Halloween (1978) SSP027 00:00:00 - 00:05:03 Who knew babysitting on halloween. Night could turn into such a nightmare. Halloween should be spooky and maybe even a little frightening but most definitely fun. I mean carving pumpkins shore making popcorn and watching scary movies absolutely talking with your friends on the phone. Pretty common babysitting stuff but fending off a murderer and trying to kill the boogeyman. That's going to require some hazard pay. Michael myers has come back to kill. Find out who survives to babysit another night in this week's episode of the scary spirits podcast number twenty seven john carpenter's halloween cheers. Welcome to the scary spirits. Podcast please be is that the presenters may use adult language and or discuss adult situations. His podcast is not intended for younger. Listeners were those that may be easily offended. So if you're ready let's go home. Hi i'm greg. Hey i'm karen and welcome to the scary spirits. Podcast the podcast. That combines the two very different yet highly compatible worlds of scary films and alcoholic spirits. What could possibly go wrong indeed. Are you karen. I'm doing great. How are you greg. good. I'm good karen your good good. This one should be a banner episode path. We'll see good doesn't always mean banner. Hi karen i believe this week's film was your choice wasn't not since it is and no it would have been or was it yours or mine. It's mine get yours. Then go ahead on. I'm claiming it. 'cause i got the drink and everything i think. We switched there at some point. so karen. what movie have you chosen us to watch. I have chosen one thousand nine hundred seventy eight john carpenter's halloween nineteen seventy eight. Usa carrots nineteen seventy eight. We covered this yet. I don't know spy I know i was living. Fancy free and seventy eight. I'm sure yeah. Footloose and fancy free rock and my schoolgirl uniform. Yeah back bay. Think that's about the time of the rod stewart album. Footloose and francy for you. Came out actually well. Then that's what i was doing. Live in footloose and fancy free. Probably wishing i was older like silly young girl and fancy. Free by rod stewart. Nineteen seventy seven karen. Where you're all sorry. Well i'm a little slow uptake. So probably was you may have just discovered it ninety right right entirely possible as with myself as well good recovery. After throwing me under the bus we run dumb know not we were very young and dumb. Nothing's changed a young and very dumb probably and now. We're very old very halloween. From nine hundred seventy eight. Yes john carpenter's halloween. That would be the one. That's what i watched. Yes go mike. I have a cocktail for this. we do. It's called the jack lantern cocktail. How fitting isn't it and it's from cooking with girls. I think she's a repeat referenced. Probably probably does a lot of halloween drinks. So what do we in. Karen you're going to need one ounce of light rum one ounce of dark room it says one ounce of one fifty one. So what do we do. Karen what do we do. What are we doing wheel. You do whatever you want. You can add. What i did was add. A half ounce more of each of the light and dark rum or you can choose another one one ounce of control three ounces of orange choose one and a half bounces of lemonade and a quarter ounce of grenadine. Wanna know what to do with all that. Yeah okay this one cup of ice in the cocktail shaker at all ingredients and shake to combine pour into a glass and fill with ice garnish with an orange wheel and straw serve enjoy. 00:05:04 - 00:10:01 Yeah it's pretty good amount. i get one. i'm writing enjoy. Well do you ever not enjoy rarely one. I didn't enjoy. It's not too bad out of twenty seven now. This is pretty good so we give our listener time to run their own. Yes absolutely is run to the store and get all this shit. Oh and on and we're back. We are get comfy with you. Drink because we're ready to go and happy. Halloween by the way karen. Yeah absolutely which is. Why chose this film you know. Yeah kind of you have to write. I don't think there's a way out. Yes and for many years to come when we are doing this podcast. We have many sequels to choose from so great. This is the original. John carpenter directed and scored by john carpenter and written to. Wasn't it on that with someone else. Yes debra debra a partner deborah hale directed and scored and co written with debra hill. Yeah okay so pretty much fingers in all the pies there he and he and deborah always kind of partnered up pretty much all their stuff is. I don't know that for future reference karen. The fog is one of my favorite for over in. We will get to that. Well i had it in january but probably not now probably due in february maybe for valentine's day the fog for valentine's day. Yeah i love it. It's probably a love story right Yeah a little bit. Yeah you could while yeah you could definitely say. He's my favorite. John carpenter film. I haven't seen them all mind you but they'll but have you seen this before. Yes i have multiple times. I'm guessing couple. 'cause i had not good good for you. Might you have a synopsis. I well. I actually have to because i thought. The one on amazon was hilarious. I'm gonna tell. I'm going to do both of them. You'll see why so usually you say. Do you have a brief synopsis right. Yes embry candidate. Do radio brief synopsis. Yes i do. amazon ready. Yes michael myers comes home to kill. Yes go on no. That's that's amazon synopsis. Yes mike myers comes home to kill yes. I am validating that. That is brief. So i thought perhaps i should search a little longer and find something else since i had never seen it. I would like a better synopsis. Okay you ready okay. Yes go on on a cold. Halloween night st through six year. Old michael myers brutally murdered his seventeen year. Old sister judith. He was sentenced and locked away for fifteen years one on october. Thirtieth nineteen seventy eight while being transferred for a court date a twenty one year. Old michael myers steals a car and escapes smith's grove. He returns to his quiet hometown of haddonfield illinois where he looks for his next victims. The idea we're heading field illinois is probably fictional. Yeah i thought it was made up probably is yes. So it's not a real town but it's a typical small town in the midwest. It is karen before we get started. We have any corrections omissions. Anything that you know of. Not that i know of but as i always like to say i was drunk. If you catch greg making mistakes you can always email them and let him know. Yes at greg at scary spirits dot com and. I'm sure i do it every episode. It might we might make a contest. Find the place where greg fox up an email him and maybe the first one to email us wins a prize. Maybe might not find the one place because there's probably multiple the probably is new york correct karen. You're so smart. Dr karen yet. But i probably have more more mistakes than you do. I know. I edit you very well. 00:10:02 - 00:15:01 Thanks. don't give me props. Just tell everybody you edit me now. I'm not gonna deny that you make more mistakes than me. Say i edit. you will. Who shouldn't confirm or deny. I karen anything else before we get started. Now that i'm pissed at you. Let's go right good times. This'll be good funds fun. One day i'm just kidding. All right so halloween from nineteen seventy eight currency we start with credits and we see introducing. Jamie lee curtis. Yeah and i just wanna say there. So flickering jacqueline the whole time which totally validates the drink. That i chose. 