of dozing off. So i i think some time has passed and you. Here's something door. And we see the doorknob move and he goes to open it and it's he opens it and it's unlocked now but there's no one there but he does see a shadow and he follows it down that who the dining room town down through the treacherous stairs with no pester. Yes you better be careful. He could fall and break his neck. That would be unfortunate but it looks like they go to the library that they're in the dining room now. It's got the big globe in was the dining room. I don't think it's supposed to be. I think it's went back to the room with the big table and everything now. I said the library. I think it's a different room. But so he goes and he finds out it's the woman he met before the following and again she begs for his help. 00:20:01 - 00:25:01 But she can't tell him why dracula's keeping her there and he promises to help her yeah. He's fallen for her charms and hugs her well. He's got a fiancee. I know he just not acting like he's got one but it does give her helping a damn zone. Distress wants to be a hero so he hugs her and she goes to bite his neck. Her eyes get really wide was jugular. Yeah when she sees his neck there. I think she bites him. She does then dracula appears at the top of the stairs studied. No it's a window okay. So how comes to the window and throws her around the room and harker tries to fight him and we should say that i don't think dracula has anymore lines in this. After after we first meet him is no more lines. He just his his stuff a lot but but not really he just kinda uses his charms and influence he. You're right. I don't think he speaks then. Harker tries to stop him from thrown the girl around and he tossed his hawker aside and takes the girl and carries her up the stairs to there. There are stairs where they are. Yeah you're right. There are did. He kill her bannister. No he didn't kill her no he didn't killer but it's obvious what they are. Now they both bleeding from their mouth or had things. Yeah yeah. They're so the secrets out a secret. Well but present or knew who. He was but presumably dracula thought that he was a librarian. Presumably yeah but now. He knows that he knows even though he may not know that he came there to kill him right. So the next morning once again. Harper's doors locked well. He's in his bed fully dressed. Yes he does take a mirror and he examines the bite marks on his neck and he does have a reflection so he's not a vampire yet and did you notice. They use the candle. The candle there was a big fat candle list when they first the cam came in the elapse of time. Yeah and then when he wakes up the candles going out because so he misses an almost a whole day. He says he's missed a day. Knee thinks he may be a vampire. Then he sets off to find dracula's hiding place to kill him and he goes out the window but was ram and he records it in his diary that he's become a victim of dracula and hopes whoever finds him will do what is necessary to release his soul correct so he goes down to the cellar of castle dracula. Yeah you're right. He climbed out the window. But it's cool stained glass window. And he finds dracula in his coffin as well as the woman in hers. He does leave his diary in a virgin. Mary shrine so he's leaving that hoping that someone will find it and know what to do but yeah okay. He finds them both and wiser virgin. Mary shrine on the ground dracula. I don't know but that's what it was. Looks like to me too. I think it's off his property at the crossroads so next takes a wooden stake in drives it through the quote unquote heart of the woman. But so he goes down. I'm no expert on an on an anatomy so little low. But i don't think he was hitting the heart but whatever but if you go down to the cellar and your mission is to kill dracula. He walks over. He looks in dracula's casket and he stands there and stares you're going with this then he walks over to the woman and stands and stares at her and i'm like get on with it. Dude i would've killed dracula i but he killed the woman and then what happens. Of course dracula wakes up. I'm like why are you sticking around. Go go go. And then he goes to drag. His casket will i. The woman turns into like an old hag right. Yeah and they don't show him stay her they should. They do the shadow work which was pretty cool. Yeah don't send you blood splatter either. Doing now does go. There is blood on the steak the steak and she does. She turned me on his hands. Why i know later blood on his hands. So then he goes to stake dracula but he he's disappeared from his his resting place and now appears to be getting dark note. Yeah i wrote. Harker is doomed. And then we see dracula. Enter the cellar door and closes the door behind him. Jonathan drops the steak. You hear it hit the floor ping ping ping. I didn't notice that but we fade to black. So it's probably wasn't good. Probably not maxine. 