From Dusk till Dawn SSP028 00:00:00 - 00:05:14 No one really knows when they might take their last breath. And if you're a vampire and you've been around for a couple of hundred years hiding out in mexico you're probably not fixated on how you might perish. Could be a stake to the heart a well time. Strike with a sharp glistening knife that removes your head or maybe just maybe if you're one for a more dramatic exit might involve a disco ball and sunlight. Who knows well we do and you will. If you listen to this week's episode of the scary spirits podcast number twenty eight from dusk till dawn. It really is a fantastic. seen cheers. welcome to the scary spirits podcast. Please be advise that the presenters may use adult language and or discuss adult situations. His podcast is not intended for younger listeners. Or those that may be easily offended. So if ready. Let's talk hi. I'm greg hey i'm karen and welcome to the scary spirits podcast the podcast. That combines the two very different but highly compatible worlds of scary films and alcoholic spirits what could possibly go wrong indeed indeed. How are you karen. I'm doing great. How are you greg. i'm okay good. How was your halloween karen fabulous to get lots of trick-or-treaters. I imagine you probably don't know we don't get any any no no that long. Driveway is not worth anything. I could give away. What's your average but one hundred. Greg gives away full size candy bars if anyone wants to bring their kids trick or treating go by greg shooter. True next year. Plan ahead. But i'm thinking of retiring so i'll probably give still young candy though regardless. Yeah you don't you don't want sam to visit your house. The breaking a tradition. That would be no. I do not. I imagine i would always give community. Even if i was in your situation i would have. I would be sitting on my front porch with a bowl. Size candy bars just have kids did move in in front of us so if they they didn't come but they could go to a different neighborhood to maximize their efforts stupid trunk or treat things i don't know they have spider webs all over there bush's sign good sign any a- corrections got. I don't think you should ask that anymore. I think we should just bring it up because neither one of us knows the answer. Curtis i'm sure we do but in if anyone notices any they could certainly email us if there are any mistakes email greg at scary spirits dot com. But if you wanna praise us you can email me at karen at scary spirits com. Yes please do. Actually greg edits at all. It makes me sound. Like i don't have air so really you can email him and tell him how awesome it is too. So that's the long way of saying. I don't know if we have any air but i hope not probably not probably. Wow i believe karen this was. This is my choice. Wouldn't it yes. It was so today. I have chosen the nineteen ninety-six quentin tarantino film karen from dusk till dawn. So why did you pick this because vampires are cool. Well yeah that's why. I think that's the only reason there's no birds. It is actually tom. Savini is birthday. He's usually a makeup or special effects artist. He actually acts in this film. Kinda so i was surprised. That quentin tarantino didn't direct this. I thought he did it knee. I don't think so. I thought that's why he acted in it. He chose to act in it over. Directed am i wrote the screenplay right now as directed by robert rodriguez see you thought. He directed it to right. Well the poster says from robert rodriguez and this as from quentin tarantino. So both of them. I i they i know they both had a you know major stake in the film but i guess i didn't know actually who directed it makes sense that he probably didn't direct since he was in it i think this was his first screenplay he i haven't seen a lot of his movies as he like. 00:05:14 - 00:10:00 Hitchcock does he show up in his films. You know like this. He i don't know but he Yeah pretty much every tarantino film. I've seen he is in it. I think at some point. He's he also has as i learned from the x ray in the amazon prime video. He has little signature. Things aren't a lot of his movies so well do tell when they come up i will. I may notes excellent. Yeah this was. His first paid writing assignment. Wow accounting tarantino's but it sounds like it took a while for it to come to film. After he wrote it they thought about. It's safe i if it's his first one it's hard to know what his what did you call. What did you say he had that you learned in x ray. Oh india seeing crisies or something. It's hard to see those in the first film unless you compare them to the other films. Yes but they still apply. I'm sure he has his trademarks. Yes okay we also have a cocktail karen excellent. What would that be. That would be the bloody sunrise appropriate. Yes even more so after watching. I think have you not seen it. I have okay. But i didn't like you put together that the drink. I picked his using tequila. And it's kind of like atucha mexican kind of thing. You know what i mean. Yeah they are trying to get to mexican so basically bloody sunrise uber need one and a half ounces of tequila. This is our first tequila. Drink is it. it is and guinea three ounces of orange juice and a half ounce of grenadine. and then what he do in a collins. Glass karen you can bein. The tequila and the orange juice with ice and then you kind of poor the grenadine. Over the rams so it kinda uses down. But you know it's not really thick so it does use pretty quickly. It does is pretty quickly. But then i think to the bottom. It's basically a tequila sunrise with the grenadine. Boozed on the top. it's a pretty show as it sinks down. It does look like a sunrise. Does she'll give our listener time to make their own. At course hold on and we're back. Yes we are i can. Might you have a brief synopsis. Is i certainly do not this high do well. The amazon one is very brief credible. Which so. I'm going to read it just because i enjoy it so much so from dusk till d- on nineteen ninety-six. You ready yes. A swarm of vampires attack in the night which go on which just cracks me up because it kind of gives it all away even really accurate is it advocated. Do so much more to the film. Just wait somebody didn't like their job when they had to do that. You know. I don't know they certainly weren't getting paid by the word k. You want a real one. yes please. The gecko brothers too. Dangerous outlaws on a wild crime spree kidnap a father and his two kids and head south to a cd mexican bar to hide out and safety soon. They realize that they're not in a typical bar as the entire place begins to team with vicious bloodsucking. Vampires with the odds stacked greatly against them. The geckos are forced to team up with their hostages in order to make it out alive. All right karen. How are you ready to get into it. Yeah let's. I've got my october fest. Beer my water and my bloody sunrise. So i'm ready. Sounds like an interesting mix. We'll see from dusk-to-dawn karen from nineteen ninety six to remember nineteen ninety-six car. Do vaguely do was okay. Thanks so we start on a desert road. We see a car which look to me like a cop car. Because