'cause i had not seen the movie before and i was guessing so i'm very proud of that fact. There is a flickering jacqueline and the whole time. The credits were rolling so this is her first. Film is okay. I like her i do too. I thought it was interesting that the girl who plays anne has a screen name is not her real name. But it's she chose. Nancy loomis as her name in this film role name. Is nancy keys and she is. Of course it was carpenter's for film to but now. What's i was the first major phil yeah. She has collaborated with him. A few times including the his little film did before this. But i thought it was interesting. Was nancy loomis in nashville and nancy. Something in another film. He's in his previous film I don't know that but slate. Her name is annie in this film but she yes she has known professionally as nancy loomis. Okay she's in this film. She's in assault on precinct thirteen. Which is the little independent film. You did before this. And she is in the fog and halloween to even though carpenters. Her name is different in other films. I'm not following where you're going here. It just says known professionally as nancy loomis. Nancy keys known professionally as Loomis so she has like a pen name or skipping guy. I thought was interesting. That plume loomis because that is a character's name in the film right is it right. Yes yes yes yes karen. Oh doctor yes this. I just called him doctor. That's why it didn't ring a bell. But yes and we also have. Pj souls karen from which film we've already done kerry good care. And i didn't know there was gonna be a test then. We see it on the screen haddonfield illinois nine hundred sixty three and we start from very get-go viewing the eyes of the killer. We're seeing cs through the is so michael. I know he's michael. I'm michael michael's sister boyfriend leaves house. I just and his sister now right well before you say that to give a little background. The sister and her boyfriend are teenagers. they're making out then. They go upstairs and they do a little more than making out. We don't see that though. Can we don't know the lights go off upstairs. And then we see him zipping his pants and coming back down the stairs and leaving so zipping his pants but did he did. 'cause she says. Call me. And he's like whatever any leaves so yeah okay. Goes upstairs sex upstairs. We don't go that. Karen come on now. Yes we do as actors teenagers alone in a house. I think we know that. So michael goes upstairs or seeing everything from his eyes and he picks up a mask to as he enters judith is her name the sister I think he picks up a mask right when you walk inside of room so then we just see too like lalai. It's a clown mask. That goes with this costume. Her boyfriend had taken it upstairs. But we do see to bare breasts cannon. Yes she's combing her hair. Yes topless mirror as you do lose that means well from the angle. Mace have forebear brass karen. Shit i didn't think about that right. You didn't but anyway. Michael stabs is sister. Lots of times and this is pretty much the only time. There's any blood in the whole film. 00:15:02 - 00:20:02 Yeah it's not a lot. This isn't a bloody gory. Phil right karen. Surprisingly not so michael runs out of the house. Just as his parents pull up and they're shocked and whatever odd. I don't think they're all would it be kind of weird. I thought well he takes off the mask and he looks like the sweetest kid you've ever seen as they do. I mean just a darling. Little child a little blonde hair boy. Just like i looked like now six years old there you go but of course. They don't know what's happened yet. But he's standing there with a knife probably bloody knife a bloody knife. Yeah and we cut scene from that and now we're at smith's grove illinois nineteen seventy eight octave thirtieth. Which is apparently you were earliest insane. Asylum is whatever he's at now and we see dr loomis and chain smoking nurse to very rainy night. And they're in the car together driving to pick up a michael gas. Yes and you know the name of the chain smoking nurse karen. I know sitting nurse ratchet. No it's mary. Anne chambers k. Should i know that no. You probably should not. That was interesting. No you probably had no frame of reference. What's your frame of reference withers a porn star named marilyn chambers. Okay and this is. Mary chambers maryland. Mary and whatever. I didn't even know her name until we started recording here. Is alex up so anyway. Apparently the inmates are outside romi. They pull up. Yeah was there more than one. There was right. There were a bunch of them and it's pouring rain. I mean it's just ridiculous. Thunder lightning the whole thing in their outside. Loomis immediately knows something's up rocky is a good doctor so he tells her to pull over and he runs out and goes to the guard shack. Or whatever yeah. I think he gets on. The phone doesn't he. Yeah but in the meantime michael jumped on top of the car smashes the window and steals the car right. Yeah he scares the nurse he's grabbing her choke. Inner sushi's tries to get out of the car. As soon as she gets out of the car he jumps in it and drives away next on. The screen says hadn't field halloween october. Thirty first right yes and this is where we first meet laurie. Laurie strode. tell me. don't call her lori lori curtis the whole time. Oh no okay. you'll have to correct me lori with her white stockings her white what. What the hell are they like. They're not like stockings like knits stuff right namely that they're like hose kinda but they're knit thick leggings or ground mates. They're tights. Took me a while to get there. But they're knitting macro made them or something attell are they they are just. They're like socks only they. They're knitted tight. That's all they're thick now our sake as she would have i guess and if you're an illinois which they obviously aren't in october but it could be cold and they were probably popular in the seventies so she's got a skirt the reason we can see them as she's wearing a skirt yes she's got. These white knitted types types. Yes i do remember. Lots of girls wearing them back in the day this time period i do remember nineteen seventy eight cairns way to go so anyway. Her dad comes out nestor. Hey remember to drop that. Key off at the myers house. Because he's a realtor right on this. There's a magnetic sign on his car. The says strode realty realtor. It looks like she's going to school. 'cause she's carrying our books so books. Okay yeah some people did the head and then she runs into the boy. She's going to babysit that night right. His name is tommy. Doyle little tommy doyle and hey you're just not to go to the myers house. Don't go up there and put that key under the mat just hilarious but you would put the key under the mat which wants to go in that house. 00:20:02 - 00:25:01 But i'm saying that's their system. Put the key under the mat. Okay she goes anyway and we see their someone inside the house watching from outside and they watch her. Walk down the sidewalk in her white stockings. And you hear mouth breathing mico freeze. He's got he's he might have a respiratory issue. Well that or. I think it's a mask to good be just see the back of it. You see a shoulder so you see that. He's wearing like a mechanic's uniform kind of thing. The blue heavy duty material jumpsuit. Next we see loomis and some other guy arguing about the previous night. Now michael got out. Guess he's another doctor or something. I don't know. I guess your administrator. But they're basically blaming each other. Loomis has parked in a handicapped parking. So that too rude so rude. I guess he's important or he thinks he is next received laurien english class. I believe it seeing clashes school. Why are they always in english class. Have you noticed that set so they can use some sort of reference. Yeah some literary reference. Yeah they're talking about fate. Yes that's all. I have care cleese. Nope that's all. I am okay in lori. Sees the station wagon also the window. The station wagon is the type of car that michael stole even has like the guy like a state seon aside stuff. Yeah yeah. He didn't even ditch the car. He's driving the car he stole. Yes and the teacher causing lori and she doesn't miss a beat