00:25:01 - 00:30:02 I think we're in a pub and there's a music box playing. Yeah the town tavern. I sit to landlords sniff cocaine or something. What did did you see him do that. No he snips something goodman snuff. What snuff tobacco. That's exactly the thing. Yeah okay snuff. Tobacco smokeless tobacco. Made from ground or pulverized tobacco leaves it's inhaled or snuffed into the nasal cavity all right delivering a swift hit of nicotine. I was unfamiliar so flavoring anyway. Yeah it's like what's he to van helsing walks in. Can everybody goes quieting. And ben helsing starts talking about harker but no one wants to talk about it. No one wants to talk about anything. Well he asks for a meal and the landlord calls for. Inga inga. i thought we're going to have a a song song about the innkeeper's daughter but no we didn't what is very similar scene. I thought but i agree. We're talking about wicker man recommend. Yeah yeah and van. Helsing makes a note that there's garlic hanging all over the pub. We'll inga says. She remembers harker that she mailed a letter for him. And everybody is mad at inga. Because she opened her mouth. Yes i told her to be quiet and bells. Hit van. helsing tries to convince them that. I believe i know what's going on. I know why you're doing this. I can help you right. But they they're. They're not nope. Nope not saying anything. Well he does ask for directions. To the castle dracula nobody's gonna pipe up then nope but then ing brings him his food and she hands him harper's diary. She says that he had given it to her and told her. Burn it no. He's she said it was found at the crossroads okay and be innkeeper. Told her to burn it okay. But she didn't because harker was nice. God is she kept it then. The innkeeper tells van helsing to eat and leave. I miss that part about i. Thought harper gave it to her van. Helsing goes to castle dracula and as he's getting there. He is nearly run over by a funeral coach. Mary fancy lack feathers on horses. Very nice been helsing. Enters the castle mcginn searching for harker. We'll wait. there's a white casket. It's glad that the carriages glass and there's a white casket. yes often coffin. This is a coffin now. So van helsing begin searching for harker. He finds his room in disarray. And photos are missing. I didn't know how he would know it was harper's room. I mean what i know. I'm sure are many bedrooms in that castle right but he does find harper's room and it's your right ransacked then eventually van helsing finds the seller and finds the dead woman that harker already staked. And he sees harker as a vampire. A -nother casket. He's he's upset by that. He grabs a steak and approaches. Harper's coffin or casket and then we fade to black. And i thought is he dead and then next scene harker is telling arthur who played alfred the batman movies. The tim burton and joel schumacher's batman movies. It was the best alfred butler. actually anyway. he's telling him of harker death and may wanna know. Where was he buried. And he says he was cremated as he wished as this. Yeah that arthur is lucy's brother and he has a wife meena this his wife. Arthur is someone. I don't recognize that name from the i just. I didn't know who these people were their. What's their last name Home would yeah. Arthur in meena home would. Yes so you know. They're all tightly connected. Jonathan was gonna marry arthur sister lucy. An arthur says they should tell lucie that jonathan has passed away but apparently she sick. Yeah she's not doing well. And arthur doesn't seem to trust van helsing. He doesn't seem to like him very much at all. So then we see scene of lucy bed. She says she'll get better when jonathan comes home. Yes wasn't she blonde in the pictures show. Who was who. Of course they were black and white cairn. It was eighteen eighty five. I know that. But i thought her hair was light. I was surprised that she was a brunette when i saw her. She wanted to brunette. Yes she was. No she isn't. Lucy is how she is. I didn't see that her. Here's like my color almost blonde. 00:30:03 - 00:35:01 It's not kind of dark. You're right brown brunette. That's what brunette is to what someone to black hair then. Well well can either call it black or you can call brunette still too but i should brown hair so anyway they all say yes they all say good night. Tell her to get some rest as soon as they all leave a room. What does she do. Karen goes to the door and locks it. Yes she does and then what she do care. She goes to the window and opens it while. It's like a patio in it like a patio door. I guess it is. Yeah you're right. you're patio. She takes off across she removes the cross around her neck and then we see there are bite marks on her neck and she gets back in bed with anticipation anticipation. She looks a little too excited. I'm just gonna say for these people who are engaged. See all that able to resist the charms of other people the vampire vampires. So you're right. Now do right karen next. We see van helsing listening to would i assume is an edison cylinder phonograph. Okay wellesz which will is that. What it is. I i asked my wife. What the hell is he listened to tapes or anything then thing going round and round. So it's an edison cylinder phonograph. Your those were in. Edison invented the cylinder phonograph. Current like dick against eighteen. Eighty four You now eighteen. Seventy seven was the year it was invented by thomas s and or the patent was in his. Name's i'll say that there's probably invented by one of his co workers will say anyway. Actually it's fan health. Things voice reciting all about how to kill vampires. Right vampire facts so it was invented eighteen. Seventy seven. i've kind of abandoned it to work on other things like the light bulb and he didn't really. He didn't form the edison phonograph company until october eighteen eighty seven. Wow so two years after this. Supposed of taking place. Right eighteen ninety-five according to harper's diary eighteen. Eighty five right so in eighteen. Eighty seven at us informed the edison phonograph company and he introduced the improved phonograph in may eighteen. Eighty eight could be used. As a dictation machine because he starts dictating into it he did. Yeah onto the cylinder. The wax cylinder. So they're low early. But can you know one of those to phonograph from eighteen. Eighty eight may go for now today. Any idea well. Let's