i had like the headlights on rear view mirror. So i kinda knew as a cop car you catch. I didn't know it was a cop car until the cop got out of it. 00:10:01 - 00:15:01 Yeah so he gets out. Apparently it's a texas ranger would say. It looks like it goes into like a convenience store of some sort. It's the world liquor if you can't find it they don't have it and there's lots of cursing i wrote by the cop but the but yeah by all of them. Everyone in this film curse a lot. His name is earl grabs a beer out air and he asked for a bottle of jack as well. Apparently it's been a hell of a day. This is where we learned that. There's been a bank robbery. in aberdeen. Apparently killed cops and civilians and they got a hostage in their head. And this guy's way yes so earls the cop and he's talking to pete the cashier and he's explaining all that yeah that there's been a bank robbery. They have a hostage and they're heading towards him. He's telling the cashier all about nursing ladies. It's going to be personal. Yeah i guess. I killed like three cops or something. But anyway so earl. This is name earl. Yes he asked if he can use the bathroom and just then george clooney and quentin tarantino. Come out of their hiding with seizures. He went to use the bathroom so the cops in the bathroom. Yeah george clooney comes out with quentin tarantino. I actually call him. Richie i think the rest of the movie quinton. You'll have to correct me. Then but again call george the whole time. But his they threatened. Pete seth and richie the gecko brothers just like you said in the synopsis. But it seth. And richie enriches a little paranoid. Yeah a little. I think he sees things that are really happening. He's a little office rocker. little twitchy. Yeah he thinks everything that the guy does is assigned to the cop to warn each crashes knows where he scratched or something right. Yeah he thinks. Pete sending signals to the cop. He's either not so. The cop comes out of the bathroom. And he wants to pay for the jack and richie jumps out. Who's quinton tarantino and kills the cop justin right in the back of the head then the store clerk but doesn't tell us made me jump really made me jump. The violence level is. This is very lineup. Movie yes extremely violent. Never graphic but it's violent and his head explodes onto the cashier and then he shoots cashier and blood splatters onto the cashier. It's enough it's pretty. It's pretty graphic for nineteen ninety-six. I guess there's just a shootout yup and the clerk pulls a gun from the safe and a gunfight ensues wrote and the two hostages escape the two girls who don't know where they came from or whatever day away. Then george tells richie clinton to shoot the bottles from behind the clerk. Short grab some toilet paper lighter and lights. It and i think he poured something on it to get what lighter fluid ronson lighter fluid. Or your zippo. Any throws the flaming toilet paper roll and the clerk catches on fire because he's covered muskie and he firebombs. Pete wanna say flammable whiskey. Yes because i couldn't get that shit to light when i needed to. But apparently they have some high proof alcohol back there. Say pete gets a raw deal. This cashier was doing everything he was supposed to do. He did everything they told him to do. And they killed him anyway. The is this just to show that quinn's office rocker. Yeah 'cause i felt bad for us going on like he was like no. I didn't do that crazy. He was all the way till the end saying he didn't do it did after the first gunfight was still arguing with them george ritchie. Wait did you see him fall into the popcorn. The pile of popcorn. Oh i don't remember that pete's on fire. He's burning alive because he's been firebombed and he falls into the popcorn display. Hung in a popcorn starts. Poppy cool go ahead. George and ritchie walked out as. They're welcome back to their car. Things are blowing up and basically place blows up and they're arguing about the meaning of low profile and then we have credits cairn and then they get in their car cairns which i made a note at looks like mercury cougar. Well it says it's a cougar. It says it on the mud those it. Yeah they even. I knew it was a cougar. Do you know what kind of cougar discount. Now i don't know what year it is. 00:15:01 - 00:20:00 I don't know anything about it. That would be your basic nineteen sixty eight. Mercury cougar are x seven. Nice yes i was gonna say. Probably worth about what greg no. Karen what do you think. What do you think that one of those is worth today. Let's say in. Let's say the high and because you always go hi like it's ancienne muscle car right. It's it's we know mercury and ford. It's came same kind of i didn't like it. Then i mean it's fine. It's the mercury kind of mustangs kind of muscle. And what year was it because you know. Let me get mine. Sixty eight let me get my calculations proper done properly here or x seven fellow not the arek sex. No in our seven okay. I'm going to say we're going to hand. Yeah okay hi and right now. Twenty five thousand high and fifty six thousand five hundred dollars according to nada in a da. What's that national automobile dealers. Associate healer. Something okay ask clubs fifty six thousand five hundred on the high end. So that's a really nice one. Do you know at the car went for the. Ms rip in nineteen sixty eight karen. Three thousand dollars. I'm going to give you that going. How much was it. According to the national automotive dealers association and was three thousand eighty one dollars. So you're only eighty one dollars. Oh i might. I might win at prices right with that one. That was good climbing back in the driving away. We see richie has a hole in his hand. Where i guess the clark shot him. Yeah the clerk did shoot him taking look right through it was kind of funny and he uses duct tape to tape it up. Yeah he duct taping his hand. Georgia's driving pop until and drink and moist leaf. Which i would think clinton would be doing with a hole in his hand but whatever lers claritin's or probably something like that claire tunes. Those are for allergies. When i know he'd probably has allergies. I don't know saying oh need all right and they do. Show us the bank teller in the trunk. Yes kind of in a cartoon like way. It was weird. I don't know see see through the trunk and see the bank teller in there tied up. So george clooney quentin tarantino. Get a room motel the do drop motel. I think it's called and we learned that they're playing. I guess georgetown quinton new plan. We're gonna go to delray mexico and give thirty percent of what they gotten a bank robbery to carlos neck and stay there as long as they want yen clinton's trying to say we should renegotiate and georgia's just shut up. And let's just get to the sanctuary then. George gives the hostage the bank teller his word that if she doesn't mess with them she will get out of this alive. Her name is gloria and she he gives her the rules basically us and if she follows the rules. He's analytic a lot but you know he seems sincere that it does these things like be quiet. Don't run you know typical hostage stuff. Then he's going to let