because she is good at english like that. Yeah even though. She's looking out the window and sees him staring at her. The teacher calls on her and she answers the question perfectly next week. See the kid tommy doyle. The laurie is going to babysit. And he's being teased by other boys. Karen teasing him about the boogeyman booking. Man's gonna come get you. And he is holding a huge pumpkin tommy. Doyle is well because when he saw laurie earlier they talked about how they were going to carver pumpkin when she was babysitting him. So yeah he's trying to get this big pumpkin home. The boys are mean and they push him down and he falls on top of the pumpkin and pumpkin is no more. You know what. I always say care. What's that greg boys will be boys like. I thought maybe you're gonna stay dropped. Pumpkins always burst but other girls. What other pearls of wisdom are you gonna let me to. Michael is watching. Well yeah and he follows tommy. I was kinda hoping he'd follow the damn bullies and give them a day. Grab one of them. has irvine away. But so next. Loomis calls the hadn't sheriff. He warns them. That michael is coming and we see a car garage truck. He of course he's in like a rotary payphone booth. At at a crossroads just stops on the road. Is there used to be back in the day. Random payphones different places so it was at a railroad crossing and he just stops. His car gets out to call the police at hadn't field and allowed trains going by and then we see the truck that says phelps garage and michael's closer there his well. There's lots of white would look like schweik sheets. Me are those. Why is his gown. Yes okay that's what it is. So he's taken the outfit of the. I'm sure the mechanic that was driving the truck. We don't see where that person is. Yes we do in a second. Oh the camera pans over. And there's dead dude laying in the grass. I didn't see that. yes okay. Well that would make much more sense. Because i thought where's the dude. Yeah he's he's there he's he's to the right karen camera pans and he's to the right. We don't see a lot of them but we see his chest up in the grass. I didn't see it. I must have looked down. Because i thought the book of matches that the doctor held up meant something the rabbit and red lounge means something. See i miss that too. Because that's the those are the same matches the chain smoking nurse. we're lighting. Her was letting her cigarette with in station wag now. He knows that the station wagon has been there. Because it's the same book matches. And i see gotcha totally missed that. I knew it was important. But i thought it was going to. He was going to go to this lounge or something. 00:25:01 - 00:30:01 Gotcha so in the beginning chain. Smoking nurse as like focus in on that book matches on the dashboard or something. And this is where it comes back. Now okay wow. I missed a lot already telling you. Mind thinking of trick or treating and your cost him. Have you played your costume yet. Can i have not god. It's only a few days away. Where are you going to do a better. Get on it right next. We see the girls walking home from school. So it's basically laurie anne and linda who has pj souls yes. And she's smoking smoking and she's a cheerleader and she's a smoker which future leader. Yeah she said she had routines to learn. And so it's a busy weekend because there's obviously a game and then there's a dance the next homecoming dances the next night. So this must happen ron friday. Now i'm assuming there. They make seen friday and saturday nights. Homecoming dance yes. They're talking about the night com. We're going to be babysitting on friday and karen hanging out with their boyfriends at their various babysitting places except for laurie. She ain't got no boyfriend now and she forgot her chemistry book so they make fun of her. That's why she doesn't have a boyfriend so lori sees michael from behind bushes as they're walking. It's just aim laurie now. Pj's already gone to her house. J from now on so okay when sap jamming linda linda. Why isn't it right. Before that. That michael myers drives by and snow. It's not just linda. It's linda van de clock. She has four names. Linda with a y. All right gone. Michael myers drives by them and anne yells at him and says speed kills and he's reaches the car to a halt does and it looks like he's going to back up buddy doesn't it was. I thought that was creepy. That's the only reason i wanted to say. You know it puts you on edge like he's going to get out of the car but he didn't yeah and then. Pj peels off two from the group to her house and lori sees michael stanton near the bushes. Up there and yeah. There's no one there so he goes to her house. Nora keeps walking and she bumps into his father. Who's the sheriff wherever the town. Apparently right that was a jump scare. They got me a little i think. He says that it's halloween. Everyone's entitled to win scare or something like that. Next lorry goes home to her house as you would. If you're going home yes when you go home from school usually end up at your house. Least that's how we did it back in the day she goes well. We trigger traders outside before she walks in and then she goes upstairs. Karen did you know that. The interior of lorries house is the interior of the house. They use for nightmare on elm street. Now i didn't recognize it now. Well it is but so. They use the outside of this house for halloween. Just by kalinka dank use the interior of the house to film it the same house. They use for the exteriors of night l. street because they're all in the same general vicinity but the mary go there. You go kids little trivia boys and girls so it's basically all inbred housing then. I made a note. This is supposed to be illinois. But i see a few tropical plants. It's not blatantly obvious. No but if you look hard you can see palm tree way back in the distance you can see. Yes the so then. Laurie looks out her window and sees michael in the laundry line. Yeah they're all white sheets and she sees him to standing there in the laundry line clothes line yes and then the rotary phone rings anne. Well i she doesn't know at any 'cause he's got her mouthful so laurie hangs up in any calls back. And it's any. I guess you saying she's coming to get her pick her up or whatever because the next thing we see. She's getting a mccarthy any with a pumpkin and there's crappy fifties music plan. What i wrote sort of halloween type. I do In the credits i do mention. 00:30:01 - 00:35:03 Don't fear the reaper by recall. But i don't remember hearing anywhere so i did. I'll tell you where it is cool so any laureate driving in there followed by michael the station wagon. And that's where you hear. tell fear. The reaper knows it. Yeah right there. You do have to jump back a little bit. Well when doctors at the cemetery and they're going right now okay. Did i jump right my bed. I don't know if you roy did but next. We see luma at the cemetery with the caretaker question. Mark i don't know who he is. And they found that judith myers is a headstone their whole grave has been done. The headstone okay. Her headstones been dug up and taken out next. Danny louis pull up to the hardware store where smoking is well. There's a join. Yeah yeah and it was like oh shits my dad hands. Lorraine's do something with this right and the windows are all up in there. Smoking a joint and then they pull up to her dad. Who's a cop. Yes i'm thinking wouldn't yes. Yes that's the most thing exactly and they ask what's going on and and he's dad's. Someone stole halloween masks in some rope and knives. Stamp kids in their pranks. I know he doesn't seem concerned at all with the list of things he said it was a little concerning to me. But you know we got mask row and a shovel. Awful not a shovel but also it was show. Michael myers drives by behind him. Yes so loomis arrives and talking to the sheriff and while the sheriffs standing there on the