start with this. Do you know how much of the cylinders would go for. This might give you some kind of a better range of how how much they're worth ninety thousand dollars. The cylinders share about five bucks. Oh yes so. So they're not being said. What do you think one of those cylinder phonograph. You could get one four today when twenty five. No this one i think would go if it is when i think it is between four hundred and six hundred dollars so there must have been a lot of them. Yeah i'm sure. I mean they must be all over place. Then i'm sure they were very mass-produced but anyway he recites into it. You know updating his. I mean that's pretty bad ninety thousand dollars and his five bucks. Someone does not know their antiques. I wouldn't have known either. That's always on the spine all these questions. But i have to look them up. Because i have no idea. He's already that is i. Don't know if all ever guessed that bad again. Yeah so you're eighty nine thousand nine pretty close win over though i would lose it. The prices are just thought that was brew outbid one dollar. You were standing next to me. Yes it's karen has ever on the price and right dollar a dollar. So then ben. Housing gives the butler. Ice as a butler in the x ray at code-named the a porter but i called him a butler but so here are the facts that he is listening to one. That sunlight is fatal to that garlic. 00:35:01 - 00:40:04 Repels the vampire and three the crucifix which symbolizes good over evil also can hurt the vampire then he adds some more to it. I don't know. I can't remember what he says into records something but he gives them the butler letter to mail in the butler says up to that. I thought i heard you talking to someone and of course talked to myself little comic relief. I think it was. He does say the crucifix reveals the vampire or the victim in advanced and then he records himself saying that the victims don't want to be victims of the vampire but it's like a drug addiction. That's what he said addiction. They can't help themselves. So death occurs from loss of blood. Then they become the un dead so he needs to find dracula and destroy him. No that's what he says. Next scene we see dracula entering. Lucy's room and jackie was is cape over her. yes she doesn't exist. No next thing. I guess is the next morning and the doctors. They're examining her again. The doctor says she has anemia. She's weaker. They were hoping she would get better getting better. She's worse than that little little girl. Tanya who was lucy's niece. I couldn't figure that out but later they say it's gertised daughter. I think she just calls her aunt. Lucy like a a familiar kind of thing like you you understand. I don't think they're actually related. Okay but she kinda scolds wants to know why the doctor can't figure out what's wrong with writes. She's a mouthy little kid. So that prompts. The doctor asks if she would like to get a second opinion because he's he knows he's not getting any better as well right but the doctor does say to continue with the medicine prescribed and plenty of fresh air. So then meena mrs home would goes to van helsing and tells him of lucy's symptoms. Yeah i think the letter that she got was from dr van helsing and he saying that he has some of jonathan's things that they can come and pick up so once she's there in the office they can talk about it. Gotcha and as soon as Mina says anemia in housing is get. He's like perks up right because it happened about ten days ago. Yes yeah which is exactly when everything went down so vain. Housing says he wants to see her and examined her at once. And here's where. I made notes. How did the doctor miss the bite mark on her neck but then they explain it away saying she says they were insect bites or something right right but bane then helsing season and he. He knows what they are. I'm pretty sure right. Well they he walks into examine. Lucy and lucy says that she knows. Jonathan is dead and she's very calm and he looks at her is van. Helsing does. I didn't see him look at her neck but he turned her head or whatever he knows exactly what they are so they exit the room and van. Helsing borders that lucy's windows be shut during the nighttime hours. Yes and some sunshine even tells them that she will. She made no matter how much she asks for them to be the opened. They are to remain closed right. Yeah tells her to get garlic flowers all around the room which is interesting because its flowers the garlic flowers not the garlic itself that he says to get and they do and and van helsing says to meena do exactly as i say or she will die yes he does which i thought was pretty pretty heavy. He says he will return in the morning to check on her. So i guess we see next. We see there's garlic flowers by then. She knocks him over. She's not happy and she orders them taken away. She says they are stifling. Her she had lucy begs gerda to take them away and then she begs her to open the window. She us lucie looks excited. She's again anticipating something very happy is going gerda should have been fired Saying oops sorry. I killed lucy my bad the next morning. She go lurk pudding. The pudding sheet over. Lucy's face arthur and meena crying. Yes van helsing arrives and gerda admits that she opened the windows she confesses. She's very sorry. But still i don't i don't think i would have kept her in my employment. And then van helsing gives them hawker's diary and says you may not believe it. 00:40:04 - 00:45:01 When i tell you what is going on but you know read jonathan's own words about what happened to lucy and him right. Yeah then little tanna girl comes in with the police. The