her go missions. Yea benny leaves. He's he's says he's going to get the money so he says the money is why with them. Well it's in the attache-case in the car. Yeah and then he brings it back in but he leaves but that's later yo he does leave your leaves. He leaves quentin and gloria to watch. Tv together on the bed. Next time we meet harvey harvey keitel whose characters names jacob but and his kids at a truck stop diner. Yeah they seem like a nice family and one of his kids is wearing a precinct. Thirteen shirt which is a reference to john carpenter's escape from precinct. Thirteen i believe is what it's called in. The you know karen. The producer of the film is in the first booth behind them rarely as the waitress walks by the first guy. She passes sitting in a booth by himself. That's the producer of the film. So we learned that harby her. Jacob i call him harvey i keep calling harvey the whole time so whatever that just call him. Dad harvey's a preacher who is lost. 00:20:00 - 00:25:01 His face cairn yeah. He's says he doesn't believe in god. Enough to be a pastor so he's with two kids a daughter and a son the son scott is adopted. he's chinese. Yeah so that would be rare because usually only the daughters are adopted. But scott eddie. Yeah so scott. Gets up to use the restroom and katie asks her dad if he believes in god anymore. And there's more at fom made our notes. Yeah this is where we find out. He still believes but not enough to be a pastor. Asked what would what do you think. Mom with thank. Where would mom say. And he says mom went say anything. She's dead right so apparently mom has passed on. Then we cut back to. I guess though motel where you wanna talk about the news report. Tv as i'm gonna talk about. Oh yeah they're watching tv. And it's kelly preston telling the story with a smile i wrote. She looks way too. Happy to be reporting. And there's a death toll count and they changed the numbers kind of like a telethon and now we got this many dead rangers and this many dead cops and this many dead civilians. She's very happy to report. It reminded me of the don henley song dirty laundry. That would work now. They can tell you about the plane crash with the gleam in there. I you know and we see john saxon as the fbi agent but we never see him again. Oddly the is oh is that the makeup guy. No that's the actor playing saxon action. Now you know if you saw. I did see am i know. But he stuff okay. He was a he was not ronan street right. He was the dad nightmare. Elm street right. The cop dead is he always a cop pretty much. He looks like a cop sometimes. He's like a evil bionic person. Six million dollar man and things like that. Yeah gotcha but yeah. He tells the reporter. It's personal now. yes so next george. Clooney comes back with a big cahuna burger for women's look pretty good to me. Apparently that's at tarantino's trademark is. Well burger the big cahuna burger. Apparently lots of his films involve fast food place called baker. so george comes with the burger. Who wants to know. Where is the hostage. Richie says in there right. Yeah when we let left gloria. She was sitting on the bed with quentin tarantino watching her shoes off. Yes watches another thing. Tb they were watching tv together when he came back. What had happened chiyo. Yep gloria also got raw deal. I'm just gonna sit. Apparently ritchie rapes and kills. Her and george is not happy about it. he's he's mad very upset next see harvey and his kids. They're stopping at the do drought motel as well to get a room and there. We should say they're driving. I call it a winnebago. What is it. that's an rv rv. So the kids are kind of making fun of him because he has obviously been telling them they won't need to stop for anything their self contained because they're in an rv so a fact that there's stopping is big deal and that's a reference from. I guess it's race with the devil. I remember being on tv. But apparently they use that same line. And it's kind of an homage when he says that he harvey wants to sleep in an actual bed and they stop at the do drop motel which is not a nice place. Dad says it's basic but it's a flop house like the daughter says she wants a pool. She does only there is one. Yeah i agree. We see her in a bikini very shortly unless you just walking around in a bikini now she was wet too so she was swimmers so when they pull in they almost hit george yes but then they. They say he's creepy and but they still get a room and then pretty soon. There's a knock at the door. Poor dad just laid down on the bed. Nets ritchie bor quinton. He wants to borrow an ice bucket. Well he pretends to want to borrow an ice bucket. Yeah and they pull guns and comes. George so i got two hostages then. There's there's lots of racial remarks than the singing. Yes so they come in and they're threatening the dad and his son yes. This is where we learned. He's actually chinese. Not japanese and kate comes in right in her bikini scenes. 00:25:01 - 00:30:00 Yeah right as all this is going on. She just comes back from the pool so attack her hostage to clinton's a bit taken with her. Yes and george nosy. Is i think everyone in the room knows he is so tells her to go get close on to the bath and get dressed yet three minutes. What's happening is they wanna take the family in the rv to travel. Because they've been watching tv and everybody's coming for him cops fbi. Everyone is big dragnet. And they think they're going to catch him within forty eight hours. Yes so they're looking for a way out where they won't be discovered and george who smart thinks they can go in the rv and the dead karbi kyw tell says. Just take me. Don't take the kids as any parent would you know. But that's not what they do not take them all do so the next day. I guess they're in the rv to mexico. Harvey george or having a chat as harvey's driving and georges. I can his wallet. I guess and finds a picture of harvey and his wife and harvey tells them how his wife died in a car accident. And cam just one of those things right sad. Then george abc's he has like a a minister card or something. I don't know what they are. You don't have one no card. That shows he's an ordained minister. Whatever yeah harvey tells. Georgie was a preacher buddy. Taking a break george ask. Hey is this for real or you just like rip off the irs. Yes we're you are ordained online or is this a real deal. And he says it's surreal. So george tells them they just have to get to mexico spend the night and then he'll let them go let them go gives his word again. Yup which we know is fantastic. Next we see cates bare feet is. That's another quentin tarantino. Trademark is barefoot fetish k. Which is why. He asked the woman to take her shoes off. You know even though he had issues on apparently in the bed but it comes into play later again to bare feet so anyway they get to the border. There is one place where harvey says. If quinton touches his daughter he will kill them in charge. Fair enough which i thought was kinda funny. Yeah okay take him out. Because i think he says you saw the way richie was looking your daughter right. Yeah he's like you didn't like digital said