side of the road the station wagon with mike owen knives right past right behind him. He's looking way in his station. Wagon pass mini turns the other way. No it's actually pretty pretty good acting. I guess pretty good directing and acting next. We see michael following laurie. and amy. some. Oh right behind them in the. Here's where i made a note that i'm pretty sure the streets in illinois do not have a like a ditch in the center of the road. Like there's a drainage thing in the center of the road at this point didn't notice. Yeah it's like like i in my neighborhood. They have like little cement ditches on the side of the road on each side right in. Yeah there's one in the center i am. I think i've seen that before when visiting my bro- my brother-in-law in sacramento california thing. But i didn't know it wasn't anywhere else and then can it gets dark all of a sudden really dark all of a sudden the next scene. It's like pitch blackout the driving along and other stuff and they get to the place where they're babysitting and it's dark. Do you notice that. Yeah but i like how they made. It look dark looks blue. Did you notice that kind of looks like it used a blue filter or something. i liked. that did not. I just know like we've missed like an hour. Did they drive around for an hour. Smoking a joint. Maybe you would think the parents would smell it on the sitters to when they showed up so laura gets dropped off where she was babysitting than any goes to the house. She's babysitting. they're like across the street right. It looks like it. Anne's babysitting where karen where the wallace house. Oh the wallace house yes. I'm so so wallace. Actually have it written here. She's babysitting little. Lindsey wallace is. She is and we see michael outside watching from afar next. We see loomis. And the sheriff. And his dad at the myers house and they walk in. And apparently there's a dead dog and luma says michael must have got hungry. Something don't see it. But that's what they say and says he's gonna wait there because he thinks michael will come back. Yeah because obviously he's been there so this how he only it's the only home he knows next. Laurie reading to the kid. So wait a minute. Just out of curiosity just occurred to me. He was held six when he committed these crimes. Apparently when i was growing up. I lived in the same house for eighteen years so i can't really judge but would you were ripped from your house at six. Would you remember the address thirty young to remember. I wouldn't remember the address. Whatever remember where it is. I don't think he'd find it. Yes so but from una cena asylum in between kindergarten. 00:35:03 - 00:40:03 First grade we moved. You know so. I i can tell you the street. We lived on when i was in kindergarten. I can't tell you the address that street address. I can take it to the house. But i can't tell you the street address so i'm sure you lived within the same city though. Yes okay so what i'm saying is if you were still hadn't field. Yeah but they took him over to an insane asylum quite far away. How would he know where his house was. Spent six years there. I'm just saying it seems i don't want to. I mean i don't wanna make it a point it of a point because maybe the only reason i know where it is is because i've driven past it many times you know i'd always asked my mom and dad. Can we drive past old house. You know but he couldn't have done that because he was an asylum right right he never left there so it just occurred to me. There are landmarks. Still there that i think i would know you know what i mean. Yeah no i agree. I think it is. It has changed quite a bit. I was gonna say. But since i was six years old karen can you imagine. Can you believe it's changed. Since i was six years old now. But even tween your ages of six and twenty one. Did it change quite a bit. It's not a big deal. It just occurred to me at six. would you be able to you remember when twenty eight was farmland. Yes okay well you go. I remember when buckley was farmland for sure. Okay sorry it's not a big. It just seems it would be hard. I would think for a six year old to find their way. I mean they had to drive a away because it took the doctor a while to get there. It's but it's not a big deal. Anyway he goes back a follow the signs to his town from where he is then once. He's in his town maybe he as recognition of. Oh yeah. i remember that. I remember that newsletter street it just of course in nineteen seventy eight. We did not have google. did we care. No that's what i'm saying. He has to remember where to go. Gps anything like that. Yeah he doesn't even have mapquest. Hey here's a paper map. He might if there was one in a car. Okay if he had a paper map and got his way to head field then he probably could find his house and if you see here yeah even just if he drove in and saw the school or something he could probably find his way problem. All right i'll give it to you. Not worth that long discussion. So so you're saying. I'm right karen as always have dane in a while. I'm sorry so. Where did we leave off. Lori is reading to the kids to the little tiny tommy doyle. She's writing something about king. Arthur i believe yeah. And he's not impressed because he has comic books honors couch hidden under the couch next karen the rotary phone rings. And it's anne calling from the wallace residence and of course. The wallace dog is barking. Yes she doesn't like the dog and she tells lori that she has set her up for a date for homecoming with the boy that lori mentioned in the car earlier and not important. Some dude got a date that lori thought was name is ben ban ben ben ben. Next little tommy. Doyle sees michael across the street at the wallace residence out. So he's looking out the window and then any spills something on herself karen as she's talking to laurie. Yeah and you hear some mouth breathing. Say you know. He's any looking through the window and watching a anne and she takes a fall reclosed in the kitchen because she spilled something on herself of ain't it was butter. Yeah and so she says later. You can't possibly have butter on your clothes. You have to take them all off or she sits down to her paintings. I don't think he's worried. Abroa- i remember seeing her taking her bra off but just trips down to her panties and puts a shirt on address. Shots adad shared shirt. Yeah yeah she puts mr wallace his shirt. Yes he she does. But michael myers breaks a pot outside. The dog runs out. Barks at then whimpers. And he has killed the dog. You killed the dog notice what was on the tv. Yes lori and tommy doyle watching the thing. Yeah that's that was pretty cute reference there well which i thought was very interesting because why do you say it's a cute reference. Didn't he remake that. Yes but much later after this right. 00:40:03 - 00:45:09 Okay but i just thought it was neat. How that worked out. I'm not sure he was going to redo it but well he must have liked it. Yeah and they talk about the boogeyman and laurie. Promises to keep nodal. Tommy doyle safe then and he goes to the laundry shack behind. Good babysitter lorries. A good person geria- but she's engaged with the kid that she's babysitting if you if you compare it to annie and he's got her kid plopped in front of the tv which you know to each his own babysitting style. But she's really involved with tommy doing stuff with her yes then and he goes to the laundry shack behind the house carrying. That was weird. I'm not sure they do that in illinois like going to the outhouse in it now but i don't know of anyone that had laundry out in the back in show in their garage. No except you're if you're in. My mom does that in florida. So here's a shack in the back. Well it's in the garage. It's a tiny garage. Yeah but it's not attached to the house. Exactly anyway and michael locks her in but he knows michael but it is and she tries to crawl out a window in her opinion. Wallace dad shirt shot of anti trying to crawl out the laundry window unsuccessfully s and then the rotary phone rings karen. And it's annie's boyfriend and lindsey wallace answers. Who's the little girl and she says. Hang on and shave sets the phone down. She hung up the knows she did. She did she hung it up. I don't think she did. She goes up to any. She has a call and finds. You're stuck in a window and helps to pull her out. Then they're going back to the house and the phone rings again and his wife made an even though they never hung it up. So you're saying she hung up yeah. I don't think she did. But anyway. You can email greg at greg at scary spirits dot com and tell them they hung up the phone or you can email karen karen at scary spirits dot com. And tell her that no they do not hang up the phone. This is an error k. 