policemen found her wandering quite confused. He says she says she was outside. She saw it lucy and she asked her to come with her walk with her so they can play or something. Yeah they went for a walk. But then lucy saw someone and left her alone and then she didn't know where she was an. Arthur goes to lucy's casket in the cellar night empty. Why don't any of these caskets have lids on them. Don't know you know. They're kind of curious why they kept caskets in the cellar. This he went to the crypt. So it is yeah. He saw seller no. He went to the cemetery. There's a crypt. there's some fog and trees and things there but it doesn't have a top even in the cellar when they go. When harker went down and found dracula and the woman those two were they were topless you know. And when ban helsing found harker topless he didn't have to push the author anything to get in there. nail him. I don't know it's weird next. We see again wandering outside in the woods and she meets up with vampire. Lucy in lucy takes her to the entrance of i. Guess the crypt. Now that you've said that right they go for a walk. And tanya says that lucy is cold yes then arthur sees them because he was there checking on lucius casket right And then lucy says oh arthur dear brother what took you so long. Why didn't you sooner. And then she goes to bite arthur. But don't that anna here. I come to save the day van. Helsing jumps in and and arrives with the cross. Burns it into lucy's forehead. She runs into the crypt. Yes seems to me like she'd be cornered pretty easily in there but she has to go there to now. It's getting light okay. Well and then van helsing takes care of tanya and wraps her up in his coat and keeps her rosary with huge cross on it. he doesn't take care of her. he takes care of her. Oh yes sorry. He doesn't put a stake through the heart. he takes care of her. Bundles are up to make sure she's mormon gives the rosary. Yes in a van. Helsing explains to them. That lucy is to replace the woman that jonathan harker killed right. So it's about revenge. Because arthur says why why her fan helsing tells arthur to meet him back at the crypt. I guess in about an hour after the sunrise. Van helsing says lucy can lead them to dracula but arthur says no. It's too dangerous. He doesn't want he's worried about tanya or other people or you know he's basically says killer now. Originally van helsing one to us. Lucie is bait right right. But arthur says no killer cause he's too worried about all the things that could happen and go wrong. Van helsing drives a stake through lucy's quote unquote heart again lonzo lipa whatever much more vivid though this one. Yes and then. Arthur looks down. Inner casket in their cross scar on her forehead is gone and she looks so pleasant and dislike just like she's sleeping she did. She did blink though. did you see her. I didn't notice yeah. She does look beautiful. Well she just got staked give her a give her a cutter some slack as they say arthur reads hawker's diary and ben helsing gives him a crash course in vampires is what i wrote. Well he does say that the count is probably five to six hundred years old and they do make distinct change here than most other movies about vampires and they say that it's a myth that they can change into bats or wolves correct. I do remember that. Which i don't know why they changed that but they do. Don't either. maybe they didn't have money. I don't know. I don't know but they deduce that dracula was in the funeral carriage. That almost ran over van. Helsing 'cause he has to be in lay in soil from his homeland right or some bright his latest soil. Yeah so yeah they figure out. 00:45:01 - 00:50:01 That that's the only way dracula. Because we could have gotten there as if he was in that carriage in his coffin with soil from his homeland so then they go to find out where the carriage was going. Yes so they'll be a record of that when they crossed a certain border. I guess 'cause there's make border patrol kind of thing so they go to that official's office guess you'd call it right to find out the address of where the carriage earth where the coffin was delivered. Basically next week says. He says he can't do it until arthur pulls out some bills and he's easily bribed so they find out north or bribes. The guy to tell him where the carriage was going and gives them the address. And in the meantime meena also gets a message that she should go to address roma boy. Messenger boy yeah. The message messenger boy says that the message came from arthur. It's is it the same address. I thought it was at first but obviously it's not the address. The border guy gives them is for the Jay marks right. I donate some forty nine. The undertaker mortician because as to where they go to look for the coffins later right. Yeah so it was there. He says it was there but now it's gone so it is the same address that's where it was delivered because when she gets to register than i've made a note when i was originally watching it. Is it the same address question mark. i couldn't remember but next week. See meena at the address and she goes into the cellar. I'm calling it k-. I said stable. I didn't know why there are two coffins. In there and dracula opens one and it's the white one right. He comes from the white one and phase the black. And we're back at the house. After that arthur asks gerda to go wake up meena comes down and says she's not there and just then meena enters with a for wrapped tightly around her neck. Yes she's she's gardenet neck like a teenager. Hi a hickey. She's got it pulled up so tight and talking to arthur and she doesn't want him to see but arthur tells her that