nope so they get to the border towns cops yep and scott. The son wants his dad to tell him what's going on the harvey says. No nope. we're gonna play this my way. Then cheech marin comes up the border cop cheech. Marin the first time we see him yes. Cheech has multiple roles in this fills so the brothers hide in the bathroom with kate and harvey says. I'm running the show to sun and you're not sure if the sun's gonna squeal you can't really tell as the audience member you don't know is he going to tell or not tell and then the reason that cheech is he walks up and harvey says it's just me and my son. And then there's george and quinton are fighting in the bathroom -cause clinton's a dumb ass base versions of knocking him out right and then they hear that commotion and then the dad says oh i mean my is with us too. She's in the bathroom. I meant to say me my son and my daughter and this is when cheek says i'm gonna come aboard bright which you would because he didn't make any sense episode teach goes in there knocks on the sliding curtain of the bathroom and opens it. And there we see kate on the toilet right there piaster ankles. She sitting on the toilet yes so teaches. Argue are sorry but he does like keep looking as. He's closing the curtained gross. But whatever they make it into mexico karen gear. They crossed the border. Well we should say that clinton and george are hiding in the shower. So george has knocked quinton out. So he's holding him up and they're hiding pointing a gun at kate she and opens the door. Yeah right so she won't say anything and he just closes it because all he sees is a girl in the bathroom. So next george gives harvey directions to the bar which is out in the middle of nowhere. Yes which works well for them to twister bar. I believe it's called. That's what it's called when they arrive at the bar. 00:30:01 - 00:35:00 You can't miss this place. I mean it's neon and flames and it just seems to appear in the middle of the desert and cheech is outside and his second role playing the travel barker getting people to come in and look at the naked ladies which is weird. It's fun it's supposed to be funny. But why else would you have stopped there. I mean it's in the middle of nowhere. There is nothing else around it so if you stopped you're already going to go in. I guess he's he's talking about the wears he's trying to sell up sell. Upsell you shall we say with different types of female genitalia. Yes yes all different. So i guess. He's trying to get all the kinds. Yeah so if you're coming in there than you need to not just drink. You need to purchase some of the items on display. Shall we say yes so. Apparently the bar closes at dawn and carlos. Who's their contact for this. Del ray place is going to come meet them there. Sometimes before it closes some time before. Dawn then i may note. There's more foul language. There's foul language throughout this whole film. No one can say a sentence without saying drop in an f-bomb or some other foul word. Right i don't think i guess i didn't make a note of it. It is a lot anyway so cheech stops. George is going to go in because he's kind of bouncer guy. Whatever i don't know georgia's making everybody go in and have drinks with them. Yes kosice in a good mood. They've made it to mexico. So everyone the kids. The pastor his brother. Everybody's going in for drinks. 'cause he's not going to drink alone. Cheech stops george but tries to george beat up teach his hand and then clinton comes back out and kicks him a few times just for good measure so they go into the bar. Cairn run into a little trouble by my count. Karen we see twelve bare breasts. You're gonna have to get out a calculator for this twelve. I think twelve. I counted twelve. We see more later. But i think they're just repeat so i didn't count so twelve bare breasts k. From the girls dancing. Gogo danson's seora. Yeah they're more just writhing. I thank the dance. So then i wrote danny tries to throw malabar because it's Dany trae oh yeah. He plays a good bad guy. His character is raised. charlie. But danny trae ho. He's the bartender tries to throw them out of the bar. Because we tells george she can't drink there because that places for bikers truck drivers only and he is obviously neither of those. It's vip are like a members only bar or something. Yeah something weird. But harvey convinces them that because he's driving an rv and he has like the proper license right to drive the rv activities a truck driver so he counts and these are his friends so say okay and then we hear st ravon mary. How little lamb. I did like the music in this. I made a good soundtrack later. Yeah we heard jimmy. Von st ravon. These top. I know you're them later. And this is where we tom. Savini whose characters name sex machine. Oh is that who he is. Okay well the pastor saves the day they get the whiskey with five glasses and they ask for a waitress to be sent over. And then i wrote down this a rough bar man. There's just chaos everywhere but yeah we meet sex machine with his dick gun. Isn't that what it's called. It's what i would call it karen. But i wouldn't have said at night and stuff. Yeah so sorry to delhi. He has a cod piece. That okay consoles bad. A barrel comes out. He's got to six round cylinders. It look like balls. Kinda i call it as i see it. Yes it is. It's an ex. Kate and scott slammed drinks. George george makes the kids drink. Basically he makes him. He kind of does he make. I mean he makes. I know doesn't want any in harvey doesn't want any but cases cheryl i'll try and one and would enjoy says you want another. Yes please even though you can tell it. Burned all the way down but he wants another. Yes please i would like another. T's very polite. 00:35:00 - 00:40:02 And then scott drinks one yes and harvey tries to convince george that he has one right well because george wants to go beat up the guy who did he wanted he wanted to go. Beat up someone. Oh the guy who grabbed him when they said he wasn't allowed to drink there right. He says he wants to go smash the bottle over his head and haris likes. Drink this bottle unless smash it over. That guy's harvey's like what the hell is wrong with you. You such a loser that you don't know when you've won you're in mexico dumb ass george george stakes antithesis you say that to me again and he does accept the bank leaves the dumb ass out but i don't think he said dumb ass but i'm just saying it made the net bomb so next what happens next the star of the show comes out carrying salma hayek right. Yep app does a little dance with a snake. Mr said the macabre the most sinister woman in the world yeshua hurt stay her character's name is sandton. Santa nocco pandora him. Something like that. Did you know that she has a real fear of snakes or she did up until this film and she spent two months in therapy prior to filming so she could do this scene. Well it's quite to seem yes and they also. There was also no choreography for her. They told her it's go with it. Just feels a music can do what you want. So that's what she did ride with music dance she does. It's it is. I just wrote selma does a dance with snake. Because