'cause the phone rings again and i don't think the hung it up against the boyfriend. Whatever and any says she is going to go and pick him up so many take apparently he. His parents are gone and he's grounded so he's sneak out like teenagers do and she's going to walk. Distract lindsey and they're going to have alone time. Teenagers sneak out though they do so she is going to go pick him up but lindsay doesn't want to do it. So that's how they get. Lindsey over to tommy's house. Laurie has to watch both kids. Worry agrees 'cause owns nice. Yes then any tries to go and open the car door but the door is locked. Sharon what kind of car is it. Greg you're not gonna oh no. I thought for sure i was going to get. It's a car domo okay. Well that's fine with era. I watched it last night. I'm thinking it might be like monte carlo or something but anyway this locked goes back inside to get the keys. Yes she comes back to and she opens a door and it's not locked anymore. It's unlocked now. She gets in and sits down and then realizes condensation on the windshield right but she realizes wait. It wasn't locked. And yes there is condensation and michael is in the back seat. He is and he kills. Annie so he's choking her and she's beeping the horn which was a good idea. I thought although it didn't do her any good but then does he slicer neck. I don't know i couldn't see it. There was a sound there was an i. Is it down and later. I think you kind of see it. So there wasn't any blood right. I would expect blood splatter on the window if that happened right. There wasn't any so. I don't know all i know she's dead but i think he did because it comes back later at the time i couldn't tell if that's what he had done 'cause all the sudden she just goes limp. She's gone she's not fighting anymore. Which meet could mean. He choked it out of her. The life out of her. But i think he there is a noise and i'm pretty sure he slices her neck she did. She's gone gone next. We see little tommy doyle looking out the window and he sees michael carrying any into the wallace house. 00:45:10 - 00:50:01 It freaks out a little bit as he should. And laurie just puts them back in front of the tv. And he's like okay. Starts watching the tv. But that was kinda funny right. You season her being carried into the house. A little bloody chiloe blood honor no not from. Hey you can see while the way across the street like that now could all right anyway so nice. We cut back to the myers house. Where loomis is watching still waiting for michael to return and some kids come up as they do. Especially because it's halloween. The the bully boys i think are in one of the kids dares dare one of them to go up and go into the house me starts to go up there and he gets up there and then loomis scares them away and he gets some satisfaction out of that currents we wouldn't. He looked like he enjoyed it. He grinned next. Pj souls and her boyfriend pull up in a van drinking budweiser talking about how they're going to have sex and then. Pj souls and her boyfriend go into the house and start making out on the couch. And michael myers. Is there watching. Why goes watching. Makes we see laurie. And tommy doyle and little lindsey wallace going to cover the early kaguta. Pumpkin already carved in lorries carrying to the table. Right yeah then. pj calls lory on the rotary phone. Various worse any right there yeah then. Pj enter boyfriend realized that they have the whole place to their selves. Nobody cares worry. Any is right now. No they just know that. Take what has been taking care of an ada here so here we go so they go upstairs. Karen and i believe they have intercourse. Well they're smoking. So i certainly afterwards like they are and we do see to barebreast. Also karen heavens. I don't have a now that i do. So once they finish they have a smoke and then. Pj wants a beer. She tells her boyfriend. Bob is a bah krisher. Spongebob yeah it is bob bob. So it's bob and kanda vander. Whatever she's four names and he's just bob right. Linda vander clock with a y linda with alive. Andrew cock and bob Okay so. Bob goes to get linda with a y vander clock. Oh beer did you see when he was going down to the kitchen. There was a huge painting of a kitten on the wall. It was funny. Tell big it was. Yeah and michael basic comes out of one of the cupboards and lift up by the neck and then stabs him and he's like stuck there on the wall right. I think it's a door door that would well just because you could push the knife into a dose easier than the wall but yes. It was like a panther on either sizes little hallway and he lives bob up and sticks a butcher knife in him so he's like stuck there hanging. Yeah they show his feet off the ground. Yes then michael goes upstairs. Oh well he looks at him for a little. While he stares at him stares at bob hanging on the wall goes like it's a piece of art or self little odd. You're just you're just enjoying your what you've done right well. It didn't make sense than that. He would be like when. I make a proper something i stand back and look at it from different angles. It's the same thing. Well it's a little different. Not but but i didn't wanna. I didn't understand at this point that he's kind of setting scenes a little bit but he is so yes. He's admiring his work. The next we see michael upstairs covered by a sheet with bob's glasses on clever in. Pj is in bed and we see two more bare brass but we've already seen them so whatever but she calls so calls. Laurie yeah pj. Who's linda vander clock. Why caused laurie and now. She's talking to laurie. 00:50:01 - 00:55:02 Michael strangles her with the phone cord. I wonder how many people have been saved because phones no longer have cords karen. I don't know quite a few in our movies anyway. Back at the myers. House and loomis is still waiting. Is this where he sees his car. He sees his car across the streets. Been there the whole fucking timing. You just now seats right well. That's what it looked like. Yeah yes so then. Lorry goes across the street to check on any and pj because she takes her keys she takes them keys with does take the keys with her. She does and she's walking around the house and she finds the back door open and she goes in. But bob isn't hanging there anymore. Because that's where bob was hanging just a minute ago right. He's gone so she's over there in the dark. Why doesn't she turn on a light. Wouldn't that be the cairn. That's what you do immediately. She's afraid of what she'll see if she turns maybe guest jay and bob or doing some crazy shit she don't wanna see i don't know they would have answered her. She's been calling forum. I guess because she sees the light upstairs in the bedroom door so that's why she goes upstairs. She goes upstairs. Wait before you do that. I just wanted to say at this point. The soundtrack of this movie that plays along with the movie is really good. And it's almost non-stop it's almost throughout the whole moving right it just something that you notice through the whole movie but here i spent the stop and say a lot. Different than