they will be away for a little while and he mentions that she looks pale. Yes next we see a scene. Of assign jay marks undertaken mortician main housing and arthur. Go in there. And the undertaker shows him the coffin that was supposedly delivered. But it's missing. Yeah the undertaker's kooky character comic relief. But yeah they he takes him in east like. I'm sure it was here. It was right here and the stand. Is there to hold. The coffin has gone. He's got so many coffees nub. Sure which one's which but be sure that was it right. Yeah it was white. Most of them aren't bess. So next we see van. Helsing and arthur looking at a map trying to figure out where dracula could have gone. We're trying to get his within this radius of whatever so many kilometers arthur says well. There is an old neglected graveyard here. They're whispering in meanest doing needlepoint behind them on the couch. She asked you know what they're whispering about and they say. Oh don't you don't worry about it. Don't you worry your pretty little head about that. But when as they're getting ready to leave. Arthur gives mean a cross says no matter how crazy sounds i want you to keep this or whatever right where the cross yes. Yes he puts it in her hand. She collapses g paints and the cross is burned into her hand. Dracula's gotten to her. she's a creature of the night. A member of the dead almost so if they decide to use meena for bait right they do and they go outside and wait. Put her up in the room and they're going to watch her room asked they watch her window. To be sure dracula doesn't come in but apparently dragged comes right in the front door. They didn't watch they and then he goes up. He kisses meena. He ascends she breaks into the room and closes the door s and he begins kissing her eleven her face. Then a screech. Al right well an owl. I don't know what can reach. Oh i i'm pretty. Sure i call it a screech out because it was screeching tokay. Al starts startles the boys outside. Yes and they think they've done a good job. They think she safe in the morning mess. They said he didn't come. I guess everything's okay. Yeah then arthur goes upstairs to get a blanket or something for van. Helsing take a nap. Yeah because they're going to sleep during the day and go back at the next night right to watch her room. Yes been helsing. Here's arthur yell or something and he runs up there. 00:50:01 - 00:55:01 Rec- meena bed with blood dripping from the bite marks on her neck. She's drained so karen. What does van helsing do next. He gives me a blood transfusion from. Arthur yes dr karen. Lucky they match. I guess so. I even told my wife right. Here is say so dr karen. Tell us how this would work. Why didn't i don't know if they have the same blood type. Would and there are different possibilities. And right right i think universal is oh but i could be wrong but yeah that's the h. Factor is positive or negative. That has more to do with the fleas. Something special about o-negative i think. Oh positive is the universal donor. Ab negatives very rare. I think os just a universal donor. I don't know if it has to be positive or negative. Oh negative is the most common blood type used for transfusions when the blood type is unknown area go so hopefully he's o-negative is the universe blood type o-negative also good meadowland back in the day that he just sits down in a chair starts pumping his blood out and into meena You'd actually does a good job of this. I think the scene the actor does yeah. He sterilizes everything. And you know he does take time. They show a lot of it where he's not speaking but he is putting alcohol artist. You're pouring alcohol and cotton swabs or would right. I think he does a good job although he tells arthur that you know obviously he's low on fluids right so he tells him to drink more fluids. He says drink tea coffee or best. Yes wind drinking all terrible advice. Oh arthur sits up and he gets dizzy. Yeah and he says you need to drink some wine. He's probably given a little bit more than a normal person would give at a blood draw or something like a pint. Don't you give a pint. Terrible terrible advice about the fluids. No caffeine no alcohol. You want orange juice or something. But that's what they give you right. Well it helps. Keep your blood sugar up. Yeah so next. They tried to figure. Out how dracula got into the house. And arthur asks gerda to get another bottle of wine because he needs more fluids promptly salads. Yes and she says mean told me. Never under any circumstances to go to the seller. And i didn't want to disobey her wishes after what happened to miss lucy. Yes oh right. She doesn't wanna fuck up again. Basically so van helsing runs down there. Because he knows what's going on now and he finds dracula's white coffin but it's empty. It is van helsing runs back upstairs on by this time the gerda is hysterical or some shit because van housing slaps her first dracula lachmann housing in the cellar. And then he's yelling. Let me al. You know an arthur lets him out. They run up to me is room dracula. Took me is called off with her. I didn't write that. But i did. Right van helsing slaps gerda. And she tells them that dracula took me. Then they chase after dracula and they decide the only place you can go now is home. So he's trying to go back to his castle so they're racing back in these horse carriages and they come across a murdered coachman. Well that's how dracula got a carriage. And the next we dracula driving the coach dracula comes to the border and he crashes through the gate and right when the official fixes it with regard or whatever repairs it in here come van helsing arthur in a crash florida's well although i'm sure. No horses were harmed during the filming. He didn't show him crashed through. Actually they looked like they were startling. Right look like they went right up to it and stopped but yeah it was kind of comic relief for the border guy right on his face like so we see it's getting light. And we see dracula digging a grave for meena and he throws her in it literally he just throws for. I rewound it to see if it looked like a dummy dummy. It did look like her. It did look like her. But i'm i don't know if it was or not but there's probably a mattress or a cushioned down. There i guess booking did he just threw her in and started covering her with dirt and as he does that she wakes up or whatever and screams and then arthur inbound housing arrive. 