that's a very long well not very long. It's she's good. I mean it's mesmerizing for everyone watching at home and everyone watching in the bar and she pours whiskey or something over her foot right from her knee like her knees to into quin tarantino's mouth which is more of his barefoot thing l. Did you see john. Bon jovi the audience. No he's not really audience but somebody with those with his big hair and those round sunglasses do you remember. He used to wear those. They showed it a couple times. At first i was. I'm like i'm not gonna write it. Then they showed him like three times. So yeah here's where. I made a not too good soundtrack. It is even the music to play in. Washi- dancing is i. I dig it even though it's by that house ban which is actually a real band but they play the house band there. I'm talking about. Yeah yeah the tarantula. That's the name of the house band. No it was all good. The music was good. But she's definitely focused on quinton you know. She's picked him out the crowd so she does her dance. And everyone applauds. And george says that's the greatest show ever like that. And then we hear. Stephen ray vaughan. The whip elegant song then cheech comes in the doormat. Yeah so he's recovered from his injuries from them his character is. This point is named chet pussy karen. That's not surprising. So he he comes in seeking revenge. Basically yes fighting sues all hell breaks loose and the shoot. A bunch of bullets in the a lot more than guns will hold. Its pretty sure but again. That's another that's rodriguez thing. Though robert rodriguez. I think that's one of his things. Always they always fires seven shots in six donald six. They fire seven his one of his things. Well yeah and then clinton's hand historic trip and blood. Well you know why because it's knifed. Yes somebody knifes his hand. There's a so much. I make a note of everything going on. I guess there's a big fight and the only reason that's important so someone knifes his duct tape hand to the table and it just to the table yes stabs that's the right word and blood just starts dripping off been he pulls out. The knife hand is dripping blood. And that gets selma's attention she. She's she likes that she's she turns. Yep and katie tries to warn. I know i noticed that too. Yeah she says. Richie look out but it's too late too late. She bites him. She bites him. Then they all start turning into vampires. Yeah everybody who was. They had shot just sits back up. Like they're everybody's coming back alive in demand pires. Everybody who works there at this place is a vampire and it's a feeding frenzy man. It is law the patrons are not vampires and they all get devoured. Yeah heads are flying everywhere right. Heads are just decapitated. Heads or flying everywhere. Kate has to shove. She was wearing a cross. She shoved at sheets from some chat pussy played by cheech mayor. 00:40:03 - 00:45:05 Kate and she has to have a cross necklace on her person and she shoves it down his throat right yeah and he explodes and sex machines killing lots of vampires frost who we guy. We don't know if they ever say his name but it's just called him. The vietnam guy forever and his character's name is frost. he's him and tom savini taken out significantly. Yeah which is pool cues and whatever yeah table legs and chairlifts. It's crazy. I mean it's like they've done it before so something like oh here we go again. We gotta kill all the vamps in here. I don't know they just seemed very calm. Cool and collected about it like okay. We're just gonna start doing this. And then salma tells george she is going to make him her slave. She's going to bite him but she's not going to drain him. He's gonna be her slave right and she just happens to be standing under ashamed earlier so he shoots the chandelier in it follows down on and paler than she gone so was she was on top of him right so she was standing. She was lying down. Oh she was. She had her foot on him or something on them. Yeah yeah okay and then so. Why did that kill her. Did it steak or somehow elder. I'm sure it's wooden chandelier. I thought it was silver. Something that's why it made her explode. I don't know i couldn't figure it out. But yeah she's gone so and then there's basically a rumble of four girls and four guys that are left and the guys win. Well apparently for us acros demand and he posed the heart from one the vampires. Yeah that was kinda gross. But that didn't kill them until they stuck a pencil. And tom savini stabbed it with the pencil. Yeah so they kill all the vampires well they all the vampires start to burn. Yeah for some reason right. They go to the door but it is barred. And they can't get out. And then george finds richie and starts talking to him you by basically apologizing for not keeping him safe or whatever and eternal tender moment quinton turns. Yeah into a vampire then. Tom savini goes to kill. Richie but george stops him for some reason. Because george tells the others holding hold ritchie and george pounds a pool cue through his chest so he kills them himself. Maybe that's why i think. At first. he thought he might be redeemable but then he turns right in front of him because he kind of went back to a more normal face for a second and then he went to the turned face. But i don't like how these vampires look. They're all different. They look like sea creatures or something. They're all different some undo salone. Dome they all get that. They look like they're not the handsome vampire's say they all get that kinda scaly alien look or something. I don't know it's not my type of empire originally thought that tom savini did the special effects makeup to as well as acting but apparently he did not maybe he just wanted to act. Maybe he was fine. I mean you know. Atop survey was fine the makeup department. I have more makeup artists and actors so well i can see that baton sabinas not one of them so robert. Kirkman was makeup affec- supervisor these priests well known for that shit but maybe one bad now it's different like even salma like turned them like almost like a snake at snake like. Yeah i just. I don't like those effects but see you're an only so. You don't have a sibling. But i don't think i could state my sibling. I think i would let other people do it. I don't think i could have done it now later what kate has to do. I could probably done that but i. I don't think i could stay my siblings. Not if there were other people around who could do it so there you go. My siblings are listening. I'm not going to stake you have to do it. It's so hard to know because it's life or death if they're on top of you about to kill you then maybe you could you know but he had switched back and forth and there were other people there who were available to as you said. I have no siblings but mean well john. My son right. We've all met john right. He's been on the podcast but we have talked about it when the walking dead it was a big thing we discussed all that does not surprise and i also know that you would not have any problem shooting each other's heads off probably would be. My guess would do what we had to do. So next ellen. Show no