dracula which has zero right this one. The music is playing almost home. Movie and it fits. It does adds to the suspense in whatever right it. It said there's no blood is it's all little a little bit suspenseful and yeah. But i just wanted to say that when she's walking up the stairs to go towards the door and the music is playing its exceptional really the soundtrack i think really adds a whole 'nother level to the movie. In my opinion. John will be very happy to hear that anything. I can do to make john happy. So glory goes upstairs. She finds any in bed the door. Yes and there's amy and there's judas myers headstone in the bed above her. You know of course. Zanies danny's body. I thought this was cool. Seen this is probably my favorite scene in the whole movie. Insolvable out though. No but you could see. This is where. I said you can see that. Her neck is sliced in that. I couldn't see it. I can tell. I didn't know you couldn't even see him. Hang up phone. So would he missed a whole body when texas on my tv. Actually my half price books. Dvd in the tv thought. Because i just thought it was a really cool scene because it's like a little vignette. She's laying there the headstone and i had forgotten about the headstone so to see it again. Like oh that's good. You know that was. I just thought it was a cool seen. Yes there's a reason. A headstone was missing compared life and then bob swings down the closet yes. She's backing up. And she runs into swinging. Bob much like whoever did friday the thirteenth does like three years later. It's premature perfect copy of this nationally. When what's his name swings down is what's her name is ryan away haven't done that in a while. I don't remember the names. I'm sorry and then the linen closet. I think it's a linen closet but some door opens and then we see. Pj in there too. Yeah so is she set up he. It's like he knew exactly what steps she was gonna take you know. And then she backs out of the room and she's understandably freaked out. Yes she goes out into the hall. And then michael comes out and slashes her arm with a knife kind of misses a little bit below bit. Yes knicks her and she falls down the stairs. It's like a landing and she falls off the landing and down the it's quite a tumble. It is and she hurts her leg. 'cause she's lumpy now. She's she's got her arm hurt because it slashed and her leg is hurt and she tries to get out of the house but there is a rake against the back door and can open it. Well she goes to the front door. And i couldn't figure out why she couldn't open bat i don't but but i wonder if he put obstructions at all of them don't know but there is definitely a rake the back door and she can't get it open so she breaks a window and pushes the rake aside and then runs out screaming for help. Please help me please. 00:55:02 - 01:00:13 Somebody please god please. Somebody help me right. What she does and she goes no as you would. I mean you just saw your three friends. I guess you. Would you might bono. You just saw three dead people your friends. Somebody tried to slash your arm. You fell over a railing and hurt your leg. I'm pretty sure you'd be screaming. You'd be screaming please. God help me please. somebody help please god help. Please help me somebody that was you'll be doing. I'd be screaming for someone to help me. Maybe not god. But i'd be finding a shotgun or something but boy if you knew where shotgun was like little tommy. Doyle's dad had a shotgun. That's where i'd be going okay. She goes next door and you know the people that are assholes. Turn on the porsche. Light and attorney. I think it's a prank. I think they've probably think it's halloween prank right. Maybe my guess. Maybe i don't know so. Then she runs back to little tommy. Doyle's house she wants to wear the kids are she's got a murdering person following her a murderer a murdering person. He's got a murder following her and she takes him. She leads him back to where the kids are but that was a little. She can't get in. she can't even get in. She can't find her damn keys just to throw a flowerpot against the window up there to get little tommy doyle to come down. Let her in. And michael is coming the whole time binder but she gets in and locks the door but then she sees the window is open and the phone lines are cut yes and she tells tommy doyle little tummy to order room run upstairs and locked himself in his room him and little lindsey wallace. Yes so they're in up there locked in there together. Tommy and lindsey sitting in a tree may be out of told him to run out the back door. Well that seems safer to me. You know then. Run somewhere in the house. When this guy's got into the house the done now she does later. But yes we'll get there of course. Michael is already in the house because the window was opened and he tries to stab laurie with a knife. He fucking mrs again done he. Yeah he does and she puts a knitting needle right in his neck and he falls good. There's no blood you would think there might be. Some are curious. Splatter take with a knitting needle to the neck. You would expect a little blood. yes. I'm not mad about it but yeah you would think might be and then michael collapses. Laurie has the knife in her hand. And she drops it for the first time. Yes that's important to note for the for the first time next. We see loomis walking the street. i made an. I'm surprised he did not hear laurie screaming for help right because he was screaming. Help me lord help me doing a good job yes. She was really screaming but apparently loomis didn't hear her saying why so then. Lorry goes to check on the kids and as she is assured she thinks yes. She thinks she's killed him yes. She thinks she's killed the boogeyman. Just then michael comes up. The stairs gone yet. No and she does send the kids to one room and she goes to another which at least she didn't bring the kids with her and when she runs into the room she opens up the back patio or deck door. Because they're on the second floor now right so she opens a door to the outside. So apparently there's like some deck or something up there on the master suite. I think that's where she is now. Is that door and run into the closet and closes. So i'm i think she's trying to convince michael that she went out the door when outside. She's crying loudly in closet. Doors of the closet aren't very thin and their snow clothes in the closet. So i don't know if it's a guest room or there is coathangers. Yes but no clues. So laurie yeah he's trying to break in and he does and she fashions a weapon out of the clothes hanger instead be psycho light bulb though when he breaks any hits it and it swings kinda like in psycho wirtz swinging. I didn't know they were trying to reference that or not. But maybe don't know but yeah you're right she. She crabs a hangar and fashions and then somehow being injured and scared out of her mind she can make that hanger hit his eyeball and as captain kirk mask and he drops the knife and laurie then grabs it and stabs him with it and she leaves the closet. 