00:55:02 - 01:00:02 Arthur runs to save meena van. Helsing chases after dracula into the castle. Van housing and dracula fight accurate chokes. Him out they wrestle dracula does choke him goes to bite him but it was just in vain. Housing makes up and pushes him away. They stare at each other for a moment and next van helsing jumps upon the tables and leaps across them runs across them or too large tables. I guess imposed down the curtains letting a beam of sunlight into the center of the room. That's what i mean. He was pretty athletic. could move. i don't think he was really a young dude. When this was filmed either he got up on the table and it was like three strides to get the curtains down and the sun burns his foot turning to dust. So he's turning to dust his feet from his feet. The rest of abs okay correct. He started the doctor was forty five years old when he did this fan housing. Wow that's pretty. Yes so dragging agile dry lids leg. Gets cotton a lighten. It melts away or turns the dust. Next van helsing grabs two candlesticks and farms across yup and push his dracula into the sunbeam and he turns to dust. I e looks like a muppet and then he turns to dust. This left is his ring and we see the cross on menas hand fades and arthur kisses. It in the dust is jerome. There's a tender moment there karen. Sorry sorry the dust of dracula blows away does on the zodiac wheel in the center of the room. Correct yep next. We have credits. I just noticed a note to about the zodiac. We all. I was gonna ask you about it. I didn't notice it. You didn't know has several quotes in latin and greek in it. i saw his Crest his family crest at the beginning. But it jenner. Circle in greek has quote from homer's odyssey book. Eighteen the mind of man who live on the earth is such as the day the father of gods and men slash zeus brings upon them. I don't know what that means. It didn't flow. That's for sure than the outer wheel is in latin and is a quote from somebody. I can't pronounce and it means i'm not gonna try to speak latin but apparently it means and earth. I bore starry heaven equal to herself to cover her on every side and to be an ever sure abiding place for the blessed. God's sounds like creation a little bit and dracula's ring is left on the left of the sign of aquarius in. What is that. i don't know but there's a note in here about it so it must be a big deal. I don't know. I saw the crest in the crest. Said something like faithful in death or faithful and dead or something. I don't know. I didn't look it up but but it's on the wall. They show a close up of on the wall and they show it on the note that he's reading like a family crest kind of thing to next. We have credits. Karen the end. Yep i can't hear anything you were pleasantly surprised by are really liked in. This vampire fell other than the vampire was cool. Just that they were vampires in it. Road was cool. He was these extinguished gentlemen even though he the only person you talk to him the whole thing was harder but he didn't even need to talk. That's the thing. But i think you can see in this movie versus what i would call the original with bela. Christopher lee brings the sex. You know what i mean like. He's making it. I don't know if it's the times or or what's fifty eight so it wasn't he's making i think the vampire he's dracula little. He has more control over the ladies kind of does or they make it more obvious. Anyway i mean dracula always has controlled ladies. But they make it like they're having sex kind of instead of just wandering off to be drained their blood christopher lee introduced a dark brooding sexuality to the character. Well there you go see as well as red contact lenses and fangs. Though i think you can see at least the start of what makes vampire so cool. And so you've said you've never read the source material. Not all the way through now. I should well from what you know. Would you say that. The the bram stoker's dracula is probably the truest film. Adaption probably closest to the book. 01:00:02 - 01:05:01 I would bet. But i don't know for sure with oldman right. Yeah i mean sexual. That movie is yeah. But i don't know if that's i don't know if that's in the book or not you know i mean maybe. It's implied in the book. Because he just has to mind call them. You know what. I mean like they. Just come to him delicacy. He does as well right. But it's not. As overtly sexual. I guess or i don't know i don't think so until was a different time. So that's what i'm saying. I think christopher lee kind of brought that it might be in the book. It's kind of implied. But you couldn't write like that back then or make movies like that. I'm guessing anything else really liked. I thought the casting was good. I thought i liked it. I think the only thing. I was disappointed in an. It's not fair to be disappointed in it to be honest because it was