remorse. No hesitation sorry next. 00:45:05 - 00:50:01 A bunch of bats arrive outside the bar. They hear the wings flapping. Yeah yes and then. A legless vampire grabs. Kate and tob savini puts a stake through his heart. Then they decide to stay all the other people who are bitten before they turn right right which is a good plan which the sex machine and the what was his name frost or whatever else seemed to be like. I said exceedingly good at it. And and kate has some trouble she. Yeah she hesitates and then he wakes up and she she does it but kind of cute right the blonde any look. He looked normal but then he turned but kate does wants. The guy turns she stabbed and then. Yeah yeah tom. Savini gets bid on the arm but he puts jacket onto no no see it then they start talking about Crosses george kind takes charge. He's like okay. We're dealing with vampires. I don't believe don't believe what i've seen. Oh yeah so what do we know about vampires and they kind of go over anybody. Read a book right. Not just the movie shit vinny. Has anybody read an actual book which turns out. No but they do. The usual stuff crosses holy water steaks to everybody gotta croston. Someone's has no inter than i think. It's scott kid says well we can fashion across of anything and somebody says peter cushing desert all the time that was good one who was in the movie. We did horror of dracula correct current. Yes yes i think. That's even in their x ray. Said that is a reference to horror of dracula. But then george tells the others. That harvey was a preacher but lost his faith and harvey punches. George ryton of mouth right. In the kisser george once harvey to become a servant of god again so he can make bless the water. Make it holy water correct. Yes an we learn. This is where we learned that frost of vietnam veteran because he talks about a situation where he was a sole survivor and telling the story which is basically. They're all standing there listening. While savini said his name starts to turn and as frost tells a story. Toms vini turns tom. Savini comes up and bites. Frost thought that was kind of a dick move. They were fighting together. But i guess once you're bam you don't have those feelings anymore. And then he bites harvey. Yeah that was a bummer to our retail. So for ost throws thomson amini through the door which let's all the batson and that was turns so you think he did down purpose. No i couldn't tell because of all the places to throw him. Why throw him there as soon as the best come in. He turns it very convenient to me right. He turned a lot quicker than i ever went else. Though that is the case it's true. He did turn extremely quickly. So then george and the kids find a tunnel looks like catacombs or something but they end up in a room room which has all the of the cargo that They assumed the vampires have collected from all the truck drivers and things have are people that have come by and they've taken. Yeah if you're amazon. Package doesn't show up. That's where it is right. I mean it's all the truckers cargo via right. Yes harvey forms across from a gun and a piece of work so harvey's left in the bar because he got bitten. George basically thinks he's dead. So the kids in georgia in this room and we don't know where harvey is and then the next scene we see harvey's behind the bar lead all the vampires are out there. I mean hundreds of them basically. Nobody's got like a pump shotgun which is as a pistol grip on a piece of wood and he's formed across out of them. I think it's a baseball bat. And he's he's made it so that he can pump shotgun with the other piece of wood which is pretty cool. Harvey makes his way down the tunnel to where george and his kids are so they let harvey in. Yeah he pounds on the door. Let me in let me. And they open it and their search crates shipments but then he tells them he's bit yes they come up with weapons and whatnot to combat vampires like george attach his a stake to like a jackhammer or some shit. Aladdin staked a jackhammer. Heading wasn't quite sure what he did. But yeah and they oh condoms and squirt guns with holy water. That harvey blesses his right. He's found god again. 00:50:02 - 00:55:07 Harvey carves crosses into the bullets that he has and kate has a bow out. There's yeah crossbow. Harvey makes his kids. Swear to god that they will kill him when he turns. Yeah yeah and at first they say yes your dad and then he makes him do it again where he threatens to kill himself if they don't say they're gonna do it right when it happens so so they go through the door. And there's i wrote there's a staredown but before we dream them in the vampire right. How many vampires thinker out there. Thirty fifty. At least fifty. Do you think they have enough ammunition. It just seemed to me like this. That scott kids got like a whole bunch of condoms around his neck like a string or something and he's squirt gun full of holy water and cates. Got a whole bunch of eros. And i didn't see all the extra eros until. But i mean you've got to reload i i don't know i said they are woefully unprepared. But they do okay as we'll find out. And then they start killing vampires with their weapons and cates an amazing shot. Who's never shot a crossbow. Problem assuming she's never shot across bell. I don't know but she is killer on with this thing. Literally killer but george decapitates. Tom savini with his whip. Pretty cool in cape puts an arrow right through his. I but then tom savini turns into i wrote a some kind of rat creature but i guess technically it was a vampire dog l. I don't know why that happened to the x. Ray says he's decapa to i. Guess it's hard isn't pierced can still keep going. Yes okay was in kate event of shooting with arrow too. So you go now she. Oh that's right. So he's who's he got. Pinned down. George and kate whistles. George looks and then yeah holds up. The i thought it was a rat to and she shoots it. Yeah and harvey and pails frost with his gun and as he does. He's like shooting other vampires with the gun. Yeah that was pretty pretty gruesome and then harvey starts to turns our bites scott his own. I know i was so surprised to see. I mean the first time. I remember the first time i saw which might have even been in a movie theater. I never asked. You've seen it before. Yeah i've seen it before. And i think in theater but i'm not a hundred percent sure but when i the the fact that harvey's actually bitten you know you think they're all gonna make it. That's usually how these things go. Not maybe in these you know in tarantino films but in general you think everybody's gonna walk out the original story. They all did make original draft. They all day but he changed it because the fact that in the script he bites his own son. Oh god it's much better. Probably i guess it's more heart wrenching. That's for sheridan. Scott hit harvey with holy water and half his head disintegrates and then he blows it off his head off with a gun right. Yeah his dad. Ned and then scott eaten well. He's yeah he they get him. And there's like six or eight vampires just going at him and he rings. He's looking at his sister and says kill me. Kate just kill