01:00:14 - 01:05:04 He falls down and she leaves the closet and she. He's lying on a floor and she walks with a knife in her hand and she drops it again she. She throws it away like she can. She limps stab him. Cut his fucking neck. Behead him yeah. Whatever she doesn't she just drops it then. She does some smart and tells the kids to run down the street to a neighbor's house. She tells them who and tell them the call the police and then michael pops up behind her. I did like how he sat straight up. I thought that was yeah. He it was creepy. he does he just. He's lying flat and you just kind of bends at the waist and sits up and i was like that's creepy you know. He didn't rollover to get up. Like i would have to kasama hundred but he just sat straight up. I thought that was good of your one hundred ninety nine but anyway running out of the house and by this time loomis is outside the house and sees them and then michael starts to strangle laurie inside. And laurie takes off. Michael's mask and we see. Michael myers in the whole series. But why do you do that just because it's not like we recognize him go. That's michael myers. I mean it was just a weird thing. I thought it's kind of a cool trivial thing. Though now might be the only time we ever see him. You know what i mean. When he's not nick's in the franchise on the movie in the franchise. I don't know but i'm assuming because it is a different actor that plays michael space and michael. The wrestler movies two different actors. So no i just wondered. It just seemed like she unmasks him but it doesn't mean anything to me. I didn't know if it had significance later. But so lummus runs upstairs and shoots michael five times from his revolver and michael falls out the window on the second floor. Yeah you see him. Sprawled in the grass down. There is then loomis walks towards the window. Lookout he'll meaning he's gone. He's gone and then we have credits but the music plays which again it just adds this creepy nece. So the michael myers music. Y'all know it starts playing and you hear the mouth breathing. And you're like kay sequel. Here we come. As i do love a sequel not in this particular genre but i do like a sequel. Immune genre or at least the setup for a sequel. I don't necessarily have to see it. I just like there's a setup for it so care and that's the end the film anything. You were pleasantly surprised by this film that you really liked enjoyed. That wasn't exceptional. Well that there wasn't a ton of blood which was interesting. it was not what i was expecting. Do you don't not really needed. I don't it's still suspenseful. And absolutely. I thought it was. Well acted i liked the acting. I think some of the people looked a little old to be high schoolers. But compare this with friday the thirteenth. They decided to blood. That's what they did right. Yeah i guess so. Okay go on. Sorry i interrupted. No i'm just. I think some of the scenes were really good. I like the tombstone seen. I thought that was interesting. He's creepy. I mean the fact that he can just stand there in a mask and stare at. You is creepy. And i don't know if that's i mean you can help me with this because i don't know if that's a female reaction to it because if some man is just staring at you. That's a very intimidated very faceless. Kind of mask to. It is expressionless. Yes but i don't know we all know it's a captain kirk mask painted white so it's very expressionless eyebrows. You know it's it's creepy but if if someone if a man wearing that mask was staring at you from across the street i think you would probably feel a little different than i would as a teenager. 01:05:04 - 01:10:00 You'd probably be like fuck off or whatever. But i'd like holy crap. I don't know. I just wondered as he's targeting women so not a whole lot. Probably but we still creepy. It is very creepy in. It's probably a very inexpensive mask. That's the thing there wasn't blood and gore and there wasn't a lot of special effects he just wore this weird captain kirk mask and he was creepy as crap and i think the music help that to which so i really like the music john carpenter composed. As you know it was performed by the bowling green symphony. There's no bowling green symphony bowling green. Ohio yes there is. There's always a symphony in every town. John carpenter was no. It's ohio pretty sure. All right you wanna wager. I wanna how much e mail greg greg at scary spirits dot com to tell him that it's bowling green kentucky. It is. i think it's a hieaux. Look up john carpenter. I have a lot in the past. So i'm saying i'm not sure that i'm i'm preterm. Correct now shit. Yeah pretty sure you're right now because he went to western kentucky which would know that's where bowling green is kentucky. So pretty sure you're right. My cousin just moved there and that was one of the things that was told to them about. It still cool. It's like you know just down the road though. I agree up the road down the road. It's the same all the same. It's down the road from you. Yes down the road from you too. Yeah that's a lot closer to you but bozon ohio would be up the road from us. Yes he grew up in bowling green kentucky. A move there from new york and that's got to be a big change from well. I mean carthage new york. I don't know. Oh okay. I thought you york okay. You in western kentucky university as father chaired the music department there. So there you go. You did in transferring eventually to usc within quit to make his first film. So so karen your correct. It's the little things so yeah i just. It wasn't what i was expecting. So i was pleasantly surprised speaking of like no blood. No gore even. The animal deaths were not. It's still scary still l. It's very scary. Suspenseful build up the suspense. You know i mean i. The first kill doesn't happen for quite a while. Well out any in the cars. I kill while unless you count linda. His sister is that her name linda. Or lydia salutes judith judith sorry judith in the first minute but i mean after that you have to wait until anne after. She's already spilled butter on her clothes and has gotten almost naked. I think it is. It's when someone just stands there and doesn't speak. Is it in a mask like that. It's very scary. I think that's scarier to me when you go through a haunted house or something. Then someone's screaming if someone's just following me and not saying anything bat wigs me out a lot more than maybe Breathing on your back. Well yeah like just standing there and not doing anything is in a mask where you can't you know were it's suspended about who they are. That's very scary to me. All like haunted houses anyway. There's i just think they're scary. But that's crappier cairn. They're supposed to be scary. I think i can. I tell you what was disappointed in. Let me pull up the outlines karen anything. You were very disappointed hint. Why won't save very disappointed. But i was kind of disappointed in the lack of backstory. Why did he kill his sister. We have no indication of that. We have no indication why he fucking nut but there has to be a reason to kill your own sister there some seed. There's a doctor that's worked with him for fifteen years and he couldn't give us some little nugget of what he thought was wrong with them. It just gives a speech about how he's pure evil mats. It was michael. Never said anything is a spoken. You just stares at the wall. I guess i just i would have liked a little more background psychological. What we want. 01:10:00 - 01:15:01 Karen get what you all. We all wanna know things. But i understand that. But that's what. I was disappointed in. I'm wondering if in later movies. If they explore that a little bit do they do you know. I don't know it seems like an opportunity. Well okay 'cause this been remade a couple of times by rob zombie. Or whatever. And i'm not sure i one. Yeah i on the twentieth anniversary. They did halloween two point zero. I think it's pretty much to remake. They've remade it. So what was jamie. Lee curtis in that one. She was in something a remake of it. Or a. I thought it was a sequel. So only the first equal. So only halloween too was written by carpenter and hill. All the rest have been done by somebody else. Although he did produce halloween three seasons of the witch which. I've never really watched by like i want to. But maybe next year three is a total departure from the whole thing. So it's totally unrelated to. Michael myers howling threes but Yeah remake in two thousand seven by rob zombie. Then he does sequel. Two thousand nine rob zombie did yes to his own remake. And there's a new one coming out. Now halloween kills. So i think jamie lee curtis in a but she's in like the twenty. They did something where it was. Twenty years or twenty five years or so. She's in that