nineteen fifty eight. But the disintegration was like i said he looked like a muppet. It was not good but it's not fair to say they did the best they could with what they had but watching it now instead of being horrific is kinda funny. The budget was eighty one thousand pounds well but they just didn't have the technology to make him disintegrate into dust. It's not their fault. But because we've seen a feel like hammer was kind of i kind of do that kind of stuff. Though you know what i mean as far as special effects like well attempting yes it. Probably at the time was like i said horrific. It's just that we've watched so many movies which with such incredible special effects that when you look back at it it's not horrific you know it's funny but it's not. It's i'm sure at the time. It was frightening just like watching. I could never watch as a kid the wizard of oz when the which melted you know it just freaked me out but now it because it's so different what we watch now. It doesn't seem that bad. But when i was younger it did you know so. I'm sure at the time this was crazy. What about you. what do you think i've already said. Christopher lee is my dracula that's all it needs to be said. I think we disappointed in anything would have liked it. I guess if you had more dialogue or lions more fleshed out as a character you know. Didn't they didn't really i mean he had that brooding and but they didn't really show at action. He went vampire too soon. Maybe they could have kept the suspense longer. Yeah how many more lines. Now being the more like jerry jerry dandridge you know but i think it was good. It was a good start. I know there's a lot of sequels to it a lot of things that they did. But i don't know if they get worse or better probably worse for the direct sequel to this was brides of dracula which doesn't have christopher lee at all. And it's about a bunch of women vampires dracula's not in it is only mentioned a couple of times or is that the one where they think there was a lesbian overtones to it. I read about that. Oh i don't know and then comes next. Christopher lee film i think that's the one. He refused to say any of the lines though. He has no dialogue in it. Oh that early. The second one prince of darkness dracula prince of darkness. So he was done with it pretty quickly. Yeah he does not speak in that film at all when he was asked he says because the it was terrible when you read it but the guy who wrote it says he didn't write any lines for so there was this kind of like bashing about that. But any did dracula's render from the grave and so he did a few more kind of looking forward to win. We do the curse of frankenstein which stars christopher lee as. Well you man crush on christopher ray he. I've been hypnotized by his vampire says apparently so he wander off in the middle of the night it would be to find. Christopher lee sir. Christopher lee you're going to need a white nightgown. Though that flows in the wind yamanashi sheer. There are no shear nightgowns. In this case what do you think what what kind of cocktail writing beginning this films. How many cocktails. Karen take you to get through this. This is hard because is it a great film. No but is it a good. Is it a great film in its genre. You know what i mean like. It's own right. Well if you compare it to other films don't compare to any film on its own. Is it a good film or no. I guess it's a three. 01:05:02 - 01:10:05 But as a i like it better than universal personally. The universal ones older so this day have a little more freedom with this one. It begins everything. The vampire becomes much sexier and brooding. It's the basis. It's the start you know. The modern vampires yet kind kind of and so as that. It deserves much more recognition. But as the film itself isn't isn't that good you know not really no three and a half million. I think like. I said for this time i think it was really different and exciting and the top twelve and england. The was released for the year hall holds a approval rating of ninety percent on rotten tomatoes spree. Good i think if you look at it as it's how it's contributed to the overall horror genre. I think it deserves those things. Because i think it changed the direction of the vampires. You know it was well received by critics and fans of stoker's works but production and quality. And you know all of that not as good so at the time it was thought they were low. Budget even then weren't they. I don't know i give it a time. Just reading reviews. Here comes kim interviews. And they're talking about issues. Films ever made photographed in technicolor. Tops them all shock impact mean at the time it was very well received. All i'm saying so. Oh i think for the time the special effects where he goes to dust and the driving the stake in in color with the blood everywhere. I think that was original. You know. I think it was shocking. And it's it's hard to look back on it now and appreciate everything because you can't turn off and go back to that doug i liked it is my dracula i gave it a three okay right. What about comments on dracula's blood liked it. It's a good drink. Look really cool. If you set a whole table full of black and breads and dracula like things and you drank. That drink wanted an alternative to wine because most people would pour wine. I don't particularly like wine. i don't either. I mean. I'll drink it if that's you know part of the atmosphere whatever but this would be a nice substitute for people who didn't want wine but still has the same kind of feel to it. Same coloring and you don't really get the alcohol in it either boozy. It'll now you taste the peach. Though i