me. She does along with all the other vampires on right then. Light starts streaming in karen through holes in the walls and things in the bar so much. So it's down to george and kate. That's who's left with all these vampires. Yeah and then. It's dawn is coming ange. George says shoot more whole shoot more holes than they do in. Carlos arrives and shoots the door down. That's georgia's contact you. Ask but just occurred to me. Didn't they already like bust the door down when they through the due through it. So shouldn't the we open. I'm not sure it was. That was the door to the actual outside or if it was the door to another part of the bar i don't i couldn't tell but yeah they're like they say. Shoot the door. Break the door down but you're right it could be and the sunlight comes streaming in and it hits the disco ball and that's my favorite moment when the sun light reflects off the disco ball. And yeah and it just goes everywhere. Started exploding yeah. I thought that's it. That's a nice creative touch right there. The disco ball so then they're outside. And george explains the carlos who has cheech again right that the bar was full vampires and they argue. 00:55:07 - 01:00:01 And couldn't you find a better place. what was what. what the hell man. What's your deal. And basically they agree on a twenty five percent of the lute instead of thirty. He says it. You know it's in the middle of nowhere no cops and what's the difference between one place in another well apparently a lot. Yeah they renegotiate. And george tells kate he is sorry and she is sorry to and george gives kate a stack of money and she wants to go with him today right she asks if he wants. Company s george tells kate go home. Twenty tells her yeah he says i'm a bastard but i'm not that much of a bastard gotten. She got no mom. No dad no brother. No nothing george. Wants her to go home. I wonder how old she was supposed to be mouth. She could be pretty close to eighteen. Probably was it was a juliette lewis. The actress played in many things. Yeah she's she's a famous actor for sure she leaves in the winnebago. George drives off to ray following carlos in the porsche which was part of their deal. Apparently it leaves in the. Oh yeah the winnebago. Rv then we panned out from the re- over the bar karen nc the a pullback. Yeah it's an part of at the top of an aztec pyramid. This shot when i first saw this movie. I think i gasped. I mean i was like oh. It's that is extremely clever. You know it was impressive. I thought when you pulled back and it's a big pit behind it and there's trucks and skeletons and all kinds you can see where they've hidden everything. Although i guess if you just looked at it you could see it but everything is off the back. And it's it's an aztec. I call it a temple but you know the pyramids with the steps down. I thought it was. I thought that was awesome. Plus sequel and then we have credits as easy top songs playing and seen i karen. What'd you think anything. You were pleasantly surprised. I you think you liked in particular. I mean it's a good movie. I liked it. I particularly like the disco ball. It kind of felt like. I don't know if it felt like to you kinda like two movies. I guess they needed them to bond with the family or something. But i don't know the first part of the movie seemed almost separate than the second part to me is. You could almost just had them walk in the bar. I you know. I mean. I get i get it. You have to have a reason to go in there and all of those things but really the kinda like family guy where the show starts one thing and ends up being something completely different. I don't know i don't watch. Family is yeah. It seems like you could have shortened the movie. 'cause all the action to me and stuff happens in the bar. That's where all the shocks action prior to that. Though i love but you could you could have taken out. They didn't have to have gloria. They didn't have to have like there was just all this extra stuff they could have just started has a long wick. Floyd i thought about it right does. Yeah but it just of a slow burn. But i could've cut out. Oh my god. I laughed. I caught myself laughing several times throughout this valley. George clooney was great. I thought he was great in this film. And i think this is the first film you know. Let's he on. Er got he already. He was on e. r. I think this was his still. I like george clooney like him in this. He has that likable nece about him. Even when he's a piece of shit like that you know there's just something about him when you're gloria and you're in the room and you're listening and you you kind of believe it you know. Or when he's just talking with harvey when they're driving along even though he's an asshole you kinda still like him you know. I don't know he's got that charisma or something around him. That makes people liken. It's believable in the movie that she would wanna go with him at the end because he's just got that this was his first major hollywood role. I like george clooney. I liked all the actors again. I like him in this. So i keep saying this referred to as a horror comedy to lots of places. 01:00:02 - 01:05:00 There are researching it. Lots of horror comedy crime drama. It's lots of things you think else enjoy. I will say. I was surprised the first time i saw it. You know that the vampires were when they all turned in the bar. I had no idea that was going to happen. I didn't know anything about the movie when i saw it. I wasn't prepared for that. That was a good twist. And certainly the pullback at the end where you see it's an aztec temple is i remembered that shot you know. After the first time i saw it i was so it made such an impression on me. I mean there was enough humor in it to cut through the gore. It's well placed humor. You know it's a it takes you to a certain place where it's getting all crazy and then there's something humorous and brings you back down. Sits a good ride. I think i found myself laughing. George clooney gazette several times and it wasn't george clooney. He was saying not hilarious. So you liked it. Yeah i did. And it's funny. Because i just watched it right before pretty much. We started recording. And i put it off and put it off. I'm like i watched this movie. And then i was like guys thoroughly enjoyed it once. I started watching it. What was your pick. I know i know. I guess i was the same. I enjoyed it more than i thought i would. I've seen it before. So i guess i just didn't remember how good it was. Yeah i saw it like much later than you. Because i saw. It wasn't a longo on cable. So i'm sure it was a lot of cut out. You know it was on tv. A lot of it was cut out of the language. I'm sure it was cut out. I mean it could have been on a movie chain or something. I don't know but still anything. You were buried disappointing. I wasn't very disappointed. Anything like i said. I think it was a little long. I think it was a little incongruent. The first and the second part. The first part could have been a little shorter. I think i understand what they were doing. Establishing the brothers relationship making sure you knew clinton was a