one. I think she is. She's grown up and hurt. She has a kid and yeah. So michael myers fifty seven years old. Hobbling row kill people or did he have a kid. That's now going around and killing the kids of the people that he was trying to kill. Not that it matters. Because i'm hoping i don't have to watch it. It goes and apparently. She was killed in halloween resurrection. Jamie lee curtis was but then she reprised it in halloween. Which the halloween which came out in twenty eighteen. You know how it is. As long as i can keep making sequels and remakes and whatever cash. It's all cash cash money. Yep big money search. Jamie lee curtis returned in halloween. H two o twenty years later in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight and then hollering resurrection in two thousand and two. She's in it and she dies. Apparently she comes back and a different ones. So whatever how about you. What did you like I like the suspense of it built suspense. Very well i did like the Soundtrack very well done you. Didn't like there are a few time lapses and issues with plot but you know whatever is so out of friday the thirteenth nightmare elm street and halloween. This is your favorite probably probably. I mean it's close between this and nightmare street by this one is better was more. Well done i think this one is better. But i think the story in nightmare on elm street that the killer can get you in there in. Your dreams is kind of intriguing. It's a little more of a story. you know. This one is very suspenseful very very well done with the music and all the stuff but i think the story in a nightmare elm street i could use less of the gore in that but i think it's kind of cool the concept i guess is what i'm trying to say and friday the thirteenth year right is just two freaking gore fest. I mean it's unfortunate. That i say in the one we did friday the thirteenth. This it's a total rip off of this film. You know yeah just. More gore is more blood and unless plot. Well there's a little bit of a plot but so can what cocktail writing. Are we giving this phil. I'd give it to two to talk sales better than friday the thirteenth. And didn't we give that one three probably. But yeah i give it to. I would agree to cocktails. It's pretty good. Did you like the drink. Kids to jack-o-lanterns did you. i did. I'm only about halfway through and it's turned a little pink. Oh look at you. He just held up his glass in. It's gone pretty much. It's another good one for a halloween party. 01:15:02 - 01:20:02 So if you are having a halloween party and you're freaking out because you don't have any drink recipes. You can go to our website scary spirits dot com and all the drinks that we've made for the last. What twenty twenty says. Evan episodes are in their sp. Dan so give it a look. If you're looking for a good cocktail to serve at the party. Listen maybe by the time you hear that this episode there may be shit thirty or thirty one. No because this is twenty seven melbourne. I always like push l. You do it early. Yeah i do so yeah check it out. you know. They'll be some easy wants to make in some more difficult. Wants to me and there are a few punches that we have a couple had leased punches. Beef change to a drink but i think the punch recipes. Well if you click on the links fellow take you to the punch recipe that if it is a recipe so right so do you. Can you think off the top of your head. What was your favorite drink. My favorite drink yet. Can you don't else attended like to trump drinks summaries. I did like the one. What was the one with the chair. The blood that was dracula's blood. I'd just finished off my black cherry juice the other not like last night. So that's a good one. You know what it was dracula. Lot's of tasty drink in. It's definitely halloween appropriate so it was good. It's a good wine substitute. I mean it looks like wine but it's better easy going down that's for sure is delicious. So what's the next movie. So our next episode. We'll be wednesday november third. Can you play. Were already november now. Rape her third and november third is karen. No but i bet you're gonna tell me what is it that just happens to be tom. Savini birthday the awesome. If i knew who. Tom savini was tom. Savini is a special thanks makeup makeup artists. That's you've mentioned him before. Yes he's done lots of things. We've watched pretty sure and the movie i've chosen. He is he did it and he also stars as himself in it or not as himself but he is an actor as well in the idea. What the film could be would need lots of makeup special effects frankenstein. No where whiff of london. Now give me a hint. I can't tell you. Karen that it is a vampire film so you'll because vampires or cool you probably won't like i don't know what is it so the film i have chosen. Karen is a little film called from dusk till dr haven't seen. I've actually seen that but not in a while. Yes it's era salma hayek fan Done hurt that. She's in it. But there is george clooney as well and so. You're george clooney fan. I'm it's a vampire film. I've only seen it once. I think late night on flipping channels on cable. Tv he drink. I knew you're going to ask that that. Aren't i supposed to ask that. I have a drink. Do i do i not. I do have a drink. The bloody sunrise excellent to get that can blood. We are so clever it's First tequila drink i. So it's a tequila. Sunrise is exactly tequila sunrise but you rim glasses grenadine. So it drips like you know our favorite. You know bloody stuff right. Yeah so what. What do you need. We're gonna tequila orange juice and grenadine. That's it. I think i have that. We didn't learn anything today. Did we well depends. We learned that the mask was a william shatner. Learn that everybody knows that. I didn't know it 'cause i i didn't know anything about the movie so i did not know it and i only learned it when i read a little bit about it while we really didn't learn anything did we. Swiss pure entertainment people know learning. Think i mean assuming that everyone knew that. Pj souls was in carrying was in this. And if you didn't know that john carpenter did the score directed this show road it. Yes oh and he was from where. 01:20:02 - 01:22:36 Greg western kentucky bowling green tacky. We learned that. I did meet him. You did. I did once at a horror hound thing. Is he older than us he is. He's older than me he was he was born in nineteen forty eight jaren. Well just for me so i did have him. Signed my copy of the fog. Which is my favorite chart. Comforter fell but i haven't seen them all admittedly. There are a couple of nights. Yeah you know there's no just don't ask next you'll see okay use cool. I would say he was nice all right anyone. You need to thank karen this episode anyone. Bring you your liquor. Now i anyone leave us a good review on any of the platforms. Chew wanna that we think anyone who leaves us a a review a good review you can leave us a review and we won't thank you if it's crappy. We still appreciate. We liked the feedback so it only takes a few minutes so please help us out. Anything else karen. Well you have to thank burst thirty. Yes i do. I do need to thank the band verse. Thirteen letting us use their music in the podcast. Because as we've learned today the score and the music can make or break something. So i i. It is. And so verse. Thirteen helps us out a lot. Yes so we did learn something there. We should say something else too. Happy halloween party safely. Thanks for listening to the scary spirits. Podcast for the movies might be iffy but the drinks are always so we would love to hear from you. You can find us on facebook. Instagram in youtube at scary spirits podcast or go to our website. Scary spirits dot com. And if you want the direct line email us at info at scary spirits dot com. If you really want to help us out. Leave us a review on apple. Podcasts and remember member always drink responsibly next week.