do. Yeah yeah so. I you know it's in there but yeah it's not. It doesn't have that alcohol. Aftertaste is one of those that could get dangerous. If you keep drinking right puts good. Yeah i like it. I was today years old. When i learned there was like cherry juice. Yes because you're gonna buy it all the time now. Anything we learned. What was the edison edison. That i most horrible guess. Her cylinder graph calendar five dollars. Ninety thousand foot always bid a dollar. If you're next to me on prices right right. Yeah just a bunch of vampire lore stuff we did live learn lor also learned that. There's a little bit of diversity diversity diversity and and freedom in what you choose to include in your from your source material. You know that he changed well he. I don't know who wrote this. They changed the ability of the vampire to transform into other creatures. You know and that's gone. There was no r-enfield which was interesting. So you know. Maybe that's not in the source material. I don't know if you've never read it now. But i'm pretty sure ren fields in the source material. Yeah but as they can change the wolves and bats all right. I'll have to read it. And i'll get back to you but i'm pretty sure that's in there too. He does transform in the film. Bram stroker's dracula. He does yeah. Wolves is the favorite. He is depicted in the novel to have been the original of werewolf legends. So apparently in the novel he can change into a wolf. So there you go you read that. Get back to you. Know if that's correct or not said there were book. Report yes please. I'll expect that on my desk karen shit. I put it in member in the shoebox. You didn't have to do the book report where the little diorama was in shoebox and then you explained it all have done those. 01:10:05 - 01:15:20 Yes yeah as well. Yes just like a written report on my desk by the end of the week. Karen anything else caring now. I don't think so so the next movie. The next movies yours next movies my choice. Yeah is it all right so the next film. I guess we're gonna do trick or treat. I've not seen trick or treat and there are several also. Let me the two thousand seven charlie. Trie film the horror and fellow g by. Michael dougherty dougherty dougherty. Okay that's why. I say his name in what's the drink drink. Please tell me it has been corn. Please tell me. Candy corn in. It does not perfect to drink are going to have is called sal insider k. Like what you're going to need parent. Would i hope it's not wrong. Because amount whiskey. Or what constitutes whiskey bourbon jonoski. Whatever just whiskey bourbon whiskey with. Hey done to be bourbon. It could it be gino's that i like bourbon. That's why saying that. He knows i have bourbon. Bourbon whiskey. whatever. Tennessee whiskey with yang care jack. Whatever right okay. Yeah fresh squeezed. Lemon juice out of the plastic lemon. Yes maple syrup some vanilla bidders as what i'm going to have to and some hard cider hard cider That's alcoholic cider. Yes okay. i'm probably get some apple orchard cider hard apple cider you know what i mean yeah dry the when boosie sounds great then it for you sounds like it's little risky for me like whiskey. It's mostly whiskey. Have to mix the whiskey with stuff. Will you are with lemon juice. Maple syrup a teaspoon eleven shoes teaspoon. Syrups not gonna do it. No more like an ounce. So ho- shot glass lemon juice hari and then you top it off with hard cider more alcohol though but it's not whiskey and you don't have to use you know a high proof whiskey right right. Well see to your knob creek that you one karen. Yes i did win. I'm a winner. Congratulations thank you. Guys probably played out there now. This is one of my favorite movies. It's definitely my favorite halloween movie. So a lot of pressure on me. What if i like it would have played a distinct. It'll be fine. I'm sure you think else you when you need to think. Well i could think. Courtney jeremy for listening to the podcast and keeping you in line about how many breasts are actually seen in the movie. Actually they just asked for clarification. Yeah yeah. I'm sure if they go back and look at it now they will see. I am correct in my count at least up until the point where they all start up on over the fire because there's too many on there they were listening to wicker man. And they were just asking for clarification. But i just wanted to say thank you very much for listening. We appreciate it very much. Yes one of the women in the yard during the orgy out a blouse with only one breast showing. So there you go. That's how he counts. We had zero pressing. This became missed it so disappointed. Zero coordinate jeremy can skip this one. I see they're gonna skip it. And i thank them did have christopher lee though. I do love me. Some christopher lee as well. That's wicker man had christopher lee and lots of breasts though yeah. Us to really love that one did anything else guarantee anyone else did. You did thank probably. But i can't think of them right now. Well of course once again. I need to think i thirteen for letting us use their music in the podcast. Once again their info will be linked in the notes. Anything else care please. Drink responsibly is thanks so much for listening. Wanna keep in touch check out our website. Scary spirits dot com. Follow us on facebook and instagram. That scary spirits. Podcast find us on youtube. Et scary spirits podcast. If you have questions or comments you can email us at info at scary spirits dot com to help us grow the podcast. You can leave us. A review on apple podcast. You know we really do appreciate your support and as always please drink responsibly