loose cannon. You know showing the pastor had no faith sing it for the second time or whatever. Now i knew that was in it. You know all that early stuff but it went a lot quicker. It seemed to me this time watching it. The night expected it. Would i thought it would be longer. But it wasn't my god. No it just seemed like there's a complete movie from the moment they walk in the bar until the end like that could be a complete movie with a little bit in the front of who they are and so i get it i think it. I don't hate that. They did that like i said. I enjoyed the movie but just seemed like two different movies to me like you could have. It could have been a lot shorter. But i liked it. I there was just a lot of clinton's a loose cannon like. You didn't need the bank teller hostage. You didn't need that. You didn't need him to kill her. You could see once he blew up the sheriff and poor pete in the liquor store that was his name right. pete once you've seen that g really need to see more you kind of know what it does tell you like later. When he's dealing with kate no no his background you know that he he would rape her and kill her in a second if you had the chance kind of know that when he blows up blows off the cops head you know he's a rapist when he does say no but i guess but i mean like i said i. It's fine i get it. I just think it was a long movie to me. Well i think it was all knowing what he did before brought more attention to when all the scenes with him and kate you know what i mean yes. I agree disappointed in. I mean it was gory. But that's part of the gig. So not really. I'm not gonna say i'm disappointed in that. Okay implied gore. I don't like those movies as much but it's fine. It's a good movie it's just me personally. I don't like the gore as much but it definitely played well. It's necessary in the movie. That's kinda what the movie is. If you cut that out there wouldn't be you know if you so i get it. But i mean. I physically jumped or cried out when he shot the cop in the back of the head or the knife went through his hand onto the table. I was like oh. 'cause i wasn't expecting it all right kind of cocktail rating beginning this one. How many tales. Now that's what you get through it. What do you think is tough. 01:05:02 - 01:10:01 What do you think might be a to you know. I think it's i agree. I mean i'd i'd give it a tour three whatever you wanted. We don't do. Have i'd give it a two and a half you know. I don't think kids who. I think it's better than a lot of the movies that we've given threes too. I was entertained entertained. And you know there were relation real relationships established and real conflicts that needed to be resolved. And you know when you have to shoot your own brother or kill your own father or you know. Those are complex relationships to deal with. You know you're not just fighting way out and kill anything that moves your killing people who who you care about. That's a different level of a movie. I think what did you think of our cocktail karen. Our he's is it's good. I added a little more orange juice. I didn't know you added a little more key. Ally guests feel either. I might have added a little orange. She's too. Because i spilled it. So i think i had tasty. Yeah good anything. We learned today here. And that's a tough one. Oh well the cougar. Nineteen sixty eight mercury cougar. Rx got one right. Well not in. Today's market i don't know. Did we learn anything else. I mean there's a vampire lore but we already kind tarantino's trademark things that were in it but to other than that so bare feet. We need to watch for busy. Music was good true. The soundtrack is good can pull up the soundtrack. And what's what are the actual songs on it. It's an excellent soundtrack. It goes very well with the movie. We have dark knight performed by the blasters. Mexican blackbird performed by z. Top texas funeral performed by john j. o. n. wayne foolish heart performed by the mavericks d. e. n. g. u. e. How do you say that karen. Dang dang stevie ray on there. Yeah this one is jimmy. Yvonne stang women blues. Is jim van. Then you have torque lay performed by the leftovers than you have. She's just killing me. Which was the song that they played during the closing credits by z. Top and there's angry cockroaches performed by tito in the tarantula which much minnesota played in the bar. Mary had a little lamb by steve. Ray vaughan captain tito's willie the win. Steve ray vaughan to a good soundtrack is that a clinton tarantino thing because a lot of his movies have excellent soundtracks. I would say so and neither one of us mentioned that when all hell breaks loose and the band is still playing when they turned into vampires. They're playing a dead body at strings. On which how would you even plug that in to make any noise. But whatever they're playing like a is it a base that's basically a dead person was weird to tar. But yeah i can next choice. You're gonna love it. No no you're ready grow on. Yes it's the nineteen fifty eight film. The blob bob. Why did you pick this film karen. Because i've never seen it and st scott steve mcqueen in it so i figured it's another one of those movies that's a classic that i think should be in my repertoire. I think i should have seen it by now. You have a drink. You can even matter at this one. Okay come on free. Make jello shots up. Because it's a blob. All right one of the reasons. I picked it. I was looking up like halloween parties and stuff and the most requested cocktail recipe for halloween. In ohio is the jello shots. Because they're putting him in syringes now. I thought okay. I'm going to go with that. So you're gonna boil one cup of water on stove top four three ounce box gelatin. Mix into a mixing bowl. Pour boiling water over. The jello and whisk until the jello is completely dissolved. Add vodka and cold water half-cup each to the mixing bowl whisks to combine everything together. And then you dole amount into two ounce plastic cups or you can just kinda put it in a bowl and scoop it out into one big old cup. 01:10:01 - 01:11:46 You can put whipped cream on it if you want. It was basically gelo and vodka. And you're telling me well yet half water half black yeah. It looks like you're taking half the water out and put block in life so you making a blob. Yep that's what we're doing all right anyone. You need to thank cairns. We should think stacy for leaving us a great review on apple podcasts. Thanks stacy thanks stacy. You're the best kissed. You are because reviews really. Help us build the podcast audience. Doing us can well. You need to thank verse thirteen. Yes i do need the. I thirteen for letting us use their music and the podcasts lee. Really do appreciate it. There was linked in the show notes. Anything else please. Drink responsibly various. Hey it's karen and i'm here to talk to you about getting social with us. Did you know you can follow us on facebook. Instagram and youtube at scary spirits. Podcast or check out our website. Scary spirits dot com. If you something to say email us at info at scary spirit dot com and as always thanks so much for listening please drink responsibly